Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 3

Lisa's POV

I wasn't crying when Mason and his wife appeared before me.

“I would like to introduce my wife, Maria Mancini, signorina Saunders,” I heard Mason say.

I greeted the elegant woman as she sat next to me.

“Mason told me about your sister.”

Maria begins to talk to me.

”I'm glad to hear you're not crying anymore. Who is the surgeon who will do the operation? “

“Doctor Esposito would have operated, Mrs. Mancini.” I told her softly, while tears slowly rolled down my cheeks, “But there will be no operation. It would be better to expect it and not keep hoping for a miracle that will never happen.“ Sadness overwhelms me, and I start sobbing softly.

“What is the miracle you were hoping for, dear?”

I heard Mason's voice after a few seconds between sobs. I wiped my tears and said, “There is no specific miracle. I hoped I would find the money somewhere to pay for the operation. But there is no one in South Africa I can call for help. “

“Don't you have a fiancé or family who can assist you, dear?” Maria asked me, worried.

“I only have my grandfather left; he's a pensioner, and I don't have a fiancé,” I said.

“I was so busy completing my examinations to become a lawyer that I didn't have time for relationships. Last year, I had to stop my studies to look after Lilani full-time after the death of our parents and started working as a receptionist at a law firm; even then, I ignored men. I have no one but her. “

There is a brief silence. “I was just thinking of a solution that could benefit both of us, dear. Suppose you make Italy your new home. My grandson is blind after an accident. His fiancé left him after we took care of most of the family business. I hired nurses to help him, but they are so annoying and clingy that I get rid of them faster than we can hire them. They only want my grandsons' money. Tell me, what is your sister's name, the hospital where she's at, and the doctor treating her?”

I looked at the older woman and then provided all these details.

“I'll contact you this afternoon, dear. Don't worry about the operation anymore.” Maria said, standing up.

“Goodbye then, my dear. I will call you later, so be ready to meet my grandson.” The older woman said,

“Goodbye, Mrs. Mancini.” I greeted her and walked toward the hospital, thinking about what she had in mind.

Lisa's POV

I wondered what it could be. Maria mentioned something about hiring and then firing nurses. I hope they know I'm not qualified to be a nurse. I'm so lost in my thoughts that I've forgotten everything around me.

As I stepped into the hospital's main entrance, I realized how lost I was in my thoughts.

I looked at my watch and discovered there was still time for me to visit Lilani.

A nurse greets me, “Buongiorno, Signorina.” I nod, wave, and go to my sister.

I entered the room and felt happy at the sight in front of me.

I walked closer to Lilani, said, “I'm so glad you're awake,” and kissed her on the head.

A faint smile appeared on Lilani's lips.

She hugged me and replied, “There was a doctor here with me. He said they needed to heal my brain, but I told him I didn't want to be here. I want to be with you. “

“I know, Lily; I also want you to be with me, but first, we have to get you better so that you don't get headaches anymore,” I said.

“Promise me that as soon as I'm stronger, I can leave with you,” Lilani asked me.

“I promise, as soon as you are better, you can come home with me; I will buy you a big ice cream. How does that sound?”

Lilani pretended to think for a while, then smiled. “Yippee, I will do everything the doctor orders me to do, but I want a pink ice cream with lots and lots of sprinkles,” Lilani said.

“So let's get you healthy again. I miss your chatter and bossiness."

I sat on the chair and told Lilani about meeting two sweet older people.

“When I leave the ward, I will contact Grandpa to let him know.”

I noticed Lilani closing her eyes. She must be in a lot of pain. Just then, a nurse enters the room and gives Lilani an injection that helps her fall asleep.

I stand up, kiss my sister on the head, and then leave the hospital.

Masons POV

“Where is that grandson of mine?” My wife asked as soon as we entered his home.

“In his office, Mrs. Mancini.” The old housekeeper replied.

Maria takes my hand and drags me with her to Alessandro.

“Who dares?” I heard his voice but stopped when he heard, “Don't give me that tone, young man,” Maria said to him in a stern voice.

