Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Warning - Hannah

Hannah clasped the necklace around her neck and lowered her hair back down. She so rarely wore it down as it was required to be pulled back for work. She brushed out the long blonde hair and smiled at the shine it projected. It was nice to see it outside of a ponytail.

She straightened the skirt once more. It had been a long time since she had worn the little black dress. It had been on a date with Tony the year before when his other date cancelled and he had to get someone to go with him to a formal event for work quickly. Being the good friend and former girlfriend she was, Hannah had agreed to go. That meant buying a new dress for the occasion. Worn once and remained in the back of the closet until the night of her second date with Marcus.

It wasn't really what she wanted to do. Okay, she was a little excited at his persistence, but he was a customer and a little overwhelming to her. Though only two inches taller than her, he gave the appearance of being massive. Everything he did was full of confidence. He knew he'd get whatever he wanted whether it was the last pastry or a date with the cafe worker. While it wasn't something that had her melting, it was something that made her look at him differently. It was sort of attractive.

There was a sexiness he exuded as well. She became a nervous Nellie when he was around her. Maybe it was the way his eyes seemed to undress her. Maybe it was the fact that he was sexy and had every woman drooling over him. Why her? Why choose her? Maybe because she didn't fawn over him the way others did.

She paused in her final touchups for the date. She hadn't felt that attracted to a man in a long time. Maybe that was what was scaring her most. She felt the intensity through every fiber in her body. If he tried to kiss her, she knew she wouldn't refuse him. In fact, she'd willing participate. She had to admit she wondered what his lips would feel like, how his arms would feel around her…

Her phone beeped on the counter next to her as she reached for the brush, pulling her out of her intense thoughts. Tony's name appeared on the screen, causing her to smile. She tapped the screen to answer.

"What'cha up to?" She ran the brush through her long hair that was finally dry from the shower.

"Going to the movies with my girl."

Hannah chuckled. "Who is it this time?"

"You, who else?" The sound of car horns in the background accompanied his response.

She arched an eyebrow at her reflection in the mirror. "Can't get anyone else to say yes?"

"Right on. But you'll do."

Hannah laughed. "Well, this one says no as well."

"What? No! It can't be! You're my reliable backup plan every time I need you. You've never let me down."

She leaned over to brush under her hair. "Well, tonight I do that."

"Okay, who's the lucky guy? I'm assuming you're going out with a guy on an actual date."

"Hardy har-har." Hannah slid a rhinestone barrette into her hair. "Yes, a guy."

"Spill the beans."

"Make me." Knowing he couldn't see, she stuck her tongue out anyway.


A knock echoed down the hallway.

Hannah turned her head and froze. "Are you at my door?"

"Where else?

Hannah rolled her eyes. "Figures." With another push of the phone, she grabbed it before walking toward the front door. Pulling it open, she put her hand on her hip and looked down. "What on earth are you doing?"

Tony looked up from where he was kneeling on all fours. A lock of dark hair fell down across his eyes. HIs phone hung out of his mouth with only his lips holding it from falling to the floor. "Ah wah ma hatat."

"Yeah, the sad thing is that I totally understood that. Your contact is two inches from your right index finger. Bring it in. Your saline is still in the bathroom." She turned to walk to the bathroom. Not hearing Tony moving behind her, she turned around to see him still on the floor where she had left him. Hannah tilted her head. "Are you going to stay there all night and role play being a dog or are you going to come in and get your contact back in your eye?"

Slowly Tony pushed his body up to stand. His eyes were glued to Hannah as he moved in slow motion to pull the phone out of mouth. First the eye without the contact closed then opened again. He repeated the action. "Wow! This is more than just a date. You're all gussied up."

Hannah looked down. "It's just my black dress."

"Yeah, but on you....."

"On me what?"

"Ah, looks different than your work outfit. That's all I was trying to say. I need to get this contact hydrated." With urgency he moved past her into the bathroom.

Hannah could hear him opening and closing the cabinet door. She shook her head and walked into her bedroom to retrieve her shoes. Turning around with them in her hand from the closet, she gasped, seeing Tony leaning against the doorframe. "Do you have to do that?"

