Chapter 3
Olivia looked over her red dress in the mirror and slipped on black ballet flats. She put a golden ladybug hair clip in the side of her bun and made her way to the family room to grab her purse. She locked up behind herself. She had limited time to make it to her lunch meeting with Adam.
She sighed and got into her car as she sat up to use her rearview mirror to apply a fresh coat of deep red lipstick to her soft lips. Olivia smiled and put her tube of lipstick away in her purse and started the car.
Adam Bisset was an attractive model and her top one that she used often as a father figure for her line. He had shortish black hair that fell into his eyes and stunning blue eyes that were the color of the ocean. His features were more rounded, yet sleek. His body was muscular yet soft. He had this bad boy way about him, and it caught her heart on fire and when he complimented her... she was up in the clouds on some other planet.
She cleared her throat as she parked and saw the back of him. He was facing away in a grey suit with a nice pair of warm cinnamon hued, Italian, leather dress shoes. She grabbed her purse and stepped out of her car, handing her keys to the valet with a smile. She watched Adam bring his arm up and push his sleeve out of the way to look at his watch.
Olivia walked up and tapped him on the shoulder. "Hello, Adam."
"Why if it isn't my boss. You look beautiful today, as always." Adam smiled at her and kissed the back of her hand. Her heart fluttered and a blush came to her cheeks as she dropped her hand from his.
"I told you to call me, Olivia. We work together." Olivia smiled up at him and he put a hand in his pocket.
"I know that. Just having a bit of fun. Ready to go inside?" Adam gestured towards the door and Olivia walked ahead of him. He opened the door for her, and she thanked him.
They got seated and Adam watched Olivia place her napkin into her lap. "So, I was looking over your ideas for what you wanted the ad to look like."
"What did you think?" Olivia smiled at him as a waiter poured them each a glass of wine.
"Well, I think that it's very relatable and good for the image that you want to portray." Adam took a sip of his wine and waited for her to respond.
"You don't think it's too much?" Olivia chewed on her nail and worried over it.
"No, not at all. You're very talented, Olivia. People are going to love it. Trust me. I've been around and I know people. My fans are going to love it. So, how is little Amelia?" Adam smiled and swirled his wine, while he watched her.
"Thank you, Adam. Seriously. And Amelia's good. Exhausting, but good." Olivia nodded with a smile.
"How about Noah? I haven't seen him in the model circuit for ages. I know he started teaching now and you've been talking about how you wish he'd help you out more. You know if you ever need someone to model your ensembles... you can call me up. I'd gladly do that for you." Adam winked at her and she giggled, taking a sip of her wine.
"I'll think about it. He's been busy with school. He did manage to watch her long enough for me to shower. Which, I was thankful for, but I just wish he'd help me out more... Is this how life is once you settle?" Olivia sighed and looked into her wine glass for answers.
"Settle? Settle isn't a word I would use for someone I want to spend my entire life with." Adam pushed for answers and wasn't shocked when her hand covered her mouth.
"I didn't mean that in a bad way. I- I just miss the flowers and compliments. He hasn't complimented me in ages, Adam." Olivia sighed and sat back in her chair. "Hasn't gotten me flowers... I wonder if he truly loves me anymore."
"Olivia." He touched her chin and raised her face up with a dashing smile. "Are you happy?"
She pulled away from him. "I am happy. I love my little family. I just- I wish he appreciated me and what I do. I wish he supported me. I wish he would make time for me."
"I would make time for a woman like you. You're worth it, Olivia." Adam smiled for her and stopped talking when the waiter came by to set plates of food in front of them. "Going back to this ad... I think it'd be beneficial to add in small memories from fathers about their kids and families. Maybe, you could even get Noah to contribute."
"I don't think he'd do that. He doesn't have time." Olivia picked at her salad as she became slightly saddened by the thought.
"You won't know unless you try. Ask him." Adam winked and took up his own fork. "I'm sure he'll find you too gorgeous to resist."
Olivia burst out laughing. "He doesn't find me gorgeous anymore. If he did... he'd say it." Her voice lowered as she spoke, and her smile faded.
"You are gorgeous, and you don't need someone to tell you that." Adam tilted her chin to make her look him in the eyes.
Her lips parted and her cheeks flushed at his words. She hadn't felt her heart beat that hard and fast in years. "But I've gained so much weight. I haven't been this size ever and I hate how my stomach looks when I peer into a mirror. He even pointed out that a skirt wouldn't fit me that I wanted when I knew that it would. I wanted to cry. I don't like how I look." Olivia felt like crying as she ranted, setting her fork down on her plate.
"Olivia. You look amazing. I always like when women have curves. And that dress looks wonderful on you." Adam smiled and took a drink of his wine.
"Thanks." Olivia smiled at him and cleared her throat as she tried to focus on her lunch.
"So, what's next for Mademoiselle Wilson after this?" Adam let his plate be taken away and took up his glass of wine.
"Well, I have to go back to my house to finish up that dress." Olivia sighed and drank the rest of her drink. "I got lucky, and my parents were able to watch Amelia for me today."
"Do you need someone to try on anything for you?" Adam smiled at her and set his empty glass down.
"No, thank you. I'll be sure to ask if I do need any help though." Olivia smiled and they stood up to leave.
Adam walked her out of the cafe and to the valet, where they brought her car around. "Thank you for meeting with me, Olivia."
"Thank you for paying for lunch." Olivia smiled at him and kissed him on both of his cheeks to say goodbye. "I'll see you at the photoshoot bright and early tomorrow, yes?"
"You got it, boss." Adam winked at her and threw finger guns at her.
She rolled her eyes with a short laugh and got into her car. "Don't be late." She called from her rolled down window and he saluted her as she drove off.