Chapter 4

Standing in front of the mirror, he observed himself, in a black coat with a black T-shirt and black jeans appearing not less than a handsome devil, his oceanic blue orbs glance at the mirror image, a side of his lip corner vaguely lift into a leer witnessing his superiority, his sharp chin up and broad chest out in pride, a tiger pendant in neck elevated his elegant to the next level as he resides in this globe similar to a tiger Who lives life on his stipulations…!!! Wearing the wristwatch,? again he takes a quick look at the mirror and turns to leave the room.

“Finn!.... Finn!... Where are you...??? …”, he roared as he doesn’t like to wait for anyone.

Finn immediately emerged in front of Ryan hearing his roar, “Ya…Ryan!... I am here…”.

Ryan glimpse at him with a blank expression, he informed Finn through his oceanic iris that he extremely detests waiting,? but Finn cooly looks at him, “OH!… Come on Ryan!... It takes some time to get ready, Dude!... Why you were always angry about it..???... And tell me one thing, Bro!... If your wife will also take much time, Will you keep glaring at her like this too…??? …”, Finn asked wittily.

“Wife…!!!...”, Ryan smirked, “In your dreams, Finn!!!...”, replying to Finn, he marched toward the house bar and pick up a wine bottle, directly attached to the lips and finished in one go.

Finn's brown orbs were stunned and wrinkles form on his forehead, “Stop Ryan!!!... We have to go to the party…”, he worried about Ryan as he already loathes to listen to anyone and furthermore if alcohol consumes his consciousness then only God knows What will he do at the party..???..

Finishing the wine bottle, Ryan stares at Finn with a simper, “Relax!!! Finn… there is no such intoxication in the world that can control me…”, muttering it, he winked at Finn, with confidently filled orbs which state under oath that he dominate others no one rule over him, “Anyway!!!... Where is Jim..???... We all have to leave now…”, he asked Finn in his deep voice.

“I don’t know… He been out of some work but has not come yet…Wait!!!, I called him…”, Finn tried to dial Jim's number but suddenly paused when Ryan interfere, “Stop!!!... I call him myself…”, stated this, Ryan connect the cell phone with Jim.

“Yes, Ryan…”, Jim answered tremulously in trivial anxiety.

“Where are you, Jim???... and Where is my Black SUV…???...”, Ryan asked croakily. Jim's face turns white, his eyes dilated as fear of Ryan's rage certainly rises in his body, he was having so much frenzy but Ryan’s inquiry about Black SUV strikes his fear, “AHH…Actually, Ryan,? a minute problem has come and I am tried to solving it… so you should attend the party with Finn… I’ll come back later to inform you all…OK…”, he strives to control his fury and panic but Ryan identified it. Because it is impossible to hide any certain emotion in front of Ryan, he easily grasps through the person’s voice, tone, and expression, “Don’t try to hide anything from me Jim… Tell me…What happened..???...”, Ryan gruffed.

Jim now knows that he has to tell about the accident as there is no revenue in hiding it from Ryan, so he explained the incident. Ryan's pupil enlarged, nostril flared and his gesture become sharp with cracking his knuckle while gnashing his teeth, he mumbled gravely, “Who is that..???...”.

Jim gasped and ran his hand through his hair in distress, he beat his tight fist nearby the wall thoughts about What happens if Ryan comes here…?.. Jim is aware of his anger, Ryan is arrogant but he has a composed nature whether his serenity is not less than a storm silence but when he becomes livid, he totally changed into a wild beast and if this ensues then it will create complexity for his public image and fame, after all, he is a Rockstar, he has to maintain his status.

“Listen… Ryan... Please, don’t come here… I will handle the situation and also try my best to punish her …”, Jim mumbled, trying to explain to Ryan. But Ryan's angular eyebrows raised when he heard, “her…!!!”, with narrowed eyes, he asked, “Who is she…?...”.

Jim clasped his hand over his head and replied, “She is a young girl… an Indian girl…”.

Suddenly a beautiful face with back doe eyes is visible in Ryan’s sight,? his neck arch when he remembers her luscious pink lips which she bites nervously, his long silky black hair that tries to cover her face slightly, his lips corners raised unintentionally, “If is she..!!!...”, his consciousness uttered.

“Ryan, Please listen to me once… You need to attend the party, so please attend it with Finn…I will take care of this matter….”, Jim elucidates to Ryan softly. Ryan doesn’t react or said much, he cut, down the call and glimpsed at Finn with a blank expression, “Ok, Finn let's go to the party…”.

The beautiful black doe's eyes filled with tears, her head lowered as she feels guilty, sitting in a stooped posture, her shoulder drooping, and spine bowing, her gaze was down as she doesn’t have dared to look around but the voices reached up to her ears make her more distress, her face puff as any time she will burst into weeping.

“What have I done..!!! What will be the consequences of it…!!!...”, her mind muttered, she slowly raised her head and glanced at the people who were standing in front of her and busy in a heated argument.

“Listen, Gentleman… It's just a mistake… she doesn’t do it intentionally…she just trying to save my Lucy…”, Mr. Phil explained the situation as he thought Tara is a hero who saves his Lucy.

