Chapter Seven: Boozers
We pulled up out the front of an old, run-down pub. The sign was half hanging off the top of the building. I turned my head sideways to read it. Boozers.
"I don't have an ID," I said while getting out of the car.
"You'll be fine," he assured me. He took my hand and led me to the black steel door. As soon as he opened it, a number of scents hit me: men, women, alcohol, cigarettes and sweat.
We walked down the long dark corridor. At the end, it opened up to a large, rounded room. People were everywhere. Some played pool, others danced, most drank and smoked, and from the smell of it, it wasn't just cigarettes. Isaac led me towards a booth table to the left, near the bar. He gestured for me to climb in first, so I did, and then he sat closely next to me.
"I'm thinking this place is nothing like you've been to before." He smirked at my worried expression.
"You could say that. How do you know about this place?"
"One of my father's friends owns it. It's a safe place for me to come and... relax."
I couldn't help but wonder what he meant by safe.
"Would you like a drink?" he offered.
"Sure, but, ah, non-alcoholic."
"Of course." He leaned toward me. Was he about to kiss me? Only, I didn't find out because from whatever look I had on my face - which I was sure was curiosity - it stopped him short, and the smile fell from his face. "My apologies. I was getting used to pretending." I nodded at him before he left the table.
I bit my bottom lip as confusion settled in. Why would he want to kiss me when no one from school was around?
Could... no, he couldn't have wanted to. Does Isaac actually like me? I snorted. That thought was just ridiculous. Wasn't even sane. No... but... No, just no. Then I'd go and get my hopes up and like him back, make an idiot of myself if he didn't like me.
Jesus Christ. I sound like a whiny cheerleader girl.
Nevertheless, it's Isaac and all his gorgeousness.
Shut up, you fool.
Confusion was definitely my middle name.
I wasn't alone long. A guy, not much older than me, walked up and stood in front of me. I looked up into his light blue eyes. His own eyes widened upon seeing mine.
In habit, I looked away, my eyes landing on Isaac waiting at the bar. Just seeing him gave me courage, so I stared back at his blue eyes.
"Evenin' there, love."
An English accent. Yum.
"Hope you don't mind my sayin' so, but you have beautiful eyes."
Glaring at him, I asked, "Are you for real, or just playing some stupid game?"
"I never play, unless in bed." He winked. "Name's Caelen." He held out his hand to me. I looked at it, then up to his smiling face and placed my hand in his.
"I'm Leila."
"Caelen, what are you doing here?" Isaac asked. He placed the drinks on the table and turned to face Caelen, who let go of my hand and stepped back.
"Ah, Isaac, so good to see you, chap. It's been too long. I was just introducing myself to Leila here."
"I didn't know you were back."
"Luckily for me I am, or I wouldn't have met Leila. Would you mind if I sit with the two of you?" he asked as he ran a hand through his shoulder-length blond hair.
Isaac looked down at me. I shrugged. He sighed and nodded, then sat down next to me. Isaac nudged at me to move around.
Caelen smirked. "No matter, lad. I'll sit this side." He placed himself to my other side, a little too close for comfort.
"Lad? Isn't that what you would call a much younger guy?" I asked.
Caelen's eyes brightened and looked over at Isaac, who, I noticed out the corner of my eyes, shook his head slightly.
"Yes, it is. I just like to tease him. Now, tell me about yourself, Leila. How did you two meet?"
"How interesting. What made you go back, Isaac?"
"Caelen, don't," Isaac warned.
My brows drew down at the obvious warning Isaac issued. "How is it that you two know each other?" I asked after taking a sip of my drink.
"Isaac and I go way back, even before he moved here. Boy, I could tell you some stories about this guy." He thumbed toward Isaac.
"Caelen," Isaac growled low.
I thought I would have hated coming to a place like Boozers. But in the end, I had a really good time, thanks to Caelen that was. Isaac sat in the booth like a zombie, not saying much at all. Therefore, when Caelen asked me to dance, I jumped at the chance. Besides, I'd never been asked before. I pulled my hooded jumper off and walked out onto the dance floor in my jeans and red, sleeveless top. Caelen pulled me in close and I soon got the hang of things, swaying to the music. After a few songs, we went back to the table for a drink.
It was also in case Isaac wanted to ask me to dance, but he didn't. So I continued to dance with Caelen, who I found was funny because he liked to crack jokes every chance he got. Sweet, in a 'roll your eyes' way, and so charming, I lost count how many times he made me blush.
It was a brilliant night until Isaac came up to us on the dance floor, handed me my jumper, and told me we were leaving. His voice was sharp, annoyed. I mumbled my goodbye to Caelen, who gave me a light peck on the cheek. Then I followed Isaac out to the car.
The drive home was quiet and tense. We pulled into my driveway and up to my house. I presumed Isaac wasn't coming in because he kept the car running.
"Isaac, what have I done?"
"You're lying to me."
He turned to glare at me. "Like you lied to me after school when I asked if you were okay?" he snapped. After taking a deep breath, he continued, "Look, it's nothing. I don't think we should play the couple game any longer." Was that a good or bad thing? "Besides, it would be hard if others saw Caelen and yourself down the street together."
"What's that supposed to mean? We only danced for God's sake. Besides, the game was your suggestion in the first place."
"Yes, and I shouldn't have."
I gaped at his harshness, and then sighed. "When will I see you next?"
"I'm not sure."
"Fine," I bit out and climbed out of the car. I stomped up the stairs to the front door. Before I opened it, I felt Isaac behind me. The strange thing was, I hadn't even heard his car door open or his approach.
"I'm sorry, Leila," he said. I turned to face him. "How about I come and collect you this weekend? You could come and meet my father and sister," he asked.
He was quick to change his attitude, why? Still, I wasn't passing up the opportunity to know Isaac more. "That would be nice." I smiled.
He glanced over my shoulder to the house. "Are your parents or uncle home?"
"Isaac." I blushed. "They're never home. My parents are off travelling, and my uncle is always somewhere else. He left again this morning. I practically live here on my own."
He looked down at me with wide eyes. Had he been surprised by my confession? It seemed like he was going to say something; instead, he pulled me into a hug, his arms wrapping around my shoulders. I stood there for a second in shock, and then placed my arms around his waist. I inhaled his familiar scent and revelled in his comforting heat. All too soon, he dotted a kiss on my forehead and then walked away.
For the first time, I was too tired to go for a run and opted to go to bed.
Excitement drummed through me with what tomorrow would bring. I was going to see Isaac again and I'd get to meet his family.
Even if he frustrated me, he was worth keeping.