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Chapter 6: Family

She had to admit that the Lightfoot men sure knew how to grill. It wasn't just a dinner with the family. Several families showed up and gathered around the two large barrels that had been sliced in half lengthwise and turned into huge grills that could cook enough food to feed everyone. Grey manned the steaks, while Slaton had the potatoes and vegetables on the other grill. Brenna was admiring the setup when Tahnee came up and pushed a beer into her hand.

Tahnee smiled. "I love having you here, Brenna."

"Thank you for inviting me. I love coming out and spending time with you guys."

"You don't have to be invited, you know. We consider you family now."

Brenna lowered her head to hide the sadness that crossed her face. "Thanks, it's nice you feel that way." For most of her adult life, she had been alone. By the age of eighteen, both of her parents were dead, as well as her extended family. There were some family members out east, but she had not seen them since she was a small child.

Tahnee reached over and pulled Brenna close. With her arm around the other woman's shoulders, they watched the men cook. Layford was tossing a football with some other boys and kept trying to entice Slaton away from the grill. Making sure the food did not get burned, Grey was watching him closely.

Brenna couldn't help but smile. It felt good to be a part of the entire scene. It helped her to relax and get 6her mind off things. As Tahnee walked away to begin serving everyone, the itch on her chest came back. Frowning, she rubbed at it. She had forgotten to pick u0p cream to put on it. She'd have to do that tomorrow.

A few minutes later, Brenna sat down on the porch steps to eat. Little TV trays were placed next to the steps for plates to be put on. Though she enjoyed the gathering, she took pleasure in the quiet of the porch. Most had found places around the grill and picnic tables, as well as places on trunks of cars and beds of trucks. The plate of food in front of her called to her stomach. She was just digging in when she heard someone move close to her.

"How's the steak?" Slaton asked as he lowered himself on the steps next to her.

Brenna nodded as she finished her first bite. "It's great. Just the way I like it."

He grinned real big. "But the potatoes are even better, aren't they?"

"Actually, they are slightly undercooked." Brenna, hiding a smile behind a curtain of hair that had fallen forward, kept cutting her steak.

Silence greeted her as she felt something wet touch her head. Looking up, she found a water bottle poised to finish dumping its contents down her face. Without moving anything but her eyes, she looked over at the one controlling the bottle. "Or I could amend my comment to state how scrumptious the potatoes are that melt in my mouth and couldn't be cooked any more perfectly." She held her breath waiting on the water to hit her.

He arched one eyebrow. "Should I believe her or assume she is saying what I want to hear to stay dry?"

"Believe her as she means it wholeheartedly, and the fact that she would remain dry is an extremely attractive bonus." She smiled sweetly in an attempt to win him over.

Looking at her, he seemed to ponder the comment. "Mmmmmm. Nah, she's lying." He tipped the bottle over and poured water over her upturned face.

Squealing as she jumped up, she shook her head to remove the water from her eyes and sent water scattering in a radius around her. Slaton doubled over laughing at her. Looking like a white drowned rat, she sputtered water and glared at him with an open mouth as her wet hair hung around her face.

"You.... You....." She couldn't even finish a sentence. Others around them laughed as they watched the scene. Holding his sides, Slaton was on the steps laughing, and Brenna, wet from the encounter, stood before him.

"Speechless? That's a first." As he laughed even harder watching her set her mouth in irritation, he didn't see her step over to grab her own bottle of water, the contents of which she quickly tossed onto him. He sputtered this time and the laughter around them grew louder.

He shook his head and then pulled his shirt up to dry his face. The look on his face stopped Brenna cold. The glint in his eye and the steel look on his face told her she was in trouble. Turning around quickly, she sought Tahnee out and was intent on hiding behind her without shame.

She didn't take a step before she felt strong arms pick her up and turn her around, then toss her over hard shoulders. Another squeal came out of her as she felt herself being spun around in fast circles. All she could do was gasp for breath as the laughter from all the people filled her ears. Everything around her became a blur. Finally, the spinning stopped and she found herself unceremoniously dumped onto the ground. Looking up, she saw Slaton standing over her with his hands on his hips and a satisfied grin.

"Happy now?" she asked trying to look fierce and sending him a death glare.

"Almost." Slaton then turned around and went back to the men where he bragged about his successful revenge and received pats on the back.

The women laughingly pulled Brenna up and helped her steady herself. Tahnee was beaming at her. Brenna glared now at the woman she had hoped would save her. "Where were you? Why didn't you help me?"

"Enjoying the show." Laughter erupted again. Brenna joined them this time. It had been fun she admitted to herself. Looking over toward the men, she caught Slaton smiling and looking at her. She blushed as he winked. What was she doing?

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