Chapter 8
Elaina spent most of the morning in the gym practicing fighting techniques.
Slowly she practiced maneuvers imagining her opponent countering them and then thinking of something completely different.
Pulling a dagger from her boot she swiped it through the air stepping from one side to the other. Only stopping long enough to debate the right place to plant it to destroy her attacker. With a graceful leap she pictured it disappearing into a chest, piercing the heart hidden below it.
“Seems that an imaginary friend of yours is dead.” A voice said behind her.
Elaina turned to face Chase, “Too bad, I was imagining it was you.” She gave a sweet smile putting her dagger back in its holder. “I have to say you weren’t much of a challenge.”
“I guess my imaginary self is lazy, I can assure you it would take a lot more than that to even knock me down.” Chase flashed a brilliant smile, Elaina watched as he shrugged off his jacket. Flexing he raised an eyebrow to her. “Would you like to try the real me out for size?”
“Are you just trying to come up with a reason to push my buttons Mr. Gregory?” Elaina countered positioning herself for any surprise attack Chase might try.
Chase continued smiling, “I figure maybe if we go a round or two you might finally drop all this hostility you are feeling towards me. It’s worth a shot anyway isn’t it?”
Instead of responding Elaina kicked out, but Chase easily moved out of the way. Righting her balance she swung a fist towards his temple, once again he blocked that. Throwing her other fist Elaina slammed into Chase’s stomach while he was off guard.
He released a whoosh of air in a gasp more of surprise than of pain.
Elaina righted herself, hands up ready to charge again.
Smiling Chase spun around, faster than Elaina had ever seen someone move. Grabbing her arm he lifted it behind her pinning it behind her back. Gasping, Elaina squirmed trying to free herself, but Chase kept a firm grip.
She continued squirming trying to break free as Chase smiled looking like he was thoroughly enjoying this. Thinking fast Elaina kicked out causing Chase to fall backwards, still he kept hold of her arm.
They fell to the ground together with Chase on the bottom and Elaina on top.
Chase rolled taking the advantage once more. Breathing heavily he pinned Elaina to the ground.
Anger flared throughout her whole body and she tried her best to try to break free, but he was a good foot taller than her and had a lot of lean muscle, even with all her strength training he was much too heavy to move off of her.
“Still think that I couldn’t take you?” Chase asked. He stared down at her with a smile on his face.
“You got lucky.” Elaina countered, continuing to squirm. “Next time this won’t be happening.”
Chase let out a rumble of a laugh that Elaina felt reverberate throughout her whole body. With his body pinned against hers she could feel his every breath and the pounding of his heart.
Feeling uncomfortable she tried even harder to break free. Chase, who was too busy staring at her, didn't seem to notice her struggle.
“Mind getting off of me?” She said finally, a little more aggressively than she had meant to sound.
“Oh.” Chase reddened a little, “Sure, ready for round two.”
“Try me.” Elaina sprung up and readied herself to go again.
Instead of throwing the first punch Elaina decided to play the offense waiting for Chase to come at her. Moving forward Chase thrust his fist towards Elaina's only for her to dodge to the side allowing it to fly past her right ear. With a fluid motion she kicked landing the blow directly in Chase's gut causing him to stagger backwards.
"Lucky shot," Chase huffed, righting himself.
"Right." Elaina laughed.
Not giving Chase time to fully prepare, Elaina moved forward punching towards Chase only for him to dodge her attack and try to counter with his own. Elaina easily knocked his arm out of the way and slammed her palm into Chase's chest sending him flying backwards.
Jumping up Chase moved towards Elaina determined to take her down.
Picking up speed Chase continued lashing out at her trying his best to take her down again. Elaina crouched and kicked out causing Chase’s feet to go flying from underneath him, he hit the gym floor with a thump.
Too dazed to really understand what had just happened, Elaina jumped on top of him, tightening her thighs on his sides and pinning his arms down beside him.
She leaned in close and smiled victoriously.
“Seems you just got taken down by a girl.” She said sweetly. “That is what happens when you get cocky.”
Chase sighed loudly, “I let you do that.”
“Sure you did.” Elaina jumped up and offered her hand which Chase took allowing her to pull him up.
“Best two out of three?” He asked, breathing heavily.
Elaina sat out in the garden enjoying the little bit of sunshine that had managed to break through the black clouds that still lingered overhead.
