Chapter 7
Ardala found herself back in the room with the large table. It was really too large for the six of them, but she had more food, and it really was very good. She had a second portion again and again was puzzled and slightly afraid to find herself becoming more comfortable in the presence of these humans. This should not be, she needed to get away from here before she lost all caution in the face of this kindness. They could not be allowed to know that she was Selkie or indeed that she was Fae at all. They would take her then, strip her of her skin and her magic, use her until she was a miserable husk and leave her somewhere to die.
She didn't want to die.
So, it was imperative that she remain on her guard, but that she remain here at least until she was mobile again. Once her foot healed, she would lose herself in the wild spaces of the world and try to locate her father for further protection. Surely once blood was confirmed he would protect her from the encroachment of other men and of hunters.
She helped with the dishes after dinner was over, doing the best she could while balanced over the sink in the kitchen. She was learning all kinds of new words for things, human words, things she could use to pass as human, to protect herself until she could either find her father or another protector. For her efforts, she was rewarded with a hot cup of something that Patty called chai and a square of sweet pastry called baklava. She sat at the table in the kitchen and nibbled her treat while Patty stared at her.
"Is there something I might help you with?" Ardala swallowed the last of the baklava and sipped at her tea.
Patty shook her head. "Francis said you came from a cult, and I can see it." The other woman shook her head. "Are you feeling a little bit less scared of your own shadow yet? It'll take time to really get your feet under you, but for now do you feel like you can talk about the cult so we can get others out?"
"The rest of my cohort is much different from me." Ardala said, brain whizzing quickly. How much could she say without giving her true origin away. "They were allowed to simply be, I was the abomination, the thing that should not exist. I threatened the balance." The tears tried to start, but she held them back. "When I threatened the balance, I was cast out."
"The fact that you believe those things is enough." Patty looked vaguely angry.
"I am sorry to distress you." Ardala tried to stand, "I seem to have acquired that habit without truly meaning to."
"Where are they, Ardala?" Patty stood up, looming over her. "If they did it to you, they'll do it to others."
Ardala shrank, trying to get as small as possible. "I cannot tell you." Ardala said, cringing. "If you try to go there, you will be killed. I will not let them kill you. You have been kind to me."
"Oh, it wouldn't be me going." Patty backed away and sat down with a sigh. "You don't know how to get there do you?"
Ardala shook her head, fear crawling up her throat to choke her words. "I was chased out."
"We'll find it another way." Patty stood up again. "You should go get some more rest, keep that foot up."
Ardala fled, back to the room she'd slept in, quickly clicking the lock shut and sitting down on the bed to shake for a little while.