Chapter 6: Braeden

Sometimes crap just filled your world and you didn't know what to do. I hated that I was struggling with something I couldn't fix quickly. I especially hated Cass was left once again dealing with our problems. One of these days the five of us were going to be sitting on the beach at some exotic locale, drinking beers, sunbathing, and later that night getting it on back in a bungalow.

Until then, those we looked up to - our admins and mentors - and other students were looking to us to save them from certain death. Dash was right, no pressure at all. My father would have told me to man-up and save the world like I was supposed to. Although I would agree with that assessment, it sure would have been nice to spend at least one semester at the academy learning magic without worrying about what was going to creep onto campus next. I loved both Oliver and Ruby, but if it came down to us or Edius, Edius would have to die.

I waited at the front of the academy, considering the possibility of leaving by myself and finding Edius on my own. The last thing I wanted to do was get anyone else hurt or killed. Aeden had been correct in one respect - we needed to beat Edius with our brains. Which meant we had to think quickly and not hesitate every time there was a decision to be made. We needed to learn to act with our gut instincts.

"Kind of funny, you and I are always the first ready to go when there is a fight waiting." Dash dropped his pack and relaxed on one of the benches next to the front gate. "You still thinking about the vision you had? You know it was probably just a bad dream?"

"I wish. Believe me, I was fully awake when I saw it happen." I sat across from Dash, shaking my head as the vision returned to my mind's eye. "I see it happen at least once a day, and there's not a damn thing I can do to stop it."

Dash pointed down the road leading from the academy. "I bet your ass was considering going rogue."

"One-hundred-percent correct."

"Yeah, that wouldn't piss her off more."

"Seems like I remember you doing the same thing."

Dash chuckled. "Not one of my finer moments." He stared at me for a long moment. "Keep your cool, and let's do this as a team. That way no one really dies. You start thinking about the possibility you could kill, Cass, and you just might do it. Stay focused on what counts."

"Hoping you guys aren't in deep thought," Oliver said as he approached. "I'd hate to see your heads explode."

Dash grabbed his crotch and then flipped Oliver the bird. "Where's Kyler?"

Oliver sat next to me. "Last time I saw him he was heading into the woods to explore. Said he'd be back in time."

"What's on your mind, brainiac? You have that look." Dash could read Oliver better than any of us.

Oliver shrugged. "I keep thinking how great it would be to take Cass out on a real date."

"You mean without the rest of us?" Dash sat up. I hoped he wasn't going to give Oliver a hard time about his request. Honestly, each of us wanted to do the same thing, to have time alone with her even for just a night of dinner and sex. But, of course, Dash wasn't letting it go. "And what exactly would you do?" He smiled and stretched his arms across the back of the bench.

"Well, for starters, I'd wear a suit. No tie. Just something casual."

"I see," Dash said. "What about Cassandra? What would she wear?"

Although Oliver shrugged again, I knew he had thought the date through. "A short black dress. And black thongs so when I lifted her dress, I could put my hands on her juicy ass." He nodded and smiled.

Dash leaned forward. "And black high heels so when you're nailing her really good she could prod you with them."

"Definitely." Oliver wiped his lips.

Dash relaxed and leaned back. He pointed at Oliver. "So, tell me, brainiac, how would you give it to her, if it were just the two of you?"

"I'd get her from behind."

Dash nodded. "So give it to her in the ass?"

"Well, you make it sound a little barbaric but, yes."

"Make her feel exactly what kind of man you are?"

Oliver nodded. "But before we got to that point, I'd want to go down on her." He smiled. "Have you guys ever noticed how she whimpers right before she comes? It's soft and as if she's a million miles away."

"I bet you'd want her mouth on you after that," Dash said.

The four of us had, had similar conversations about Cassandra before, but this time Dash was acting kind of weird. I looked to my right and saw a wolf sprinting toward us. It stopped at the gate and shifted.

"What're you smiling about?" Kyler asked, looking above Oliver and me.

"Oh, just at how eloquently Oliver wants to make love to me," Cassandra replied, standing behind us. She placed her hands on Oliver's shoulders. "Can I have a word with you in private, Oliver."

"Shit," I said and glanced at Dash who was ready to bust out laughing.

Oliver stood, and he and Cass walked away, disappearing between two buildings.

"She was standing there the entire time?"

Dash nodded. "That was pure enjoyment."

I turned toward the buildings, not seeing anyone. Kyler took a seat next to me. I addressed both. "We have to keep her safe, and you two have to make sure I don't do anything stupid."

