Chapter 5: Dream Girl
When Bradley's friend and roommate told him about this opportunity to participate in a sorority initiation task, he'd been skeptical. He really wasn't the kind of guy to go around kissing random women, but considering he knew no one here, he figured this might be a good chance to meet people. And was he damn glad he'd agreed.
The first couple of pledges who'd tried to kiss him weren't his type, but this girl, Carissa, she was everything he wanted. Gorgeous, polite, smart, sarcastic, and she could hold a conversation for more than twelve seconds without needing to check her phone. And she was a hell of a kisser. God, he'd never been so turned on by a kiss before.
"What's your price for another kiss?" she asked breathlessly, and a surge of pride swelled in him.
He'd been the one to steal her breath, to make her words airy and her voice thick with need. "A date," he said without hesitation.
"Oh." Her face fell, and she stepped out of his embrace.
Everything in him wanted to yank her back into his arms, but he refrained. His stomach twisted, and he took a small step back. Whatever she was about to say wasn't going to be good; he could tell by the look on her face.
"Carissa!" A tall girl with long hair strode down the length of the porch. "I did it! I found a guy with an X and kissed him." She laughed.
"That's great, Tiff." Carissa smiled. "I did, too!" She grabbed his hand and held it up.
Her touch sent a spark up his arm, but he remained still so she wouldn't stop.
"Oh." Tiff's eyes widened, and her gaze darted from Carissa to Bradley. "Sorry. Didn't mean to interrupt."
"You didn't," Carissa said quickly and released her hold on his hand.
"Okay. . ." Tiff dragged out the word. "Do you wanna go or. . .?"
"Um, I don't care." Carissa glanced at Bradley, and he shoved his hands into his pockets.
He didn't want her to go, but she'd been about to reject him, and he really didn't want to have that uncomfortable conversation. Especially not now when her friend was here.
"I should probably get going, too," he said. As his father always said, "Better to go out on top."
"Right." Carissa nodded.
"Well, on that note," Tiff hooked her thumb over her shoulder, "I'll go grab our stuff and meet you back out here?"
"Sure." Carissa smiled again, but the gesture was forced. Once Tiff was gone, Carissa turned her big, gorgeous hazel eyes on him. "Well, um, thanks."
"Believe me, the pleasure was all mine." He glanced down, then back up. Should he ask for her number? Would she give it to him? She hadn't exactly been excited when he said he wanted to take her out.
"I don't know," she said, the playful teasing returning to her voice. "I think the pleasure was mutual."
He couldn't stop smiling. "Oh yeah?" He lifted a brow. "Maybe we should try again, just to be sure."
She gave him a sexy, flirty smile and inched closer. "And how much is that going to cost me?"
Not a damn thing. But he didn't say that. Instead, he eased his arm around her waist and jerked her against him. She gasped but didn't try to get away. Brushing a lock of hair from her face, he cupped her cheek and lowered his mouth. Her eyes fluttered closed, and in that split second, he knew she was granting him permission. But before his lips could make contact with hers, her cell phone rang.
She jumped back, glanced at the screen, and frowned. "I'm sorry. I have to take this." She swiped her thumb to accept the call. "Hey. No, we're still here." She paused. "They threw a small party to celebrate. No, it's nothing like that." She chewed her bottom lip, paced a few steps away, her back to him. "Will you please stop it? No. I was going to call you as soon as I got back to my room. Yes. Yes. We're getting ready to leave now."
Even though he knew eavesdropping on a private conversation was bad manners, he couldn't help himself. Who was Carissa talking to? A boyfriend? He hoped the hell not. Maybe an overprotective parent? He knew what that was like. Whoever was on the other side of that call had her visibly upset, her back and shoulders tight with tension.
A moment later, she spun around and forced a smile in his direction. "Sorry about that." She tucked her phone back into her purse. "Thanks again for playing along tonight."
"Any time," he said, hoping she'd come closer so they could finish what they'd started.
But she didn't move from her spot, and then her friend returned with two large, white binders. She handed one to Carissa and said, "Ready?"
"Yeah." Carissa walked up to Bradley, rested her hand on his chest, then planted a soft kiss to his cheek. "Thank you."
Then she disappeared before he could ask for her number or ask, again, if she'd go out with him.
