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Chapter 4: The Spark

Brenna rose fully rested and noticed how bright and shiny the day was beginning. She walked to the window overlooking the front yard and smiled as the sun's rays danced on everything it touched. She just knew it was going to be a good day.

It had to be. Yesterday had ended on such a stressful note. Knowing someone had been in her apartment made her feel violated. It was even worse knowing they had touched her intimate clothing. The thought of burning that nightgown grew more tempting with each passing moment. But she wasn't going to let that ruin today. She had to work and nothing should get in the way of that. Plus she might find out which devious student thought yesterday's prank was funny.

She didn't take long to get dressed. Everything she needed was there in her bag and nothing needed ironing. She was glad she had grabbed the right clothes. The smell of breakfast drifted under the door and pulled Brenna toward it. Breathing deeply, she quickly finished brushing her hair and pulled on her shoes.

Tahnee had a big breakfast awaiting everyone in the large country-style kitchen. Brenna loved the house Tahnee had turned into a home. It was a large ranch house that invited others in and made them feel comfortable and welcome. Even the kitchen beckoned one in to visit and eat, as warmth and love radiated out of it. The table was filled with food and bodies. Tahnee motioned to the empty chair opposite of Slaton for Brenna to sit. She didn't need to be told twice.

Despite everything that had happened, Brenna ate well. She did not turn down second helpings of scrambled eggs and ham. Neither did the men who actually went for thirds. Tahnee, an exceptional cook, had prepared enough food for an army. It wasn't long before the dishes held only crumbs that Layford eagerly tried to dispense of.

After breakfast, Grey headed to the bait shop he ran on the lake. He had taken it over when his father passed away ten years earlier. Knowing how important the bait shop was to the community, he gave up his job at a plant in town to keep it it open. Grey was going to continue his father's legacy and be there for others. Brenna loved being around Grey. He was strong and patient, just like Tahnee. His hair was already grey and his skin was weathered from being out in the sun for many years. The boys got their height from him as he was over six feet tall. Even at fifty he was a strong, handsome man. Slaton and he frequently had arm wrestling contests which either one could win depending on the day. But it was his smile that always made Brenna feel good. He had a sense of joy and calmness when he smiled and his dark eyes lit up. She could see him as the grandfather who spoiled his grandkids rotten, then sent them home to watch the result.

Layford was heading to his friend's house to catch a ride to school. He was a typical teenage boy, awkward and trying to feel comfortable in a body that suddenly decided to take the fast road to manhood with a mind that had not quite caught up. His hair was as black as his brother's and down to his shoulders. He was extremely handsome and figuring out for himself how all the girls in school looked at him. Layford was athletic; his body had muscles that were shaping up to draw the eye. The cockiness that came with this realization made Brenna laugh. She couldn't wait to see him after a few years of maturity.

Slaton was getting ready to take Brenna to work. He was ready to go as soon as breakfast was over. Brenna just had to brush her teeth and grab her bag. Slaton told her to leave it in the truck till after school when he picked her up. Once they were ready, Tahnee shooed them all out as she began cleaning up from breakfast.

Brenna hadn't needed to put on her sweater when they walked out the door toward his truck. The unseasonably warm sun gave a hint of the spring to come. The sweater would come in handy later, but for now but her long sleeves would do the job.

She was enjoying the warmth of the rays and reached for the handle of the truck door at the same time as Slaton. Their hands collided on the door handle and she jumped back as electricity shot up her arm. It struck at her fingers like a lightning bolt and quickly began radiating upward and outward. The tingling was almost painful as it continued long after the contact. It was slightly numb, but still pulsated. Her startled look met Slaton's raised eyebrows. "Wow! That was some static electricity from that handle."

Slaton, slowly revealing his pearly white teeth, smiled and nodded. It was as though he was pleased with the shock. Brenna didn't think too much of it as she focused on rubbing feeling back into her hand and arm. Opening the door, he motioned for her to get in. Still rubbing her hand, Brenna complied. Slaton closed the door and began whistling a lively tune as he made his way around to the driver's side. He continued whistling all the way to the school where he arrived obviously happy, and she arrived still tingling from the shock.

As he opened the door for her, Brenna was careful to avoid touching the metal. Another shocking experience was not something she wanted. Once was more than enough for her. Slaton noticed her avoidance and couldn't help but smile even bigger. She creased her brow and looked at him in confusion. Whatever was the matter with him today? He seemed to have something on his mind today, something that was causing him to act completely out of character.

"Let me or Eaton know if anything usual happens today." He raised one eyebrow at her in mock authority.

"I'll be fine. In fact, I'm going to carefully watch the faces of my students to see if anyone is watching my actions closely. It's nothing I'm sure. I'll let Eaton know at lunch." She pulled her shoulder bag up and flashed him a smile. A wisp of hair flew across her face, and Slaton fought the urge to put it back in place for her. He was torn between touching her and letting his jealousy of Eaton come through. The man had no idea what he was neglecting.

"Okay, but promise me anyway." His insistence was actually kind of endearing.

"Yeah, yeah. See ya later." She rolled her eyes and waved.

She turned to walk into the school. Slaton was admiring her walk when an uneasy tingling pulled at him. The hairs on his neck were standing on end again. Looking around, he saw nothing out of the ordinary, but something was bothering him. Something wasn't right, he just couldn't put his finger on it. Reluctantly, he drove off to the courthouse where he had some papers to pick up.

Eyes watched him leave, then resumed watching the school building.

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