Chapter 9
After explaining to Eddy where he had been and receiving much praise and approval he told Eddy he was going to the dining hall where he hoped was some food, to which Eddy replied "Of course there is food." Joe had never been on a cruise before and wasn't sure on the liner's late night dining policies. Eddy agreed that a meal was a good idea and told him he would meet him in the dining hall, with that he hung up and found the stairs.
He crawled up the stairs holding on to his stomach, it felt as if it was eating itself and no wonder, nine hours of fantastic exercise would do that. When he reached the main floor he found his way to the dining hall following the scent of seafood, pancakes, eggs and bacon and to his surprise he saw the sun was shining in through the clear glass windows.
This didn't make sense at first, he hadn't slept since the five hour nap earlier that day, which Joe was about to find out was actually the previous day. He checked the time again, 1:05p.m. then he checked the date: 06/18.
It was the next day. Joe stopped in his tracks, how was that possible? He felt the time pass when in the bed with her, it seemed like hours and hours but it didn't feel like twenty two hours.
Joe felt sick, the dread came back with a vengeance. He was hyper ventilating in the middle of the hall, the dread taking hold of him. Did he really have sex for twenty two hours straight? Was that even possible? Must've been the drugs he thought, they always had a dissatisfactory effect on him.
Eddy had found him in the middle of the hall, Joe looked as if he had seen a ghost and would collapse at any point.
"Are you okay?" asked Eddy. Joe couldn't reply, he was still trying to wrap his head around the passage of time that had occurred, maybe the drugs she slipped him had made him lose some memories? He remembered everything though, every second of the blissful fantasy slowly turning nightmare.
Time flies when you are having fun and that old adage can be multiplied when in the right company. Days can seem like hours when ensnared by a succubus, and unbeknownst to Joe, he had spent the night and the morning with one such creature.
Her lips were enough to get any man or woman caught in that high feeling as if every touch were amplified by a thousand. Not only were her lips a natural aphrodisiac but her scent also was a lure, she emitted natural pheromones that a man or woman could pick up on from twenty feet away, this pheromone was doubly effective on men.
She could make the regular man last days on end before draining the life from his body, usually she wouldn't be satisfied for another day or two but Joe was not average as we have eluded to before, and his energy and scent was enough to tire out the succubus giving her more than enough and saving his life in the process. But this, Joe knew nothing about. Not yet.
As they sat and ate Eddy watched Joe in amazement as he came back to life, he couldn't believe what Joe had told him, Eddy figured he must've went to sleep sometime in between without noticing. Even still Eddy was impressed and told Joe of the events that had happened last night. That the dancers were on the dance floor, Joe informed Eddy that they were strippers, which Eddy replied "That makes sense." Then Eddy told him about the dark-haired girl with green eyes: Caroline, who had asked all about him and he had gave her his number and she tried to call him twice.
The dance-off, he had completely forgotten about it, of course he did. Nothing seemed to exist outside the room when he was with Maria, then he started to daydream about her and had to bring himself back to the table.
After finishing three full sized meals and six glasses of water, (he was parched as well as starving) he told Eddy he was heading to the room to get some sleep, Twenty two hours of intercourse was draining, in all senses. He got up to head for the stairs.
"Did you use protection?" asked Eddy. Joe had to think about it, the answer was no but he didn't want to say it out loud. Eddy could tell by the look on his face of course.
"You might want to be more careful in the near future, this boat is filled with all sorts of deviants and sex crazed lunatics. Good way to catch something." Eddy smiled, he never got the chance to be the voice of reason before. Joe felt the dread sink in again, "What if she gets pregnant?" He thought he could be a good father, but he wasn't wanting to have a baby with a stranger on a cruise who may or may not have drugged him. Joe waved to Eddy (who had already found another woman to entertain him) before heading down the stairs.
Of course, sexual intercourse was how succubae fed and not how they reproduced, that process was much more unnatural and had to involve an incubus. But, Joe thought she was just a human who had a strange thing for smelling him and possibly drugging men into day long sex adventures.
He would have to talk to her again and ask if she had taken any birth control precautions, an awkward conversation to have and he thought to ask her if she knew where his lucky shirt had gone. All of which would have to wait, he was very tired and sore and needed sleep.
He found his room faster than before and moved some of Eddy's clothes off of his bed before collapsing onto it. The sense of dread had not left this time, it lingered, keeping him from sleep momentarily. "Twenty two hours?" Joe chuckled aloud, "that has got to be a record" he thought as he drifted away into sleep, unable to do anything else.