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Chapter 2: Cassandra

Braeden stood and approached the vendor. "Can you turn that up, please?"

I joined Braeden and listened to the young reporter.

"Minutes ago, the Sarchi entered the city and began their rampage. As you can see the warded statues have been destroyed, allowing the Sarchi free access to the city. Authorities claim the statues were initially destroyed by a witch who was sent to rid the city of the Sarchi in the first place. Without the statues, we're doomed."

"We need to get back there," I said. "I need to finish what I started."

Braeden grabbed my arm. "Let Guildmaster Ren send someone else."

I jerked away from his grasp. "What's wrong with you lately? If I don't go back and finish what I started, then I'll never get another assignment. I'll always be the witch who was replaced. I don't want to be that witch, Brae."

"Damn it, Cass, c'mon," he said, and I kissed him on the cheek.

We hurried back through the forest and found an infestation of Sarchi at the front gate of the city. I quickly gathered a sphere of fire in my hand and shot it at the group, destroying the whole lot and taking out part of the city gate. "Damn it," I said.

"You're not concentrating," Braeden said. "Watch." He created a sphere of light and threw it at the next gathering of Sarchi. The light rode a trail of wind that made Braeden's aim precise. The creatures exploded, and parts flew in all directions. "Think about what you're doing."

Another dozen or so Sarchi climbed City Hall while people streamed from the building. The town's leader came out of the building and stopped, looking up at the destructive creatures. He turned and saw me. He held up his hands and shook his head.

"Cass, wait!" Braeden said.

But I didn't wait. I created the largest fireball I could muster, aimed it with a trail of guiding wind, and shot it toward the Sarchi, remembering right after it left my hand to add the spell, the one critical mistake.

Braeden pulled me away as Sarchi and building exploded. The man who'd asked me to stop tried to run but was crushed by a large section of the building. When the dust cleared, one Sarchi remained.

"He's too large," Braeden said. "Come on. We'll get him from the backside."

I followed Braeden to the left, the Sarchi oblivious to our movement. It was too busy scooping up people and eating them. We stopped behind one of the few remaining buildings and peeked around the corner. I didn't like hiding.

"A single spell is not going to take him down!" Braeden said. "We're going to have to do this together." He pointed at the creature's legs. "I'm going to wrap a streak of light around his feet, then knock him over with a gust of wind. You hit him with a fireball." He grabbed my arm. "Aim for his head, Cass, and don't miss."

We stepped from behind the building, and Braeden did exactly what he said. I then created a fireball and sent it at the creature's head, hitting him squarely between the eyes. The damned thing writhed on the ground and then blew apart.

"Ha," I said. "I knew I could do it!"

I started toward the center of the city, but Braeden caught up and stopped me. Dozens of people were gathering, awestruck by the destruction. They started pointing at me and yelling as they moved toward us.

"We need to go, Cass," Braeden ordered.

"But we saved them," I said.

He conjured a gust of wind and sent it toward the oncoming crowd. "Run," he said.

And we did, returning to the forest, bypassing Trillion and heading back to the guild.

When we got to the guild, no one occupied the grounds surrounding the small gated community and only a few lights were on inside the main building.

"We should wait," Braeden said when I reached for the door. On the other side sat the guildmaster and our payment. "Cass, I think we should let this one go for now."

"It was that bad?" I asked. "We destroyed all the Sarchi."

"And more than half the city. Those people were ready to burn us at the stake, Cass. We should lay low for a few days. Go back into the forest and let things blow over."

"So, you think I failed?" I said, heartbroken. He looked away, and I knew I was being too harsh, but Braeden was right. Our job had been to go into the city and destroy Sarchi, not buildings and people. Though none of that was intentional. It just sort of happened.

"It's not that I think you failed. There was just too much collateral damage. If you don't get your magic under control, you'll never be given another assignment." He backed away from the door and took my hand, leading me away as well. "Give the guildmaster time."

I'd messed up. Royally. "It was that bad?"

Braeden thought for a moment and then shrugged. "Not quite as bad as the time you annihilated the fae kingdom while it was under attack by a dragon."

"The guildmaster is going to be pissed," I said.

"Worse, I'm afraid."

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