"Quit worrying about that shit." Kyler stretched out his legs. "Nothing's going to happen unless you keep thinking about it."

Great advice. Except I hadn't been completely honest with everyone. I had yet to mention that not only did I kill Cassandra, but I also killed everyone else. Telling Dash I'd killed him as well would set him off. They would all want to leave me behind. They felt sure they could protect Cass, but I knew they wouldn't want to keep watching their backs when I was around.

We sat in silence for several minutes until Cass and Oliver returned. Oliver had a huge smile on his face. Cass walked past us and out of the academy, her ass swinging side to side.

Dash stood. "Fucker," he said to Oliver, and we followed Cass.

"Aeden and Estelle will be meeting us along the way," Cass said when I caught up to her. The others lagged intentionally. We'd known each other long enough to know when one on one time was needed.

"I don't know that we can defeat Edius on our own. We haven't up to this point." I tried to slide my hand around Cass', but she pulled away.

"Was it during battle?" she asked. "When you supposedly killed me?"

"Yeah, it was."

"While we were fighting Edius?"

I nodded. "It scares me that I could do something like that to you."

"I haven't given it a second thought, Braeden. You're worried about something that won't happen. Stop before it makes you do something stupid." She finally slipped her hand around mine. "Everyone has told us concentration is the key to our elements. I don't think that has changed."

"But accidents happen, and because of that I'm fearful."

"And yet I'm not, Brae. You need to let the worry go."

"You and I both know that's easier said than done."

Cassandra turned to the others. "Can you go ahead. We'll catch up in a bit." She looked at me. "We need to talk."

As Dash passed by, he left me words of encouragement. "Don't fuck this up."

The road turned to the right, and the guys disappeared.

"You going to make it all better?" I asked. I moved my lips to Cass'.

She opened her mouth to mine, and we were suddenly lost in each other. Quick and lustful. I slipped my hand between her legs, the warmth exhilarating.

"Fuck, Brae," Cass whispered. She laid her head against my shoulder, snuggling against my neck.

I kissed her forehead, still moving my fingers against her covered pussy, the vision of killing her and the others beginning to fade from my mind. I moved my hand and then dipped into her pants and panties, my middle finger slippery between her lips.

We stayed in the middle of the road, in the middle of an ancient forest, in the middle of a broken world. When my finger slipped inside her, Cass moaned.

"Yes, Brae." She squeezed her legs together and then relaxed, her knees bending as she pressed down onto my fingers.

I held her close with my other hand, the two of us coming together beneath a warm day. She moved faster on my hand, and I added more pressure, more intensity.

"Fuck, Brae, I'm coming," she whispered and shook. Feeling her beginning to collapse, I quickly removed my hand and scooped her into my arms.

I carried Cassandra into the forest and, while still holding her, I cast a spell, clearing the ground.

"Make love to me, Brae."

"No need to ask, Cass," I whispered and laid her on the soft ground.

"Be gentle."

I slipped my fingers around her waistband and lowered her pants, leaving her panties behind. I leaned down to gently kiss her thighs, the scent of her wet pussy overwhelming. Not bothering to push the wet fabric aside, I licked between her legs, bringing her hands down to my head, her fingers urging me.

"It's happening again, Brae." Her whimper, the one Oliver had mentioned, was followed by a second orgasm. "Make love to me. Now."

I removed my pants and crawled between her legs, slipping between her wet lips, slowly, lovingly, her back arching, her breathing labored. As I moved inside her, I moaned, the tightness around me deliciously carnal. My mind reeled, heading toward dark places, barely controlling my desire to fuck her rather than make love to her. But I did as Cassandra asked, my movements slow and intentional.

"That's it, Brae."

Cassandra pulled me down to kiss, our tongues and mouths greedy.

"It's time to come for me," she said, her legs wrapping around my waist, her arms around my neck.

I moved in twice more and then felt my energy expanding, felt Cassandra inside me, tugging at my source. And then I did as she desired. I came hard, my energy exploding into a billion sparkles before coming back together.

"Damn, Brae."

I opened my hands and pulled back, watching my stuff flowing from Cassandra, the glistening juices flowing as if a levee had broken.

Cassandra laid on the ground for several minutes, her eyes closed, her energy reigniting mine as it began to wane. It was as if we were one car battery charging another.

I helped Cassandra dress, and we started down the road after the others.

The vision stayed away for the rest of the day until we came to a place more dreaded than anything we could have imagined.

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