"Who are you going out with?"

"Hate it when you sneak up on me."

"I asked who were you going out with."

"A guy I met at work." She sat down on the edge of the bed and slipped on the slim pumps that had been sitting in a box as long as the dress had been tucked away.

"What guy has you pulling out that dress you haven't worn in ages? Spill the beans, Han. You've been holding out on me."

"Drop the big brother/father tone." She took a deep breath and stood up. "I tried calling you earlier today, but you were in that meeting and then I just forgot."

A frown creased between his eyes. "Spill it, Hannah."

"Marcus Critton."

"Who?" Tony moved a step closer.

"Marcus Critton," her response was mumbled as she fidgeted with her dress.

His green eyes flashed. "The Marcus Critton? The one always being investigated by the feds?"

"Yes, that one." She picked up her evening bag on the bed and walked past Tony.

He was right behind her as he responded, "Are you nuts?"

"This is the reason I didn't push telling you." Hannah tossed the bag on the couch and continued on into the kitchen.

Tony followed. "Then you know you should question your actions. This is a known criminal."

"Alleged." Hannah turned around. "Listen, Tony. I'm just going out to dinner with him. That's all. It's not like I'm moving in with him."

Tony ran his hand through his hair and sighed. "Hannah, you're playing with fire."

"Again, I'm just going out to dinner. Once he realizes I'm not his typical kind of woman, we'll end with only a couple of dates under our belt."


Hannah realized her mistake.Reaching for the glass in the cabinet for her water, she hesitated. There was no avoiding it now. "We had dinner last night."

"You've already been out with him?" His body was rigid where he stood in the doorway, glaring at her.

She sat the glass down and put up a hand. "Stop right there. Do you trust me? Do you trust me to not let this go too far?"

"Hannah, I trust you. I don't trust a man who is under constant scrutiny by the federal government."

She moved forward and put her hands on his arms. "And I appreciate that. I really do. Now I have a date tonight at a fancy restaurant. Let me get a free, expensive meal out of this. Then we can go out tomorrow night. Okay?"

"I still don't like this. But…" He put his hand up to silence her protest. "Just promise me to keep your cell near you. Call me if you need me to come get you. Don't let him get you in a situation where I'm picking you up at the police station or picking you out at the morgue."

She gave a laugh. "Yes, I will. I promise."

His shoulders relaxed a little. "Can I at least stay here until you leave?"

Hannah arched one eyebrow at the man.

"I take that as a no. Okay, but I expect a phone call when you get home. Do you understand me?"

"Yes. Now get out of here."

Tony walked to the door with Hannah right behind him. As he put his hand out toward the doorknob, he paused and turned around. "Hannah, I know....We aren't dating anymore, but I don't want to see you hurt."

Hannah reached up and kissed him on the cheek. "We were friends before something more. We're still friends. Always will be. Now get your tush out of here."

"Okay." He opened the door. Before he closed it, he stuck his head back in and quickly said, "You're looking hot."

Before she could respond, the door was closed. Hannah laughed and went back into the kitchen. As she poured a glass of water, she chuckled again. It was just like Tony to give her a laugh to calm her down. He had been doing that for five years.

Meeting while trying to get into the same taxi, they had quickly become fast friends, even to the point of setting each other up on dates. It wasn't uncommon to see them together watching a movie or just hanging out at each other's places. Two years earlier they had decided to take their relationship to the next level.

One New Year's the kiss seemed to be different. After a few awkward encounters and even attempts at avoiding each other, Tony had thrown caution to the wind and asked her out. He reasoned with her that all they had to lose was some dates with other people. Hannah had agreed. The first few dates were great, but something was always there between them. Though their kisses had some passion in them, they still were checked. either they were too good of friends to let it go farther or they were destined to be the friends with passion lurking around them.

After a few months, they had decided to return to just being friends. It was way too easy for them to slip back in that role and double date. It was the right decision. She couldn't ask for a better friend.

Another knock at the door got her attention. Marcus had arrived.

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