The rain had stopped for the time being and she was now taking advantage of it.
Her muscles ached from her practicing with Chase, which she had to admit had made her feel more alive than ever, even more than when she was battling a beast.
In the end he had ended up winning the last fight playing the defense until Elaina had gotten so exhausted she couldn’t block again. Instead of taking her down with his hands, he had simply tackled her and held her in place until she admitted that he had won, which she didn’t do very gracefully.
Afterwards she had showered and found her way outdoors.
Now as she sat alone enjoying the momentary reveal of sun she tried her best to determine whether or not what she saw yesterday while meditating was something real or something her brain had thought up. No matter how hard she tried everything just seemed so unreal, that finally with a sigh she gave up and pushed everything back to where it belonged in her mind.
Lightning flashed overhead indicating it was time for her to head back in, but a movement to her right caught her attention.
She watched as rain began to fall, waiting for what she didn’t know.
Nothing seemed to be there and she was beginning to get soaked.
Turning she began to walk, but saw it again, this time ahead of her. Frowning, she waited.
By now the rain was coming down in buckets soaking her to the core.
Shivering from the onslaught of another full-fledged storm, Elaina began making her way back towards the comfort of the temple when something huge stepped in her path.
Sucking in a deep breath she watched as it began lifting itself to its full height. Now she could see what it was, black scales that shimmered green ever so slightly on a long snake-like body. Four sets of arms with razor sharp claws. A long snout that snarled showing razor teeth. It hissed once at her and waited.
“It isn’t very fair to ambush an unarmed woman is it?” Elaina asked casually as she began slowly lowering herself, already reaching for the dagger that she kept in her boot. “I mean after all, a little notice would have been the polite thing to do.”
The beast hissed again, its black eyes flashing. It struck out once showing her that it meant business.
“Very well.” Elaina said simply.
Snatching the dagger from its holder she stood readying herself for a fight. The beast didn’t bother moving instead it regarded her weapon with a bemused look.
“Little weapons won’t work on me girl.” It hissed an almost guttural sound.
Although Elaina knew that most beasts weren’t capable of communicating, she was not the least bit surprised that this one had at least a little bit of a brain.
She slowly inched towards it, being sure not to move too fast. If she could just get close enough then maybe she could at least hurt it long enough to bolt inside.
The beast snarled again and plunged its claws at her, gasping in surprise Elaina threw herself backwards avoiding the attack.
She scrambled quickly trying to get back to a standing position, lying on her back on the ground wouldn’t do a thing for protecting her. The beast however kept coming, slashing its claws like a maniac.
One dug into her leg, ripping her jeans.
She watched as blood began to ooze from the incisions.
Anger flaring Elaina jumped up and began to run, usually it was completely against her nature, but she knew that she couldn’t hold this monster off by herself.
Behind her the beast laughed and began to chase her finding amusement in playing cat and mouse. She cringed at the thought and picked up speed.
Rain pounded against her, the wind seemed to be trying to hold her back.
Panting she looped around and tried to make her way to the side entrance of the temple. One thing she knew was that it was holy ground and no beast could enter its walls without bursting into flame.
Up ahead she saw the door looming like a miracle into her sight.
A shriek sounded from above turning Elaina’s blood to ice, a burlack beast had come to join the fight.
Blocking everything out she focused all her attention on getting to the door.
Her leg was stinging and her heart was pounding so loud she could hear it in her ears.
With a yell she leaped forward landing a foot away. She saw the burlack beast diving for her as the other monster slithered her way. Clawing at the ground she reached the door.
“Guess you were too slow.” She called tauntingly jumping up and shoving the door open.
Both beasts shrieked in anger and looked like they might actually risk trying to enter the temple. Elaina slumped on the ground watching them until they disappeared into thin air.
With a sigh of relief she collapsed on the floor, water soaking the white carpet beneath her. She lay there for a few minutes catching her breath trying to make sense of what had just happened.
The beasts were not supposed to attack on holy grounds and yet they had done it twice now. Something serious was going on here and she didn’t like the looks of it. Getting up she limped her way to talk to the only person that could possibly give her answers.
She found Brother Isaac sitting alone in his shrine staring up at the statue of Ezra, his hands clasped before him soft murmurs escaping his mouth. Sensing her presence he turned his face serene.
