Chapter FOUR

I consider retaliating, but as my gaze darts between the three of them, I realise I am outnumbered. I want to scream and yell, but all that comes out is a muffled whimper.

My attention is drawn to the knife. That fucking knife, it, has the potential to kill me; it gleams, casting hues of light on the brick walls, and its jagged edge scares the living daylights out of me. The first tall, lean guy with a mean-looking tattoo on his neck approaches me, his eyes heavy on my breasts as my chest rises and falls in fear.

I cock my head, gazing upward at the helpless sky, then down into the alley's darkness and beyond these goons. There is no sign of help, I am alone, and perhaps if I beg, they will feel sorry for me and release me.

"Please," I plead. "You don't have to do this; I'm broke," I tell them honestly.

As I continue to plead, acting like a frightened kitten, they laugh at me, their repulsive laughter breaking the atmosphere's silence,

"You're fucking sexy when you beg."

What the fucking fuck! I express to myself, swallowing the fear coaxing the back of my throat.

That's not the reaction I was hoping for, if they dont want to rob me of my possessions, they...


They want to rape me, of course, me begging like a helpless damsel in distress will turn these sickos on. I can only imagine how turned on they'll get if they find out I have no underwear on.

My only option is survival; I must fight back and make it difficult for their evil intentions to succeed. My eyes scan the area and discover nothing but empty cans, bottles, and food wrappers.

"NO.. FUCCK OFF!!!" I scream as loudly as I can and bend down picking up an empty beer bottle, smashing it against the wall as I point it at him.

Shards of broken glass lay at my feet, I'm terrified; fear has completely consumed me, and I'm doing my best not to pass out.

I thrust the broken bottle forward, my eyes are as large as saucers. I have no intention of stabbing the ugly bastard, but if he thinks my pleading is sexy, I'm hoping my acting like a psychotic bitch will sway him.

He titters, cleaning his teeth with the tip of the knife as he faces his pals, who have joined in on the laughter at my expense. The man spits on the ground and advances at me, his hand dragging across his bald head. We fight over the bottle as he slams me against the brick wall, my head making a sickening cracking sound as it collides with it.

"I'm going to have a blast objectifying you." He sneers and licks the side of my face, a trail of his saliva staining my skin, and when I feel him let go of the bottle, cupping my breast like a twelve-year-old virgin, I plunge it directly into his abdomen.

I gasp, my fingers suddenly feel warm and wet and I watch as his face contorts into a shocked expression, "Fuck!!" he howls as blood pools around his hands, and he staggers back.

I bring my hands to my face as I let the broken bottle slide from my grip and notice that they are covered in his crimson liquid blood. His friends apprehend him, their gazes darting between him and me.

"I..I didn't mean to," I cry out. "He.. He w..was going to hurt me." I stutter as I watch them try everything they can to stop the bleeding.

"You're dead, bitch!" One of them growls and casts a brief glance back at me. "Fucking DEEEAAD..."

My body trembles profusely as I shake my head, a sudden fog starts to cloud my mind with tears streaming down my face. "I..I.."

The next thing I know, my feet are moving and I'm sprinting away from the crime scene

I make my way out of the alley, kicking off my heels, and turn back to see one of the men chasing me, his long black hair pulled back into a ponytail and his mouth adorned with a gold tooth. I pick up my heels and run across the road, the sound of screeching tyres filling the air as people slam on their brakes in an attempt to avoid colliding with me as I continue to run across the busy road.

My feet ache with each stride, stones, broken glass, and gum adhere to me like glue, and I wince whenever my feet slap against the pavement. I dash through the crowds, barging my way through in an attempt to outrun the goon.


I scream, ducking my head as the sound of gunfire disperses the crowds, and my steps remain steady. Rather than that, I find myself sprinting towards the one location from which I desperately attempted to flee less than 24 hours ago.

However, my inner goddess understands that I am powerless; Ace and his men are my only hope for survival. The price he'll exact from me will be far less frightening than dying at the hands of a merciless man on a rampage seeking justice for his Godforsaken friend.

I squeeze through the small gap in the fence, screaming as my arm is sliced by a protruding piece of metal. Blood streams down my arm, leaving a trail of red crimson liquid in my wake, and I make my way up the stairs when another loud, BANG! crackles through the air.

"Ace, Ace, please...." I scream, slamming my open hand against the large oak wooden door furiously.

It yanks open seconds later, Ace stands in front of me with his arms crossed and a scowl on his face, while his friends rush out the door, shooting.

"Well, well, well... Take a look at what the cat dragged back." As he drags me back inside the house by the roots of my hair and slams the door behind us, he snickers and shakes his head, leading me towards the stairs.

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