Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Concerned Friends - Hannah

Hannah rushed into work, waving at a few customers who were waiting outside for their morning java. It never failed to amuse her that people would stand and wait to get their caffeine fix no matter how long it might be. Every morning, at least three were there for her to open the doors for them.

Fifteen minutes later, she opened the doors. In that time period she had managed to brew two pots of coffee and get the register ready. Brad got the pastries uncovered and prepared for the day. It wasn't a large coffee shop in comparison to the larger chains, but they supplied the necessary coffee with flavor options and sweets to go with them.

The morning fled by. Hannah hadn't realized it was near quitting time until her boss appeared in front of her to order a coffee.

"Oh, Crystal!" Hannah looked at the watch on her wrist. "It's that time already?"

Crystal laughed. Her dark hair pulled back in a ponytail, she always ordered a drink before work. "Yes, about time to kick you out for the day."

"It's amazing how time flies." Hannah gave a short laugh. She began punching numbers into the computer. "Your usual?"

"Sure. I'll be in the back." With a wave, Crystal disappeared into the back room.

By the time Hannah had gotten Crystal's coffee and the paperwork for the day gathered to give to her boss, her shift had ended. As two other employees came on to relieve her and Brad, she went into the back.

"Here's your coffee and today's reports." Hannah took her apron off. "Nothing spectacular happened today. But business was steady."

Crystal took the reports and gave them a cursory glance. "That's great." Putting them down, she turned to Hannah and leaned back in her chair. "I heard a rumor that you had a date last night."

Hannah paused as she tossed her apron into the laundry bin. She cocked her head to one side and nodded. "That's right. How did you hear?"

A chuckle came out of Crystal. "Well, considering a few customers overheard the bribe...."

Hannah shook her head. "I should have known." She moved over to the sink to wash her hands and pat her hair down that had escaped.

"Who was it? Have I met him?"

"He's come in a few times." Hannah avoided looking back at her boss.

Crystal leaned forward. "Who? Which customer is it? My little birdie said they had seen him in here a few times."

Hannah took a deep breath and turned around to look her in the eye. "Marcus Critton?"

"What?" Crystal sat up straight. Her mouth hung open as she gawked at Hannah. "You can't be serious? Are you nuts?"

Hannah threw her hands up in the air. "Why is that the reaction I'm getting?"

"Because it is justified. Sweetheart, that man is bad news."

"He's not so bad." She shook her head. "I've had long talks with him."

Crystal narrowed her eyes at her. "How many times have you gone out with him?"

Hannah held up two fingers. "Two not counting tonight's date." She moved behind Crystal's chair and reached into a drawer to remove her purse.

"Hannah! You have to cancel." Crystal turned around to face her.

"No. I'm actually enjoying his company."

"I'm worried about this. Nothing good comes from being associated with him."

"They have no proof."

"It's just coincidence that people who cross him disappear or they find their body floating in the river?"

"I like to give people the benefit of the doubt. So far I see no evidence of this side of him. Okay, so he can be a little overbearing at times and takes charge a little too often, but that is what most type A's do. He's no different than them."

"He most certainly is. They don't kill people."

"And you have proof he does?"

Crystal closed her eyes. "I'm not going to be able to change your mind, can I?"

Hannah flung her purse over her shoulder. "You and Tony! No."

"If Tony is saying this...."

Hannah put up her hand. "I respect your opinion, but I rarely go out and this has been a breath of fresh air for me. Just let me enjoy it for a bit. It's not like I'm moving in with the guy."

"Only if you promise to call me if you need me."

"Both you and Tony will be called. I promise. Now I have to run. Mrs. Earis needs to pick up some things for her before I go home."

"She still laid up?"

"Yes. Hopefully she'll be on her feet soon. I hate to think what that can do to her before long at her age."

Crystal nodded. "Okay, get out of here but call me." She pointed a finger at Hannah. "Please. If you don't show up here tomorrow morning, I'm calling the cops. Do you understand? One second late, and they are here."

Hannah chuckled and gave her boss a hug. "I promise. Gotta run."

The walk to the store for her elderly neighbor was the best medicine for her at the moment. Her cheeks were flushed from the anger she had kept hidden from Crystal.

Everyone had been pushing for her to get out more. She needed to get out and meet people away from the coffee shop. She needed to date more. Now that she was, they were all against it.

Yes, she had had reservations about going out with a man who had a reputation, but after she actually spent some time with him and got to know him, he wasn't so bad. It was like he was a wounded boy within a tough exterior he had created to protect himself from the harsh world.

Tony had practically quizzed her about every part of her body and the condition it was when she had called him as promised when she had gotten home. The fact that he cared so much was touching. That was one of his attributes that had drawn her to him as a friend and more, but it also could be annoying when he didn't reign it in as he currently was doing.

She wasn't totally ignorant. The internet had been used to do some research on Marcus Critton. He appeared to be a businessman whom the federal government was targeting. In many cases, they had very good circumstantial evidence, but there was never anything concrete to hold against him. Many times, the evidence was tainted or suspicious. She wouldn't say he was as pure as an angel in his business dealings, but she could also see where he could be the innocent party being persecuted by those who were envious of his position. It all came down to the fact that she didn't know what the truth was and doubted many people did.

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