Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 7: Possibilities

The rest of the evening was just as much fun, though calmer. A bonfire was started in the middle of the field that had yet to fully show signs of the coming spring. Evidence revealed by the departed snow clearly showed this was the site of many past bonfires. The teenage boys and those just a few years older were having fun causing the blaze to grow larger. Their eyes followed the tongues of flame as they reached high up into the sky. They were running around in the woods gathering up kindling that had dried out from the last snow two weeks earlier. The boys who had picked up their wood days ago were better prepared. Their wood had been stored it in a dry place so they could be the ones to make the fire grow the biggest. A few boys even tried to burn their school books, but were stopped by their mothers. They were watched closely to make sure they didn't return home and find more things to burn.

With all the food put up, many of the women were slowly making their way to the men. Watching the fire grow, Tahnee was standing by Grey.

His strong arm was around her as she leaned against him. Brenna loved to watch this couple who were still so obviously in love after all of these years. They looked at each other as though their love had just started to bloom. Brenna could only dream of finding such a love.

She remembered the love her parents had shared before their car accident. Brenna wanted to find someone like her father who was honorable and loving, so she didn't date a lot. No one she had met so far could even come close to loving her the way her father had loved her mother. Seeing Tahnee and Grey together reminded her just how strongly a couple could love.

She was still watching the loving couple with a contented smile on her face when she became acutely aware of a presence behind her. Turning slightly, she found Slaton standing there with a smile playing around his lips. "Whatcha doing over here by the porch still? Everyone's getting closer to the fire." He motioned toward the growing fire.

"Just enjoying the view, plus it seems they are having some family time." Brenna looked back over at the gathering. She did not want to disturb such a beautiful picture and found herself perfectly content sitting on the sidelines enjoying it.

"All the more reason for you not to be here," he insisted.

Brenna looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Brenna, you're family. You're part of us whether you realize it or not." He looked intently into her eyes. Even though she might not agree with him, she could see how serious he was. She felt sincerity emanating from his body, and a part of her wanted to give in just to make him happy.

"I just feel like I'm intruding. No matter what, Slaton, I'm the outsider." She shook her head. It didn't matter how she craved it, no way was there a place for her here.

He reached over and put his arm around her shoulders. She enjoyed the warmth as he turned her back to the gathering. "Only because you make it so." He pulled her slowly toward the fire. "Mom sees you as a daughter. Dad finally has a girl. Layford.... well, he's a teenager with a cool teacher who has become like a sister to him." He affectionately squeezed her shoulder. "See? You're part of the family."

Before she could stop herself, Brenna asked, "And how about you?" As soon as the words left her mouth, she wished she could take them back. Walking right into trouble wasn't something she usually did. With the newly charged air between them, she knew this was a question she should not have asked.

He stopped walking. Brenna took a few extra steps before she realized what had happened to cause his arm to fall from her shoulders. She turned around wondering what he was doing, only to find him standing still and staring at her. The lights and shadows from the bonfire behind her flickered off of Slaton's face, making it even more wild looking, like a creature from another world. This exotic and enticing effect thrilled her.

He was looking at her with such tenderness that Brenna's breath left her. "I would think it was obvious." He seemed about to say more when one of the young men ran by shouting.

"Come on, guys. They are going to pull out the s'mores." He was intent on getting to the campfire delights before anyone else. Right behind him were three more youths intent on the same goal.

Slaton's eyes never left Brenna despite the activity passing by him like a freight train. The rest of the world was drifted away and left them standing alone. Eventually, Slaton blinked, breaking their intense contact. "Would you prefer to go for a short walk?" He motioned toward the road that led further into the reservation.

Brenna didn't trust herself to speak, so she nodded. As she did so, she wanted to kick herself. What was she walking into? Over the last two days so much had happened between them that it was hard for her to process her own thoughts and feelings.

They turned and began walking down the road that was not wrapped in as much darkness as usual. The light from the bonfire reached out and gave it a soft glow. Brenna clasped her hands in front of her as she strolled beside him. She squeezed them tightly, focusing on them to steady her thoughts.

A family? Her a part of a family? She loved being with them, but she had never really considered herself one of them. Maybe it was because she was scared. Maybe it was because she just had always accepted that she could never be a part of a family as loving as theirs. Somehow she was being pulled into an honest to goodness loving family, hadn't realized it, and didn't know how to react.

Slaton seemed deep in thought. Brenna didn't see herself as part of his family and this greatly disturbed him. It was obvious they all loved and accepted her. She was holding herself back from believing in the love they all had for her. She was holding back from all of them including him.

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