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Chapter 10: Howl of the Wolf

The last goodbyes were said around the fire, then they got into the truck without speaking and began the trek back into town. Brenna had her window down so she could enjoy the feel of the cool air against her hot cheeks. As the dark images of trees embracing the side of the road whirled by, she couldn't help but think of those embarrassing images that passed through her mind when Slaton touched her cheek. She was thankful he had not known what she saw. Those images were too intimate for her to linger on.

A lonesome howl that rose up from the blackness and spread out for all to hear penetrated the cabin of the truck. Brenna turned her head to listen closely. Another howl followed close behind. It was low, yet powerful, as it continued past them into the darkness beyond. Brenna could sense the forest accepting the call and embracing it.

"He sounds rather close." Her eyes were scanning the horizon to see if she could spot the lone animal.

"He is probably a couple of miles away." He glanced over at her. "There are many stories of the wolf within our tribe."

She nodded. "Many native tribes have connections to the wildlife around them."

"Some more than others. Our stories link our heritage to the wolf. I'll have to tell you more about them some time," he said as he closely watched her face.

Brenna looked back ay him and smiled. "I'd like that." She could feel things returning to 'normal' between them, yet she still sensed that there was more here to discover. What it was she was not sure, but she could no longer deny it. She liked her relationship with Slaton as it was before and didn't want to lose that.

The rest of the ride was in silence. As they pulled up to the curb in front of Brenna's apartment building, the darkness was broken only by the glow of the streetlight in front of the building. They both sat quietly, each in their own world. Slaton was thinking of how much he wanted to pull her close and kiss her. Brenna was thinking of how things had changed between them in the last few hours. Whether or not she liked it was yet to be decided.

"Thank you for picking me up and bringing me home." Brenna reached for the handle to get out of the truck and make her way into the building.

"Brenna, wait." She stopped and looked over at Slaton. He seemed to be at a loss for words. He looked at her for a few seconds before turning to get out of the car. "Never mind."

Brenna normally would have pushed it, but something held her back. Maybe it was fear of what he was going to say. She had no idea, but it was unlike him to be so unsure of himself. Maybe that was what scared her. If he was unsure, then she didn't want a part of it.

Slaton was torn. He wanted so badly to lay his feelings out there for her, but at the same time he was scared of her reaction. He should probably heed his mother's advice and give it time. Patience was crucial.

Slaton's senses were on alert as they walked up to the front door, but nothing seemed out of the ordinary. His sensitive hearing picked up nothing from the park enclosed in darkness across the street. He sensed no one around them or anything out of the ordinary. All seemed well, which made him even more jittery. He looked over at the squad car Eaton had promised. The officer within motioned with his hand that he saw them. Slaton jerked his head up in response. When they arrived at her front door Brenna opened it and turned around to thank Slaton.

"Thanks again."

He shook his head. "Not until I've checked it all out. You call Eaton and let him know you're back." They were not sure what they were dealing with. Squad car or not sitting outside, he wasn't taking any chances.

"There's no need to. I'll be fine," Brenna protested.

"Sure you will, but I'm still going to check." Before she could reply, he had moved past her and began a detailed search of her apartment. She would have protested, but knew it would do no good. Because of the look on his face, she realized that it would be worse to try and stop him. Plus, it made her feel good to know that the apartment would be looked over by him.

While Slaton searched, she took her sweater off and started to relax. Nodding that everything was alright in the bedroom, he emerged from it to go on to the next room. The apartment was a little warm, so Brenna walked over to the thermostat on the wall near the kitchen and lowered the temperature. She slept better when it was cooler anyway.

"Everything is fine." Slaton walked back in after checking the bathroom.

"Told you so." She cocked her head and smiled smugly.

"Well, you don't know everything, and I feel better knowing I've looked. Plus, Mom might deck me if I didn't check everything over." He acted horrified at the thought of his mother after him.

They both laughed knowing it was probably true.

"I'll head back now. Have a good night, Brenna." Slaton reached forward and kissed her on top on the head. With a wink, he let himself out. Brenna stood next to the kitchen and stared after him.

She stood there for a few minutes before locking the door and turning into her room to get ready for bed. This night was getting stranger and stranger. She really needed to step off of this emotional roller coaster before going to sleep. What she needed was the feel of solid ground beneath her feet.

She brushed her hair and teeth, changed into her night clothes, and settled down underneath the covers. Thinking of everything that had taken place tonight, she smiled. It had been fun, but what happened with Slaton was something she hadn't quite come to terms with yet. Never had she experienced anything that came even close to whatever that was. She must figure out what had happened. Giving up on trying to understand it at that moment, she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Images began to flit across her mind as she dreamed. In her dream the night was deep and there was a full moon that lit up not only the sky, but also the landscape. Stars were hidden from view beyond the moonlit veil. In the distance a wolf ran up a steep slope and stood on a rocky peak. His solid, majestic body proclaimed power. As he looked out over the valley with eyes that glowed bright in the moonlight, his gaze penetrated the dark valleys and tree-shadowed plains. There was nothing he didn't see. Sensing all was well, he raised his head back and howled deeply.

It was not the normal howl of a wolf. Its deep and summoning howl rose up, reached out into the land, traveled through the city streets, and found its way into the slumber of those that sought it. This wolf's call penetrated barriers and tugged at the depths of the soul.

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