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Chapter 07 Blind Date

On the way back to her rental house, Yvonne kept cursing Elijah.

What a stupid man! He turns his back on you just like that!

Didn't she already tell him? No matter how many women he sleeps with, Grace won't divorce him.

Whether Elijah is angry or not doesn't matter. As long as she can provoke Grace, it's enough.

Grace's calls and voicemails bombarded her incessantly. Yvonne didn't open them, but she knew what she would say.

When she returned to her rental house, Yvonne took a shower and went to bed.

When she woke up, the sun was already shining brightly outside. Fortunately, it was Saturday, so she didn't have to go to work.

The pain in her lower body didn't ease. Instead, it became even more intense. Walking felt as if her legs didn't belong to her.

Elijah seemed decent on the surface, but he was a beast in bed!

She had to pay the rent after two days, but last night, in a fit of anger, she gave Elijah a $200 red envelope. Now, even after combining the money from her three bank cards, she didn't have enough to pay the rent.

She didn't dare go to the hospital, so she decided to buy some ointment from a pharmacy and apply it herself.

Yvonne cursed Elijah again and again.

She searched the kitchen and only found a bag of expired instant noodles. Yvonne boiled some hot water and was about to cook the noodles when Elijah called.

"Mr. Harper, thinking of me so early?"

For Yvonne, Elijah was her weapon of revenge against Grace. Even though she was kicked out by him late at night, she still maintained a pleasing demeanor.

"Send me your location immediately. Wait for my call and remember to take the car keys with you when you come downstairs." Elijah's tone was both cold and firm.

Before Yvonne could fully process it, he had already hung up.

This attitude infuriated Yvonne. She decided that she had to deal with him immediately!

Yvonne called back three times before Elijah finally answered impatiently. "Hello."

Yvonne was angry, but she still smiled and said, "Mr. Harper, don't forget to buy me some emergency contraception."

Elijah replied in a low voice, "Mhm." Yvonne continued, "My lower body is in excruciating pain. I can't walk, so I can't go to the hospital. Can you help me find a gynecologist and get some medicine? Both oral and topical will do."

"And my fridge is empty. So could you go to the supermarket and get some eggs and milk for me..."

"I'm not going!" Elijah interrupted Yvonne before she could finish and ended the call abruptly.

"Damn it!" Yvonne cursed while sending Elijah her location.

She didn't want Elijah to know her detailed address. Without waiting for his call to come in, she picked up the car keys and slowly made her way downstairs.

George's phone call kept ringing incessantly, irritating her. Prepared to be scolded, she finally answered the call.

"Yvonne, we've made all the arrangements for your blind date today. 11:30 a.m. at Rain Diner on the first floor. The young man's last name is Winston." George's tone surprisingly carried a hint of affection.

"I'm not going," Yvonne immediately refused.

"Just meet and chat first. You never know, feelings might develop later." George, who must have taken some kind of medication, was unusually patient with Yvonne. "Mr. Winston's family is in real estate, and they're quite well off. Plus, he's their only son..."

As soon as Yvonne heard "real estate," her interest was piqued. "Send me his phone number."

George chuckled on the other end of the line, barely able to contain his delight. "Make sure to dress up nicely. Mr. Winston has high standards."

Last night's falling out with Mr. Granger meant that deal was definitely not going to be successful.

She hadn't signed a single deal in the marketing department this month, so she planned to work hard in the design department starting next Monday.

Companies like the Brooks Group, a construction company, were best partnered with real estate developers.

There weren't many people with the last name Winston involved in Winslow's real estate business, so Yvonne wanted to know where Ryan stood. She called Hannah to find out.

Hannah Anderson was her best friend and had worked as a real estate agent for a few months, so she was familiar with Winslow's real estate companies.

Yvonne mentioned Ryan's name, and Hannah, who usually had a calm voice, suddenly raised it a few notches. "Ryan is just a bastard who can't stay faithful! He relies on his family's wealth and changes girlfriends almost every month! Yvonne, whoever introduced you to him has no conscience!"

Mary really wished for her to marry a rotten person!

"Don't worry, I won't think about love for the rest of my life," Yvonne said bitterly. "My purpose in life now is to make money!"

"That's good! Ryan's dad is Frank, and he owns Winslow's biggest real estate company. Even if Mr. Winston throws around money carelessly, you'll always have something to gain."

Hannah kindly reminded her, "Remember, don't sleep with promiscuous men! It'll only lead to trouble if you catch a disease!"

"Of course." Yvonne suddenly remembered Elijah. She slept with Mr. Harper.

"Yvonne, that man is getting married tomorrow. I heard the wedding will even be live-streamed. Should I hire some people to throw rotten eggs at him for you?" Hannah's words brought Yvonne back to reality.

"No..." Yvonne sat defeated on the steps, staring at her pale green nails, and let out a laugh. "It's all in the past."

A few tears uncontrollably fell onto her knees.

Suddenly, Elijah's call came in.