“Lucy…!!!... Who is Lucy…???...”, Jim asked with a suspicious look.

Mr. Phil blissfully gazed at Jim with a wide iris and enlighten face, he declared gladly, “Lucy!!!... Lucy is my love…my life…”.

“Your wife!!!...”, Jim asked rapidly but Mr. Phil's faces were a little down hearing his word, and said in an annoyed tone, “Wife!!!...No she is more important than her…”.

“Then… your Girlfriend!!!...”, Jim asked with a serious face to which Mr. Phil shook his head in denial, “Then…Who is she..???...”, Jim yelled frustratedly.

A police officer that stands in between them was entirely sickened by this entire drama, he rubs his forehead as a sudden headache shoot in it, with a drained face, he interfered, “No…Mr. Jim… Lucy is a cat…Mr. Phil’s pet…”.

A shock emerged on Jim's face, at that movement he is totally confused, whether he gets angry or laughed out loud because this was unacceptable, and he cannot digest the fact that to save a cat, that girl hit the car with a pillar and lead major damage to the expensive SUV.

“I don’t care about it… she has to be jailed… as she damages the property of someone else… and this is law…”, Jim declared in a calm tone his opinion as he gets irritated by this situation.

Listening to the words of Jim, Tara gasped, her breathing burst in and out, she felt a tightness in her ribcage, she senses that if she doesn’t do anything or say anything in her favor then her all dreams shattered in a second, the belief and faith that her parent’s had on her will broken and they will also be broken with it if they come to know about that their daughter, their pride will be in jail.

Tara swiftly wipes her tears and stands with self-belief, “Sir…Please…Listen to me…I want to say something…”, She muttered softly. Everyone turns their faces to stare at her with stunned because till now, she was sitting silently with a ?face and now suddenly Where did the courage come from in her…!!!

She first takes an intake of breath,? with a low soft voice, she said, “Sir, I know it's my mistake… I damage your car but… please don’t file any complaint against me… I promised … that I will pay for it…”.

“OH…Really..!!!...but …How???” a deep voice heard from the door, everyone turns behind to glance at it, as soon as they gazed at the face a stunning spread on everyone features. Some lady officers open their mouths in disbelief and contentment, the male officer gawked at him with a puckered brow. No one believes in their eyes that Rockstar appeared in front of their sight.

Ryan enters the police station and marched toward them while taking slow steps but in style, the lady present at that site certainly feels that the room temperature suddenly went up as they all feel an intense warmness.

Jim’s hair of the nape hauled up abruptly, as his eyes appeared damp in fear, trepidation that What will Ryan do now …???? He quickly comes in front of Ryan and tried to convince him that he should leave this place but Ryan's oceanic orbs are glued to someone's face, he slides Jim and passes from Jim's side, straight towards the Tara. Jim was baffled over Ryan's behavior but inside he was tensed about Ryan’s anger.

Ryan without hesitation stand in Tara’s proximity in front of all, tara flinched back due to his weird behavior, she gazed at him with her teary wide eyes and raised brows, a dazed emerged on her face, she directly looked at his blue orbs which hook at her like no one other present at that spot. He stared at her with a blank expression, but his oceanic orbs observed every minute detail of Tara’s face, without blinking he stared at her as he examines her.

Tara sensed a treacherous vibe from him, she feels uncomfortable in his proximity, when she stepped back to maintain distance, Ryan paced forward immediately, which made her more panic, she could not understand Why despite so many people, she is scared in this way as he will eat her..!!!

Tara’s palm becomes clammy, a trembling shoot inside her body, she fisted her knuckles to control her shiver and quickly lowered her gaze, as his intensified stared was responsible for her shaking.

Ryan smirked at her action, “Ok…tell me…How…???..”, he whispered, making wrinkles on Tara’s forehead, she again gazed at him with puzzlement but in a second, lower her eyelashes to protect from his intent gape and turn her face aside.

“I …I.. pay it…”, she shuttered, in his awful presence. The confidence that she gathered previously flew away only by his one gawked.

Ryan tilted his head to the side to get a full view of her expression, “That’s what I asked…How???...”, he whispered near her face, his hot breath touching her facial skin, making her frighted.

“I…I… work and pay the money…”, she replied with her trembling luscious lips.

“Alright!!!...but What may be the salary you get from your work…???... because of the damage you caused… it charges up to twenty thousand dollars…. I hope you will pay fast the money…”, Ryan muttered coarsely.

Tara’s iris dilated and mouth open in a circle, “Twent…Twenty thousand dollars...!!!!...? I can’t pay this much…”, she whimpered with gasping sobs, this was not a small amount that she can pay through her part-time job.

“Then…go to jail…”, Ryan immediately said in a rough tone and looked at her expression.

“No!!!... Please…I don’t want it…”, Tara pleaded with her teary eyes, her body begins to shake, her face pale yellow, and in nervousness, she started to bite her luscious lips.

Ryan's oceanic orbs stared hungrily at her luscious pink lips, with a composed tone, he whimpered, “Then… there is one deal…”.

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