Chapter 3
The Flight was waking up. It hadn't been her idea, she would have been more than content to keep them asleep until they had somewhere to touch down, until they had a refuge. But she, again, had been overruled by the remainder of the Body. They had argued that the remainder of the Flight needed to be awake when they passed out of inter-dimensional space in case the house needed to be defended.
They were correct, of course. The Flight needed to be able to defend the house. For all of them, it was the only home that they had left. She had simply been selfish, not wanting to see their disappointment at her failure to locate them a suitable refuge. Which she hadn't and there had been no response as of yet to her orb. It was making her wonder if this planet had a governing Body. If there was one or many, and what sort of beings they were. Would they be peaceful like the Flight? Or would they be warlike, as the Cassoth had been when they had broken their home world open, leaving it a magicless husk from which they'd had to flee.
Carina shook her head; she had a tendency to borrow trouble. She would be better spending her time in the devotions that her office required. Spinning the magic through the house, purifying, and stretching it until it covered all the members of the Flight with gentle reassurance. They would find a refuge and she would protect them until they did and even after. She was their Soul, their leader, their passionate protector and she would do her duty until she passed from them and went to stand at the Mother's side.
Stefan guarded her, minding her schedule, her eating and sleeping. If she was the protector of the Flight, Stefan was the protector of the Soul. Not of her, no one saw Carina anymore and as much as she wished someone would look at her she knew what she'd given up when she'd taken on the soul stone. She lifted a hand to where it was embedded over her heart and felt the smooth facets. In the end, it had been her decision, but that didn't mean she wasn't sometimes lonely.
"My Soul," Stefan broke into her swirling thoughts gently. "You seem troubled, would you like a listening ear?"
Carina shook her head, going back to lightly combing and renewing the magic by passing it through her soul. The Flight had to have the magic that passed through her. She had no time to waste feeling sorry for herself.
"There has been no response to the orb." Carina sighed, tying off the magic and setting the threads aside for the moment. "I wonder if we should not pull back into inter-dimensional space and move on."
"It has not been so very long, My Soul." Stefan opened a basket next to him and laid out a simple meal. "It is time to dine, My Soul. You must keep your strength up."
Carina nodded, picking at the food until Stefan gave her a severe look that covered worry. Then Carina forced herself to eat enough that the older man was satisfied. She didn't want to worry Stefan any more than she had to. The older man was kind to her and was taking time away from his newly awakened family to ensure her health. She wanted to make his job as easy on him as possible.
By the end of the day the magic that ran through the house had all been renewed and she was exhausted and sore and too sensitive again. Stefan helped her to her room and assumed the guard position at her door. She touched his arm and smiled. "Go to your family, Stefan. There is no one in the house that will harm me."
Stefan gave her a stern, searching look but she waved a hand and smiled. "Call for me should you need me, My Soul."
"Thank you, my Protector." Carina closed her door and headed for her bathing room, intent on relaxing and soothing the loneliness she felt away. To be the Soul was to be alone, to be held to an exacting standard and to not be seen as yourself. She didn't know how the old Soul had done it, the old man had always seemed perfectly happy and in control. So why was Carina so lonely and spiraling.
She slipped into her bath, sprinkling sparkling soap crystals over the water, and closing her eyes as they dissolved and softened the water. She would put these thoughts away from her, would focus only on safeguarding her people. That was her duty, it should be her pleasure as well.