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Chapter 9: Frustration

Turning abruptly, he walked over to a large tree and with lightning speed, slammed his fist into the trunk. His pent-up frustration traveled from him into the core of the tree, causing the whole tree to shake. Slaton laid his head against the trunk as though apologizing to the tree for the rage it had just had to absorb. Pulling back, he looked at the imprint left in the trunk. He reached out and traced it with his fingers. It wasn't deep, but it reminded him of the pent-up emotions he must soon release before they burst out of him and destroyed everything. Patience might very well end up being his downfall. His strength had been unusually large before, but now it seemed to increase more with the battle he was fighting within.

He took a few deep breaths and began walking back toward the bonfire. If he stayed away too long, someone would come searching for him and he really didn't want to talk to anyone right now. Each time he heard the gravel crunch beneath his feet he took a deep breath, exhaled slowly, and concentrated on calming down before he rejoined the group. As soon as he was close enough to see the gathering, he zeroed in on Brenna. No matter where she was, he knew he could find her.

Brenna was sitting on the ground in front of Tahnee with her legs pulled up to her chest and her arms wrapped around them. The glow of the fire danced over her and revealed her contemplative face. She gazed into the fire as though looking into a crystal ball hoping to find answers. Slaton leaned against a truck and watched as Brenna laid her head in Tahnee's lap. Tahnee smoothed her silvery hair and soothed Brenna's quivering spirit. Sensing her son's gaze, Tahnee looked up at him, her eyes knowing. She reached out with her mind.

"Give her time."

"I know, but it is frustrating."

"You're getting to her, but you have an advantage over her on this."

"I realize that. Should I do anything different to help her?"

"No. You're doing it all right. Just give her space when she needs it, but don't stop."

"I envy you. I want her to come to me for comfort. I want to be the one she seeks."

"Time will bring her there. What she saw tonight was too much for the moment, but yet it drew her closer to you."

"Can you read her?"

"To a degree. She is confused. She is experiencing things that she never has before. That can be exciting and scary."

"I love her, mom."

"I know you do. A part of her is seeing that. Your love both draws her and has her running scared. Have patience."

"That's not what I'm best at."

"I know. I know."

He sensed her laugh. With a nod, he proceeded forward.

Tahnee had seen the couple walk away and watched Brenna return alone. She noticed the confused, astonished look displayed across her face and knew what must have happened. Slaton had made an offensive move and shown Brenna a little more of himself. Tahnee caught Brenna's eye and motioned her to come over . The young woman needed comfort now so she could accept what had happened. Brenna didn't hesitate and sat on the ground beside her friend. Seeking comfort, she laid her head on Tahnee's knee. The older woman smiled and began combing her hair with her fingers letting the silvery stands slide over her tanned hands.

A part of her ached for the pain she knew her son felt, a part for the confusion running rampant through this girl she saw as a daughter. The love was so strong between Brenna and Slaton, but so far only Slaton had seen and accepted it. Brenna, not used to love being given so freely, was fighting it. Tahnee could understand some of it. Once Brenna's parents died, she was completely alone in the world and had learned to survive without being close to anyone. Finding deep love present in their home was what kept her coming back, but also had her about ready to run away. This mysterious stranger stalking her was not helping matters one bit. Tahnee could read the turmoil within Brenna. It was obvious in her eyes. Eaton himself confused things and just made it more difficult for Slaton. Brenna's lack of self-confidence was also a stumbling block; it prevented her from realizing that she was lovable.

Tahnee felt Slaton's presence and looked up to see him beyond the fire gazing at Brenna with love and frustration mixed into one intense emotion. She sent him a mental message and watched his eyes drift up to her. How she wanted to make it alright for them, but knew that they had to find happiness for themselves. She could only do so much. They had to do the parts that really mattered.

Slaton nodded at her and began walking toward them. She knew the night was ending, but hoped it would end on a good note for these two she loved so much He so needed to learn patience. This was going to be a time of growth for him, and it would be painful at that.

Tahnee felt Brenna stiffen when she realized Slaton was coming up to them. She was still unsure how to react after what she had seen. He sat down beside her on the ground and just watched her as she continued to lean against Tahnee. He knew she was aware of him and watched her slowly relax back against Tahnee. He itched to pull her to him and hold her there in the warmth of the fire. He longed to run his fingers through her hair. After a while, she looked at her watch and jumped up.

"I really do need to get home. I didn't realize how late it is." She was obviously surprised at how quickly time had flown by.

Slaton, brushing away the dirt that clung to him and his pants, stood up with her, "I'll make sure she gets home safely." It only made sense as he brought her out here, but he still looked at Tahnee for approval. When she nodded, he reached in his pocket for his keys.

"Thank you, Tahnee, for having me out. It was fun." The two women embraced. Tahnee squeezed her before letting her go.

"Anytime. You have a good night." She cupped Brenna's cheek in her hand and then ever so lightly patted it.

Brenna nodded and turned to thank Grey. Slaton waited and watched as his family embraced Brenna. If she could only see the love that poured out of them for her, she would be more willing to accept him.

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