“I came here to talk to you. No scratch that makes you do what I'm about to say.”

Alessandro nods his head, and his bodyguard, Antonio, leaves.

“What can I do for your grandma?” Afraid, he asks her Oh boy, I would be frightened as well.

“I'm here to tell you, you are getting married,” Maria said, shocking both my grandson and me.

“Grandma, I told you I'm not getting married. All women are gold diggers,” Alessandro told Maria with an irritated voice.

“I don't care what you think now; shut up and listen to me!” She continued.

“I have met a young girl whose little sister is in trouble. I will help them in exchange for you two getting married,” Maria said, surprising me each day.

I didn't see this one coming.

“Why can't we just help them without marriage?” Alessandro asked Maria.

“I would also love to know that,” I thought.

“Because that way we can protect you from, as you call them, gold diggers. We will draw up a contract stating that after two years you can divorce.”

Alessandro puts his head in his hand, and after a while, he says “What does she look like?”

“She's small, at least 5.6 if I can guess, slim with brown long hair, curly and almost a dark chocolate color, and she's got emerald green eyes.” Maria described the young lady closing her eyes as if she were recalling her image.

“I admit she doesn't sound bad, but how can I marry someone I have never met before?” Alessandro asked.

“Easy, come with us later, and we will discuss everything with Lisa.” Maria said with a grin.

“Fine, let me know what time, and I will be there to meet this wonderful woman you want me to marry.” Alessandro finally agreed.

“Good boy, I know I made the right decision. You know you can never say no to your old Nonna.” Maria laughs.

“See you later, Nonna.” Alessandro dismissed us.

“Let's go to Leonardo and tell him to get a contract ready for us.” Maria said once we were out of the office.

“You are one sly woman; do you realize that?” I asked, shaking my head.

“Someone must start to interfere with that stubborn grandchild of ours. Otherwise, I will never live to see him married.”

We walked over to Leonardo, and Maria started discussing the contract.

“Don't worry, Nonna, I will be finished by lunchtime,” Leonardo told her.

“Grazie figliolo.” With that, Maria stands up and leaves.

After lunch, Maria calls Alessandro. “Tell Piero to get the car ready,” I asked Antonio.

Lisa's POV

I was getting ready to visit my sister when there was a knock on the door. I open the door and am surprised to see the Mancinis here.

Mason greeted me first. “Hello, my dear. We came to discuss something with you.” I noticed a gorgeous man standing next to Maria and realized it must be the grandson.

“Welcome; please come inside.” I invited them.

I stare at the handsome guy in front of me. He is the most attractive man I have ever seen—tall, tanned, and with black hair. I can't see the color of his eyes because of the dark glasses he's wearing.

“Can I get you anything to drink?” I offered.

“O, that's alright, my dear. We showed up to introduce you to our grandson.” Maria said, deciding on the offer.

“Alessandro, this young lady here is Lisa Saunders, and Lisa, this is my grandson, Alessandro Mancini.” Mason introduced us.

“Pleased to meet you, Mr. Mancini.” I acknowledge the introduction. He just nodded.

Rude man! I thought.

I looked at Maria and said, “We are here to discuss the proposal with you.” I frowned, then asked, “Well, please tell me what this proposition of yours is.”

“Dear, after we talked in the park this morning, I thought about your problem and came up with a solution that would benefit you and my grandson. I'm willing to pay the costs of your sister's surgery and take care of her for the rest of her life if you marry Alessandro and stand by him. “

I stared at the older woman in shock. I couldn't believe what I was hearing; then I heard, “I get that there is no love between the two of you and that you do not know each other. It won't matter because you will have plenty of time to do that. Think about this; then I will send Antonio tonight to pick you up at the hospital after visiting hours so that you can come and see me. I hope you realize your sister's life depends on this operation.” Maria continued.

I must be pale by now. I can only look at the people in front of me.

“Don't tell me your decision now; please consider,” Maria said after a while.

I nodded, then stood up with them. “I wish I would meet you tonight, my dear,” Maria adds as she hugs me.

I lost my voice. “I will.” That was all I could say.

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