Chapter 10: A Tough Two Weeks Part 2

Christian laid back into her pillows and sighed, placing his hands over his stomach. "No. I stayed under that desk until they could rescue us from the rubble, which back then... well you could imagine how long that would take." He let his thoughts wander, while his trembling hand ran through his hair. He remembered what it was like laying there beside his trapped mother beneath a desk that was surrounded in ash and rubble. His leg throbbed and was pinned beneath the bent metal of the desk.

Christian breathed, taking in his surroundings. The smell of stale earth and nitroglycerine filled his senses and tears fell down his cheeks. Shock, hysteria, and anxiety ran through his blood and when he tried to move... he realized his shin was trapped beneath the bent metal of the desk. The memory of his best friend losing his leg in the war beside him ambushed his mind and he suddenly grabbed his thigh and pulled. He clenched his teeth, feeling the metal bite into his leg with each pull, before he fell back, exhausted against the inside wall of the desk.

This was worse than when he had almost died in The Battle of Verdun back in 1916. He panted and looked around with wide eyes. Someone had to save him. Someone had to know he was there.

"Oh God, no one knows I'm here!" Christian pulled at his hair and suddenly pulled his hands away to see crimson stains on his palms. It all took him back to being on the front lines, hopelessly fighting against German troops with jammed guns and losing ammo by the millisecond. He screamed out and everything fell into place. His mother had been crushed in front of him. His father was nowhere to be found and he was trapped beneath a desk. A desk that was probably buried and hidden among the pile of waste that was their lavish mansion.

"You have to find my son! My wife- she- she didn't make it, but I'm sure he's out here. Our house! It's- It's over here, Henry. Just please! Find him! I need him to be okay. I've- I've lost so much!" Fabien's voice rang out and Christian perked up at the familiar sound. "You see I already almost lost him in the war. I- I can't go through that again. I won't stand for it. No! No I simply cannot accept this."

"FATHER!" Christian cupped his hands around his mouth and screamed out, hoping that he would hear him. He kicked the metal with his free foot, hissed in pain, and winced when his other leg tugged slightly from the metal.

"CHRISTIAN?" Fabian returned the muffled screams. "C'mon. I heard him."

Footsteps crunched on the rubble above him, and he looked up at the bottom of the desk. Across the wood were words that he had scrawled as a child. 'I love you Mommy.' was circled in a red heart and when he turned to look beside him... he was reminded that she was no longer there. He sniffed and pulled her body closer to him and cradled her in his lap. He clutched at her as he would as a child and ran his fingers through her hair and cried. She was the only thing that kept him from being emotionally hurt by his father. The only sunshine in his storm. He pressed his forehead against her pale cheek and let all of the pain out of his soul. All of the agony and desperation.

Light fell upon him as the desk was removed. He peered up from his mother's lifeless body with puffy eyes circled in black to see his father towering over him.

"Oh, Christian." Fabian sighed looking down at the man clutching to his mother for dear life, surrounded by ashes and concrete pieces. "Are you okay? I was so worried."

He held his hand out, but Christian clutched to his mother tighter and buried his face in her soft golden hair. "You need to let her go, son. It's okay. Come on." Fabian held out his hand for his son to take it.

Christian began to be filled with rage and questions about where his father had been. The man looked too clean to have been in the rubble with him. Too clean to have been in the hell that he was currently in. Christian swallowed hard and finally found his voice, "Where were you?".

"I was with you. This whole time. I was trapped down the way. I ran away right when the part of the roof fell on your mother." Fabian tried to explain to his son, but Christian didn't buy it.

Christian coughed and peered up at him with hatred in his eyes. "You're too clean. Too unharmed to be where I am."

"Look, just- just come with me. Let's get you to a healthcare professional. We can talk about this when it's all over." Fabian took Adeline from Christian's grasp and Henry helped Christian stand. He draped Christian's arm across his shoulders.

"In the morning I found myself on a train to a different city with a broken leg. My father told me how he had run to his bunker that he had never told my mother or I about. I never realized I wouldn't make it a few months later. It's funny really. That a few bombs and a bullet to the chest couldn't end my life, but a small bug could." Christian awkwardly laughed with a shrug.

"Bug?" Madeleine's eyes widened in shock. "Like an illness?"

Suddenly, a knock sounded at her door and Christian phased away. Madeleine went to tell him that he could stay, but when she opened the door... Theresa tackled her.

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