Chapter 8
After another shot and more touching she got closer and closer and Joe felt himself turn into an eager boy again, as if a kid on Christmas morning filled with excitement to open his presents. But no matter how much he wanted to jump her right then and there he knew he had to play it cool so he said:
"This is where the small talk starts. Where are you from? Where did you grow up?" He was going to continue but she bit his bottom lip, and then gave him a grab.
"I've never been much for small talk." She whispered in his ear, and with that they were making out all over the bar. Joe couldn't believe it! Maria was definitely the hottest woman he had ever kissed and she was into him, like really into him. "She couldn't get enough" he thought.
Upon one of their breaks from exchanging saliva Joe ordered two more drinks, he felt good, really good, like he had never felt before. Everything felt good, her pressing against him, the cool sea breeze on his face, the sun kissing his skin and the lack of dread sense. Upon receiving the two drinks he turned back to Maria who, starting from his navel to his neck smelled and licked him.
"What do I smell like?" he asked without filter or second thought. "People have been smelling me lately." He was drunk, and high off of something he didn't understand, and to his surprise she answered him truthfully.
"You smell like something, I can't explain, like raw ecstasy, like pure, unfiltered power, You smell better than any human I've ever encountered." She said rubbing her hands through his hair, they were both high on the touch of one another.
"Do you smell a lot of humans?" he snickered, she shut him up by kissing him with her big luscious lips. Her kiss was addictive, he couldn't get enough. They would've got it on right there they were so lost in the high until a nearby female patron next to Joe tried to butt in on the action feeling and smelling him.
Maria put an end to that quick, she stopped kissing Joe and punched the girl right square in the nose! The girl was attractive, not on Maria's level but good-looking, she had hair dyed blue and two lip piercings, Joe knew because he got a good look at her after Maria had broke her nose. Maria dragged Joe away.
"Let's go to my room." She told him, he couldn't agree any faster. All of his fantasy's were going to come true on this cruise he thought to himself as she took him by the hand and led him back down to the lower deck.
When they reached her room, they couldn't get through the door fast enough, he slipped off her bikini and stopped to stare at the sight, her body didn't fall, everything stayed where it was, physically she was perfect.
After hours of kissing, touching, sweating and bed shaking Joe found the high was still there, he started to worry, what if someone had drugged him? What if she drugged him? These thoughts however were fleeting and few and far between the pure bliss and lust he was caught in. Hours and hours had passed, they kept going, over and over, caught in a trance at points, consumed by a savage lust.
Joe was in heaven and hell, somehow he managed to go longer and longer, like he was possessed by a sex demon. He thought at points her eyes were truly red, and at one point he imagined a tail, he thought he could be hallucinating and shook it off. If he were to die in that moment it wouldn't have bothered him he thought, everything felt so good.
By the time they had finished, Maria had gotten off and laid next to him, drenched in sweat and pheromones she fell asleep with a smile on her face. It was only then when he looked over at her body glistening in droplets of sweat that he felt the high wear off and a hard pain in his stomach, he was starving.
"How long was I in this room?" he tried to find a clock somewhere in the room. He put on his underwear and pants, looking around for his lucky t-shirt which he left at the bar previously, he had found an alarm clock under her bikini bottom, it read 12:43. In the morning he expected, then he really thought about it.
Nine hours had passed (If you remember it was one in the afternoon when he had met Mercedes and Eddy, then around two he had met the growling man and the woman with sexy skeleton legs and after them Maria).
3:25 p.m. was the last time he checked before the nine hour sexcapade, then he remembered his phone was in his pocket, he took it out and saw thirteen missed calls from Eddy and two from an unknown number.
Upon putting his phone back into his pocket he felt his pelvic bone and it was bruised, he almost fell to the floor, he was exhausted and sore, what had gotten into him? looking back at the goddess in the bed, smelling her scent of coconut and cocoa an urge came back to him and he had to pull himself away. He left the sex goddess asleep with a satisfied look on her face.
The further he made it away from her, the worse he felt, his body was shaking, he was so hungry. He would have to eat the whole buffet to get back all the amount of calories he had used up. His head hurt too, it was a pounding, throbbing mess, he had to lean against the hallway wall for a bit before carrying on. "Must've been the tequila shot" he thought. Then he took out his phone and dialed Eddy, who answered after the first ring.