Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 8: Cassandra

"Now, using your dropper, find a scar on your body and place two potion drops on your skin."

I rolled up my sleeve and found the three-inch scar from the surgery I had at three when I fell from a tree. "You do it," I said to Braeden and handed him the dropper.

Braeden held my arm steady and filled the dropper from the beaker. He looked into my eyes, and something passed between us. We'd been friends since I was seven and never had anything so powerful passed between us. I think we both knew at that moment our friendship would soon be changing. "Ready?" he asked and winked. Braeden placed the first drop on the scar, and it sent a tingling sensation along my skin. He looked at me again. "You okay?" I nodded.

I glanced at the other three men who were our age, who I was beginning to be drawn to. I nodded at Braeden, and he placed the second drop on the scar. The scar turned red and then evaporated.

"We did it," Braeden said and touched my hand.

"Yes, we did," I whispered.

"Because we're a great team," Braeden said softly. "You can do anything, you know that? Don't let the past determine your future."

I nodded, and then the two of us turned to watch the others.

Oliver had Ruby's foot on the counter, her pantleg rolled to her knee. He had his hand on her leg, and his face turned red. The scar had to be a foot-long. Then I noticed the scars on her arms. She had a story to tell. Luther filled the dropper and then placed two droplets on the scar. Ruby's scar turned red and then vanished. She looked toward Professor Zena who had returned to the board, writing out another potion.

"Do my arms," she told Oliver.

Luther placed two droplets on each of the scars, and they quickly vanished. I'd not learned much about Ruby yet, but I sensed she had internal scars that she wished she could potion away as well. We all had secrets, and I was sure my classmates had some good ones.

Dash and Kyler continued laughing. Their beaker still sat on the counter, the color of their potion much different than the color of ours. Dash showed Kyler a scar on his shoulder, but Kyler shook his head.

"Dude, don't screw this up," Dash said, and looked at me. He knew it would take only one time for them to mess up and then they were the laughingstock, not me. I hoped the best for them. Well, maybe not.

"I got this, Dash." Kyler grabbed the beaker from the counter and slowly sipped.

At first, nothing happened. The two laughed and Dash took the beaker to have his own sip. But then Kyler's face fell slack. He doubled over and dropped to his knees. He looked up at Dash, horror in his eyes. He opened his mouth and all we heard was, "Ribbit."

"Oh, shit," Dash said and stepped back, dropping the beaker on the floor. The shattering of glass did nothing to pull everyone's attention away from Kyler. I held back a laugh but wasn't sure how long I could hold back another.

Professor Zena approached, a smile on her face as if to say a lesson well learned. "He'll change back eventually," she said. "Class dismissed. Please read the first two chapters in your hexes and potions book."

"He's turning green," Oliver said. "Somebody do something!"

And right before our very eyes, Kyler became a small frog. And not just any frog. He'd done the potion up real good. He was fat and covered in warts, his head three-times the size of a regular frog's head. Ruby covered her mouth and not from shock. She wanted to laugh as well.

Dash moved to his knees and scooped Kyler into his hands. "Oh, man, you look like shit. Come on, I'll take care of you. We'll get some flies or some shit for you to eat."

Kyler croaked again, and we all jumped back, Dash holding him out at arm's length.

We followed Dash and Kyler from the classroom, each of us holding back a laugh, listening to Dash comfort Kyler. I imagined Kyler had tried at some point to change into a wolf, and it had failed.

Braeden and Ruby fell in line behind Dash, the two talking about the students who'd had their powers stolen. If powers had been stolen then that meant whoever had taken them was becoming even more powerful.

I thought back to the dream I had of the archmage and his warning. He said I would be next. But he also said I'd been sent to stop this Edius person. I could hardly control what little powers I had, so how was I supposed to stop a witch or warlock with such supremacy?

"Hey," Oliver said, bringing me back to reality.

"Hey," I replied. Oliver had a charmingly goofy way about him, though everything seemed to be black and white to him. Everything he said or did was said or done in a methodical way. We had a connection, but I wasn't sure where it was coming from.

"You're always hanging back," he said. "You need to put your past behind you and show everyone your leadership." He pointed at the others. "They'll forget all that other stuff soon enough." He laughed. "I think we'll be busy with Kyler for a while."

I shook my head and almost laughed. "I don't know. It's not really who I am. I've never been a leader and just kind of done my own thing."

"But it's who you should be." He moved closer as we walked side by side. He motioned toward the others again. "We were talking before you entered class." He shyly looked away. "Well, we were wondering if you felt the same pull toward us that we feel toward you? It's an odd question, I know."

"Not odd at all," I said. "I understand what you mean."

"Statistically speaking, do you believe in love at first sight?" he asked. He saw my confusion. "Too much like a fairy tale?"

I shrugged, not knowing how to reply. I did understand what he was trying to get at.

We passed a servant and he glanced back, nodding. "Those guys are a little creepy," Oliver said.

I stole a glance and said, "Yeah."

"I've heard rumors about the servants," he said. "Some people think they know how the students lost their powers. Others say maybe they were the ones who did it." He shook his head. "I don't think so, even though they are the eyes and ears of the academy. Yeah, I think we keep our eyes and ears open." Oliver left my side and joined the others, Dash still trying to comfort Kyler. Kyler's tongue whipped out at a fly and then chewed the prized insect.

"Sorry, everyone, I've got duties in the admin building," Ruby said. She patted Kyler on his little green head. "Hopefully he changes soon." She dropped back to me and whispered, "They're all yours now. Don't do anything I wouldn't." She waved at the guys and then headed in the opposite direction. Our friendship was heading in the direction I had hoped.

I watched the guys for several minutes, feeling excitement that the three and the frog kept looking back at me. Oliver had been right. There was a strong attraction growing. Of course, I had a thing for Braeden, but he'd settled for just being friends. But why on earth was I feeling intensely close to the others? Not really the thoughts I should have been having the second day at the academy.

Braeden looked at me again, this time not smiling. Something on his face, the way his eyes burrowed into me. I shrugged and tried to catch up, but he shook his head. While the others talked to Kyler, Braeden motioned toward the dorms.

"What?" I mouthed quietly, wanting him. Desiring him. The academy was changing me in some way. Though I wanted to be the best witch ever, I also wanted intimacy. Wanted to be touched. I suddenly struggled to breathe, closing my eyes and hoping to calm whatever was rising up. I took a deep breath and gathered my senses, finding peace. When Braeden looked back again, I started forward, stopping when he waved me back without the others seeing. He pointed at the dorm once more, and this time I did as he asked, glancing back as the guys stopped.

I entered the dorm alone, wondering what Braeden had planned.

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