“Elaina.” He said quietly watching as she made her way towards him. “Did something happen?”
Elaina almost wanted to laugh at his question, “You could say that.”
“You’re bleeding.” He looked to her leg that was now soaked with blood, puddles forming on the floor below her.
“Brother Isaac I was just attacked by a corvico beast and something else that I’ve never seen before.” She started wincing as her leg gave a shriek of agony.
“Why did you leave the sanctuary of the temple child?” He asked looking concerned. Slowly he rose still watching her.
“I didn’t, I was outside collecting my thoughts and it just appeared.” She tried to ignore the annoyance she felt at being called a child. “I thought they weren’t allowed to come on holy ground, but this is the second time they have attacked.”
Brother Isaac looked thoughtful, one thing that was common with the brothers was they never lost their temper or seemed too surprised by anything.
“Something is happening, something serious do you have any idea what this means?” Elaina continued collapsing on the ground again.
“You know the warnings as well as I Elaina.” Brother Isaac responded. “We knew that something like this would eventually happen. It seems the dark warriors are making it clear that they mean to be rid of all of us.”
“That doesn’t answer anything.” Elaina grumbled shaking.
Brother Isaac made his way towards a shelf full of old books. Looking carefully he pulled one down, its cover worn with age. Flipping quietly through its pages he finally settled on what she assumed was what he was looking for and stepped towards her.
“When the darkness reaches its ultimate power they will come.” He intoned reading aloud. “They will come in waves making their power known. It will be the end of peace and the beginning of terror and tragedy.”
“I know the words of the Book of White.” Elaina pointed out. “I’ve read it at least three times cover to cover in the time I was here.
“Then why are you asking me what is going on? You should know as well as the rest of us. This is the beginning of the end.”
Elaina took in his words, the beginning of the end, the words sent a shiver running through her goose bumps rising on her arms. Of course it would be the beginning of the end, everything had to come to an end didn’t it? But still something just kept nagging in her head.
“Brother Isaac.” She began wondering what his reaction would be to what she said next. “Yesterday in meditation I had a vision, or maybe a memory I’m not really sure which it was.”
“I know.” Brother Isaac said quietly. “I have already spoken with Brother Benjamin.”
“Well, I was wondering, how exactly can I determine if it was real or not?” She pushed. “I’m always having flashes like these, I can never tell if I’m being shown something that I have repressed over the years or if my imagination is getting the best of me.”
“There’s only one way to find out.” Brother Isaac said now returning the book of white back to its place. “You must consult with the elders.”
Elaina jerked at that, nobody consulted with the elders except the brothers.
They lived high up on Mount Raganut, far away in isolation from the rest of the temple. You were lucky to receive an audience from the elders. Most of the time they found warriors problems to be minor and not worth their time.
“Brother Isaac you can’t be serious.” She tried now.
Brother Isaac looked solemn. “But I am child, they are the only ones who can see into our minds and determine the truth.”
“When?” She asked now shivering harder more from fear then cold. It had been a long time since she felt genuine fear.
“I will send them a message and let you know when I receive an answer.” Brother Isaac said stepping towards her. “Now, go get changed and clean yourself up.”
“Do you know why that beast destroyed my home when I was a child?” She asked suddenly. “Why they burned it down and killed my parents?”
“No one knows the answer to that Elaina.” Brother Isaac said looking confused. “Why do you ask?”
Elaina took a deep breath. “Because in my vision I saw them receive something from a member of the darkness. He had whatever it was wrapped in silk, so I couldn’t tell what it was. I wondered if maybe that was what they were searching for that night. Maybe that was why they were killed, because they accepted a gift from the enemy.”
“Your parents were good people and brave warriors Elaina, I do not think that they would ever take anything from the darkness. You’re just shaken up from the morning, go and relax.”
Despite his words Brother Isaac looked a little on edge, although Elaina wasn’t very sure.
Nodding quickly she limped her way out of the sanctuary and made her way upstairs.
Her mind continued to repeat the words Brother Isaac had spoken over and over, The beginning of the end, the beginning of the end. They continued as she changed and examined her injured leg.
The scratches were long, but not as deep as she had expected them to be.
Wrapping a bandage around it she slipped on a pair of shorts. Suddenly exhausted she collapsed on her bed willing sleep to come to her, but it never did. The words just continued to play themselves, The beginning of the end, the beginning of the end.