Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Special - Marcus

Walking into the cafe, he motioned for his men to go to his regular table and wait for him. What he was about to do required the personal touch. He sauntered up to the register where there was no one else in line. The after work rush had already come and gone. He had deliberately waited for the right moment. He wanted her undivided attention.

The previous day he had come in hoping to talk to her, but she had not been there. It had been her day off. He didn't even try to hide his irritation. The girl behind the counter was shaking from the anger on his face. Abruptly he walked out without ordering anything. In the car, he calmed down as he reminded himself that waiting one day wouldn't kill him. He didn't like to wait when he was ready to obtain what he wanted, but he had also learned that waiting usually worked out for the better.

He didn't see Hannah behind the counter or in the cafe working. Concern that she wasn't there again settled on him. It wasn't like her to miss so many days of work. A slight noise could be heard from the back room. He strained to see who was in the back, but the window in the door did not reveal anyone. The girl behind the counter smiled as she moved toward him from washing her hands in the sink..

"What can we get you today, sir?"

"Is Hannah here?" He usually tried to be more congenial, but this time he didn't hide the gruffness in his voice.

"Yes, sir. She is in the back room. Is there anything I can get for you?"

"I would like to speak to Hannah."

"Okay. I'll go back and get her." The girl gave him a confused look and disappeared behind the swinging door. He could see the back of her head as she talked to someone. A few seconds went by until the door swung open again for Hannah to walk through.

He didn't miss the flush of anger on her cheeks. It was apparent he got under her skin. From the way it made it her look, he planned on doing it more often. She obviously wasn't immune to him.

"Yes? What can I do for you?" She gave him a smile as she had been trained to do. Her eyes moved past him to see a few other customers walk up behind him, impatient to give their order.

He gave her a full smile he knew dazzled the ladies. "I would like my usual."

He noticed the slight pressure of her lips as she maintained to keep the smile in place. He could have easily given his order to the other girl, but he wanted Hannah. He leaned forward where he could get a slight whiff of her perfume.

She entered the order on the register a little harder than necessary and said, "That is nine dollars and fifty cents." Looking up, she gave a noticeable start to see him so close. The flush in her cheeks deepened.

He smoothly reached into his jacket and pulled from the wallet hidden within a hundred dollar bill which he handed to her. "And I'll pay for all those behind who are irate at this moment if…" he paused as his eyes bore into hers. "...and only if you agree to go out with me tonight." Marcus made sure his voice was low and what had been called sexy.

Her eyes blinked in surprise and moved from the money he held back to his eyes. "You're asking me out?" Her voice came out in a slight whisper.

He lowered his own voice, "You've got two seconds."

"What?" She looked around quickly. "Or what?"

"Or I stand here and make everyone really mad. I don't mind. I have all the time in the world." He shrugged his shoulders.

Hannah glanced at the people behind him and bit her lip. The space between her eyes creased into a worried frown. The line was getting longer and tempers were rising from the grumbling he could hear behind him. They had no idea what was happening except the line wasn't moving. He knew he had the advantage and was more than willing to use it.

"Fine." She snatched the bill and laid it under the drawer until all orders were taken. "It might be more than a hundred."

"I'll pay the difference when they are all done." He winked and walked over to his table as though what he did was an everyday occurrence. From behind him, he heard Hannah call out to the other girl to come help her take the orders that were lining up once they overheard there was free coffee involved.

They got to work quickly. Marcus' drink was up, but he sent one of his men to get it as the young girl had made it and not Hannah. He settled back in his seat and began making phone calls, his eyes watching every move of the woman he desired. He admired her work ethic. She never slacked and never asked her employees to do anything she wouldn't do. He never saw her just doing nothing. Such energy he'd love to experience.

Three hours later, he was still sitting there sipping his third drink when the doors were closed behind the last customers. Hannah locked the doors and turned around to find only him sitting there. His men had snuck out a few minutes earlier.

Marcus sat with one leg crossed over the other one and his arm draped over the back of his chair as he watched her face flush once again. "They are outside. No sense in having them all in here while you are cleaning up."

Hannah nodded and joined Meg behind the counter cleaning up. He watched as she worked away, admiring how her body moved at simple tasks such as wiping a counter or marking down items in a book. She was the epitome of elegance even when doing menial tasks.

The two women disappeared into the back room, untying their aprons as they did. A few minutes later, the young girl had left. The nervous glances she gave him as she passed by did not go unnoticed.

He stood up and made his way into the backroom. It was perfect timing. He found Hannah bent over, retrieving her purse. He stopped and admired the rounded butt that was so shapely displayed in the jeans. It took all he had not to reach out and run his hands over the tempting cheeks.

Hannah stood up and turned around. She threw her hands up in the air and let out a gasp at seeing him there. Placing her hand over her chest, she took in a deep breath, "I…uh…I'm done." A flush rose over her cheeks.

Smiling, he stepped back for her to walk past him. Deliberately, he didn't give her much space. She'd have to move close to him to get by which was exactly as he planned.

Hannah flung her purse over her arm and moved toward the door. Her breasts brushed his arm. He couldn't prevent the instant reaction he had with her. It had been a long time since he was so attracted to a woman. She was special.

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