Yvonne quickly said goodbye to Hannah, swiped to answer, and heard Elijah's footsteps coming from the other side.

Elijah was wearing a gray cardigan and black trousers. His left sleeve was slightly rolled up. He was also wearing a Vacheron Constantin watch. It had to be said that Mr. Harper at this moment had a hint of warmth compared to his normally strict and formal attire.

Seeing him, Yvonne's bad mood instantly vanished, and she greeted him with a smile. "Mr. Harper."

Elijah placed a small and a large shopping bag on the ground. He glanced at Yvonne expressionlessly and said, "Inside the blue box are morning-after pills. The white box contains an ointment for topical application, twice daily, and there's also a pack of sterile gloves--"

Before he could finish, Yvonne saw her favorite yogurt drink in the big bag filled with groceries and took out a bottle to drink straight from it.

Elijah was somewhat speechless and extended his hand toward her. "Car keys?"

Yvonne handed him the car keys. Elijah took them and walked away.

He was quite passionate in bed last night!

Yvonne felt a slight psychological disparity. "Mr. Harper!"

Elijah paused for a moment with a soft "Hmm," but he didn't turn around.

"Don't worry, I won't hold you responsible." Yvonne's tone carried an obvious mockery. "But I have to complain about your taste in women. It's really terrible!"

"Indeed." Elijah lifted his foot and continued walking. "If I had a good taste, I wouldn't have slept with you last night."

"I was talking about Grace!" Yvonne angrily threw the empty yogurt bottle at him.

Elijah had already found the car. He got into the driver's seat and started driving away.

As the car gradually moved further, Yvonne looked through the shopping bag and found dry noodles, eggs, milk, instant cereals, and a few fruits.

Elijah had a sharp tongue, but he brought everything she wanted. He had a conscience!

Yvonne went upstairs, took the pill, and applied a delicate makeup in front of the mirror. At exactly 11:30, she arrived at Rain Diner.

George had already sent the table card on WhatsApp, along with the message: "Good girl, be on time."

Judging by George's attitude, he probably still had no idea that Yvonne had slept with Elijah.

After finishing a cup of cappuccino, Ryan still hadn't shown up.

Mary and George's matchmaking prospects were unreliable, but this was unexpected.

If it weren't for securing good real estate resources, she wouldn't have wasted her time here.

Yvonne's stomach growled, and she ordered a mousse cake.

She was eating her mousse cake and scrolling through her phone when a slender and firm hand knocked on her table.

Looking up, a young man in a pale pink suit was sitting across from her, smiling and saying, "I'm Ryan."

Ryan was tall. He was wearing a sparkling diamond earring. His looks and manners made him stand out, but his sparkling peach blossom eyes didn't impress Yvonne much.

Yvonne quickly made an assessment- Ryan was not as steady as Elijah.

"Don't look at me with affection. I only date, I don't marry. You look pretty, so playing around is fine. Just don't take it seriously," he said.


She was just curious how Ryan recognized her at first sight. They had never met before!

Yvonne almost laughed out loud. "Play with you? You think too highly of yourself."

"Were you forced by your family to go on this blind date too?" Ryan finished speaking and quickly ordered a cup of black coffee.

"What else could it be?"

Knowing your reputation, who would come here willingly?! Out of courtesy, Yvonne swallowed the rest of her words.

With narrowed eyes, Ryan had already examined Yvonne up and down several times. He smiled, bit his lip, and said, "I'm single, you're single, so playing around innocently is still possible."

Yvonne laughed. "I'm only interested in aloof male gods now, and you don't make the grade."

Ryan was not annoyed. He picked up the menu and took a leisurely look. "Your face and figure are just my type. You speak too bluntly, it's undignified."

"You talk about playing casually as soon as we meet, so you're also undignified," Yvonne replied with a smile.

Ryan stared at Yvonne for a few seconds and raised an eyebrow. "I apologize for my indiscretion."

"Then let's forget about it." Yvonne flicked her loose curls and smiled playfully. "I'm an interior designer. Could you help with a few floors and let us do the showrooms?"

"My dad is in real estate, I don't interfere with his affairs." Ryan crossed his legs and touched his earring.

"So what do you do?" Yvonne didn't want to miss any chance for a contract and asked again.

"I work in online gaming, nothing worth mentioning," Ryan smiled casually. "I recently bought a two-story villa that hasn't been decorated yet. If you're interested, you can take a look."

"I can go anytime, depending on your schedule." Yvonne immediately brightened up.

Ryan glanced at his watch and settled on 5 p.m. in the evening.

After ordering their meals, Yvonne went to the restroom.

When she returned, she unexpectedly saw Elijah sitting in her seat, chatting with Ryan.

She purposely coughed, and both Elijah and Ryan turned their gaze toward her.

Elijah's eyes seemed calm as water, but there were turbulent emotions beneath.

Yvonne inexplicably felt a chill.

Ryan stood up and pulled out a chair for Yvonne. He smiled at Elijah and said, "Elijah, this is my blind date, Yvonne."

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