Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 8: The Connection

As they neared the end of the flame's light, Slaton stopped and turned toward her. The noise from the gravel under his shoes broke the quiet around them. All the noise from the gathering was in the distance; it was more of a low rumble. Brenna stopped and looked at him, wondering what he would say now. Both had been lost in thought.

"Why wouldn't you think you are a part of this family?" A crease formed between his eyes, while a lock of his hair had fallen across his forehead from the turn he made toward her. Brenna's hands ached to reach out and smooth it back.

Brenna was at a loss for words. She wasn't sure what he was going to say on this walk, but this was certainly not it. This was something she didn't really have an answer for.

"I...I don't know. I'm the newcomer. I.... I'm just not, Slaton." Not really sure of a good answer, she shrugged her shoulders and spread her hands out. What else could she say?

"That's ridiculous." He raised his voice in response. "Would you say that to a baby that was just born?"

"What? Of course, not. That's something entirely different." She couldn't believe that he used that as an example. This was nothing like that.

"How?" He wanted an answer and was determined to get it.

"I don't know, maybe the connection through blood. Slaton, what's the big deal? Why are you so concerned about this?" She threw up her hands in exasperation. This seemed so important to him, but she just couldn't understand why.

"Because it bothers me that you don't feel like one of us." Slaton drew closer. When he reached up and placed his hands on her shoulders, she could feel the warmth through her thick sweater as though his hands were on her bare skin. The truth was that she had never really been this close to him, except when he saved her from falling on the floor the night before. She breathed in his scent, earthy like the woods around them, and her body, physically aware of his nearness, tingled.

"Don't let it. I'm not one that fits in well. I've been a loner most of my life and I'm used to it." She tried to focus on the conversation and looked up at him. "I'm an only child. I'm used to doing things on my own."

Slaton shook his head. "No. Not anymore. You're part of us now. I just want you to realize it."

Brenna smiled slightly. Slaton noticed how it reached up to her eyes and made them sparkle, even in what little light there was. "I love being with you guys, but I can face the reality that it only goes so far."

"Only because you make it so," he insisted. "Don't do that, Brenna," he said as he increased the pressure on her shoulders.

"Don't do what?" She shook her head in confusion

"Don't pull from us. Don't pull away from me." His voice was intense as he opened his own heart up to her.

The look in his eyes that seemed to glow called out to her as they pulled her into their depths. A part of her wished desperately that he would take the plunge and just kiss her. Another part of her wanted to run to the hills and lock herself in her room. The feelings surging up within her were terrifying. She wasn't terrified in the sense of being frightened; but, she wasn't prepared to deal with these feelings yet. Never had such emotions run through her. She didn't know how to explain it, but it was close to driving her mad.

"Try to understand." Slaton whispered cryptically as he reached up toward her face. Before he actually touched her, he hesitated and looked deeper into her eyes. The appearance of glowing in his eyes grew as he seemed to be begging her for something. When she didn't pull away or give any other sign that his touch was unwelcome, he placed his fingertips ever so gently on her cheek.

What happened next could never be described adequately, at least that is what Brenna would think later. The touch of his hand was warm and gave her a shiver but she found it hard to enjoy the feeling because something else crept in and took over.

A shock of electricity moved down her neck, into her arms, through her body, and all the way to her toes. She tingled everywhere; there was no part of her that didn't feel it. Before her eyes, Slaton disappeared from view to be replaced with blazing white light as images began to flash before her. In these images, she and Slaton stood waist deep in water kissing, their arms around each other with the sun shining brightly around their bodies. Brenna barely registered a white beach and deep blue water before it disappeared. This flashed quickly by to be replaced with another image of them with very little clothing on locked in a passionate embrace on a bed. The room appeared to be Slaton's, but she didn't have time to focus. The next image found them kissing in Tahnee's kitchen, Slaton's body pressing hers up against the sink. Water from the sink threatened to overflow and drench them. Each succeeding image was more vivid and real than the previous one; Brenna felt like she was standing there and watching it really happen. She could almost feel his arms closing around her and feel his lips pressing against hers, as his tongue explored her mouth and body with intensity and passion.

With a gasp, Brenna pulled back. The images were gone, but she could still see them. They were not as vivid, but her mind kept replaying them. She could see and feel every rerun. Her whole body still shook from the bolt that had rammed through her. Staring into nothing, she tried to mentally shake herself back to the present. Everything her eyes saw now was blurry and completely unfocused. As her eyes and mind cleared, Slaton slowly came into focus. He was standing in front of her with a slightly disoriented look upon his own face while looking into her face searching for something. As his mind cleared, he became more focused on her.

His eyes were glowing with intensity as he watched her. Her breathing was heavy and her eyes still glazed. What had happened she wasn't sure, but standing here looking at him only confused her more. Taking a deep breath, she stepped back and put space between them so she could think. His hand was still close to her face, but not touching her. She couldn't come up with any words that were right. Still looking at him, she moved her mouth, but no words came out. Giving up and letting confusion take control, she turned around and headed back to the fire slowly. It took all her power to do so; the need to stay with him was so strong, but her fear of what she saw was stronger.

Slaton stood still and watched Brenna walk away. He knew what images she had seen; the same ones had flashed before his own eyes. The confusion and fear in her eyes had been so evident. The urge to wrap his arms around her and to comfort her was strong, but there was no gentle way to explain it all. From her reaction, he could tell she still wasn't ready for any of this. Whoever hadn't known about this from birth would be scared. She hadn't run away screaming, so the thought of kissing him was not repulsive. The method of seeing the images had been rather shocking to her, though. This did not help the frustration that was building up inside of him.

As she kept walking, it took all his power not to chase after her and follow up on those images. Slaton knew how he felt. Each day it grew increasingly harder to take it slow. The need to kiss her and wrap his arms around her became more desperate with every passing hour. Her attraction to him was obvious, but the time was not right to profess his feelings. He wanted more than just attraction; he longed to possess all of her.

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