Chapter 8

The next morning dawned incredibly bright and right in her eyes. She hadn't closed the curtains the night before, so the sun said a far too loud and too early good morning. Siana put a pillow over her head and tried to go back to sleep but couldn't, memories of the storm and Gladys and her offer storming through her head. Bakers were early risers and since it was just past dawn she should be up and over there to show what she could do. Or maybe she'd just lay here and worry about what the hell she was going to do about her car and everything else. She'd unloaded on Gladys last night and hadn't meant to but now the woman knew every sordid little detail about her and what she'd gone through at her ex's hands.

Siana buried her face in the pillow with a groan, she didn't want to think about it, half wanted to just get her car fixed and leave. Try to find another place where they didn't know the entirety of her sadness and shame. Or she could get out of bed and try to be normal for once in her life. Try not to spill her guts to the first person who was kind to her, try to guard her heart and her secrets and try to find a place here in Winter Haven.

The bottom line was that she was tired of driving and her car was broken down. She didn't even know if it could be fixed or what the price would be to get it done in a tiny town like this one. Was there even a repair shop? Siana had no idea, but this was where the universe had dropped her and while she may have landed in a ragdoll-like heap she was going to get up, shake her limbs straight and see what life in Winter Haven could be.

Siana rolled out of bed and stood, immediately sitting back down as her head spun enough to almost land her on the floor. What the hell? She hadn't eaten that much yesterday was all or had enough to drink. Food and coffee were the orders of the moment, all she had to do was go and find them. Eventually the dizziness in her head slackened off and she was able to get up and head out of the room after straightening her clothes and trying not to look like she'd slept in them. She'd go back out to her car and get her suitcase soon, so she'd have a change of clothes.

For now, she'd go find something to eat and something to drink and then once it wasn't the ass crack of dawn she'd go back to Gladys and show her what she could do. Which was a lot, and she'd tell herself that until she felt more equal to the task. She headed out of the room, locking it behind her and going back the way she'd been led last night. She made it back to the entry way only to come face to face with both Gladys and Steven.

"Good morning, dear." Gladys said, giving her an assessing look. "Did you sleep well? You look a touch rumpled."

"Sorry, I forgot my suitcase in my car, I was planning on going to get it later." Siana brushed at her rumpled pants and winced at how unprofessional she must look. "Is there any way to get my car to a repair shop? I'm pretty sure the circuit boards are fried."

"I sent the boys after your car; they should be back any minute." Gladys turned and beckoned to Siana. "Marcus made breakfast, come eat and we'll head over to the shop and the boys will see what they can do about your poor car."

"That's very nice of you." Siana said, following hesitantly. "I'll pay them for their trouble, especially with it being so early in the morning."

"You're the most excitement Winter Haven's seen in a while." Gladys' voice was rich with amusement. "Don't you worry about the boys; they don't get their hands on a new car very often."

Gladys plonked her at a long table in front of a heaping plate of what looked to be a full English breakfast complete with grilled tomatoes. "Wow," was all she could manage, looking up at Steven. "This is amazing."

"Enjoy," Steven sat down at the other end of the table in front of a much more modest plate. "Like Gladys said, you're the most exciting thing that's come around in a long time."

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