Chapter 1

Carina slowly floated back to consciousness, feeling the weakness of her forced sleep inhabit every one of her limbs. The light at the side of her pod pulsed green and she relaxed slightly. The Flight was in no danger and the only other reason that she would have been awakened was if a planet suited to their needs had been located. Pushing the lid of the pod aside with a nudge, she climbed out and touched the plush carpeting of her room with one bare foot.

The touch of the fibers on her skin scratched harshly and she winced. The sleep made her sensitive, overly so and she would be for days afterwards. She just needed to get through it. A knock sounded on her door, the bright sound assaulting her ears. "My Soul, the Body awaits."

"I will be right there." Carina replied, knowing her voice would carry through the door. "I must change."

"Yes, My Soul." The voice withdrew but Carina knew that Stefan was waiting for her just outside the door.

Carina turned towards her closet, or as much of one that existed here in this place. The inter-dimensional space that held her most precious things was small but the things in it came readily to her hands. She donned the simple blue gown of the Soul and slipped her feet into her sandals before waving her door open. As she knew he would be, Stefan was standing there looking intimidating and forceful. If she hadn't known that he was an enormous softy who adored his husband and their three children, she would have been frightened. She had been frightened of him when she first stepped into her role as the Soul of the Flight five years ago.

He was looking down at her with kindness in his eyes that was veiled by his brisk demeanor. "Are you well, My Soul?"

"I am weary and all too sensitive." Carina stepped out the door and to his side. "That will fade, for now I must go to the Body."

"Do not push yourself too hard, My Soul." There was concern now in those aloof eyes. "If you need rest the Body will await your presence."

Carina shook her head and laid a hand on his arm. "I thank you for your concern, my Protector, but I must know what has been found."

"I know a little," Stefan offered her an arm, waiting until she laid her hand on it before beginning to walk. "It seems a beautiful planet from what the spells have shown us. Properly balanced with clean magical pathways, an ideal refuge."

"Then why have we not landed?" Carina looked up at Stefan, worry gathering in her gut. "The planet is home to others, correct? How many species must we contend with?"

"From what we can tell, there is only one magical signature on the planet." Stefan's stoic mien cracked a little bit to reveal confusion. "They do not seem to be using the energy of their planet, it lays in stagnant pools everywhere."

Carina tapped her chin with one finger, that was odd in the extreme. For one race to dominate a planet but not be in touch with the magic under their feet was terribly strange. "I will negotiate with the people of this place for refuge. Hopefully they will allow us to remain."

Stefan said no more, simply finished escorting her to the main chamber of the house and stopped at the door of the chamber alongside the protector of the Heart. Carina walked in and the Body rose as one and bowed to her. They were all assembled, Head and Heart, Legs and Arms and now her. She had only been Soul for five years, and no one was as surprised as she had been when the old Soul had chosen her to take the role over all of his other apprentices. She was too young for the role, too young and too inexperienced, but she was going to do all that she could to make sure that the Flight was safe.

"What do we have?" Carina came and stood next to the enormous table and watched as the Legs and Arms brought up the map. The planet was lovely, a green and blue pearl floating in the darkness of their dimension.

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