He blew out a breath and raked his fingers through his hair. Talk about a hell of a night. Shaking his head, he went back inside to find his friend. He'd had enough and was ready to crash until sometime tomorrow afternoon. Though, he wondered if he'd actually be able to sleep or if he'd be plagued by thoughts of Carissa. He was kicking himself for not getting a way to contact her. Although, he knew she was pledging this sorority, so he could make sure he was present at their next event.
Bradley opened the front door and came face to face with his friend, Jeremy. "Hey, man, I was just coming to find you. Ready to call it a night?"
Jeremy nodded, his face flushed. "Did you get kissed?" His words were slurred. Clearly, he'd had a few too many drinks. Good thing Bradley drove.
"Sure did." And it was the single best kiss of his life. "You?"
"Yep." He held out his fist, and Bradley bumped his knuckles to Jeremy's. "Cute little redhead."
"Did you get her name?" Bradley led the way to his car.
Bradley laughed. "You know you were supposed to make it hard for them, right?" He pressed the unlock button on his key fob. The lights on his Ferrari F60 flashed, and the security system beeped.
"Pfft." Jeremy waved his hand dismissively and almost toppled over. He grabbed the back of the car to steady himself. "She just marched up to me, pointed to the X on my hand, then planted a wet one on me. What was I supposed to do?"
Grinning, Bradley shook his head. "Get in. And don't you dare throw up in my car." He pointed at his friend.
"I'm no lightweight. I can hold my alcohol." Jeremy opened the passenger door and slid into the car.
Bradley got behind the wheel and fired up the engine. The rumble of 730 horsepower sent a thrill through him, just like always. He ran his hands around the steering wheel before shifting into reserve and backing out of his parking spot.
"Tell me about your girl." Jeremy smacked Bradley's arm.
"She was downright gorgeous." Bradley whistled low. "Long, tanned legs. Dirty blonde hair. Stunning hazel eyes. Curves in all the right places." He groaned at the memory of how her body had felt against his, how warm and inviting and perfect she'd fit.
"Good kisser?" Jeremy grinned and nodded with encouragement.
"Dude, you have no idea."
In fact, just thinking about how soft and sweet and pliant her lips were had his pants tightening in the most inconvenient place. Instinctively, he ran his tongue along his bottom lip, the taste of her lingering. Yeah, no way was he getting any sleep tonight, not when all he could think about was her.
Jeremy fell silent, and Bradley glanced over. Jeremy's head rested against the window, mouth ajar, snoring softly. Rolling his eyes, he drove the rest of the way with the company of his own thoughts. He knew what residence hall Carissa lived in; he could always happen to be walking by when she came out.
No, that was too stalkerish and would probably freak her out. He'd have to settle for seeing her at the next TOP event. Hopefully, that wouldn't be too far away. If he was truly lucky, he'd end up in a class with her. Of course, he had no idea what her major was or what year she was. He really hadn't asked enough of the right questions. Then again, he'd been so fascinated by her he hadn't been thinking clearly.
He pulled into the driveway and shut off the car before nudging Jeremy. "We're home."
Jeremy awoke with a snort. "Huh? Oh." He yawned and stumbled out of the car.
Bradley followed his friend inside. The house was dark, save for the light above the stove. Silence greeted him, which meant everyone else must be asleep already. He glanced at his watch: 11:22 PM. At least he didn't have to worry about his roommates being party animals. That was a small relief.
After making sure the door was locked, Bradley dragged himself to his room. He emptied the contents of his pockets onto his dresser, toed off his shoes, then flopped down on his bed. Tucking his hands behind his head, he stared up at the ceiling.
When he'd first contemplated leaving Texas, he'd just wanted to get away from his gold-digging ex-girlfriend, and his parents had fully supported and encouraged the idea. He wanted to go somewhere new, some place where no one knew him or his family. Basically, he wanted to start over with a clean slate.
Inviting his best friend to tag along was a no-brainer, and Bradley was glad to have one person he knew, but above all else, he wanted to meet new people. To distance himself from the wealthy, social-climbing, Texas debutants who wanted nothing more than to snag a rich husband.
He never imagined he'd meet a woman so soon, especially not one as captivating as Carissa. Something about her had snagged his attention and refused to let go. He wasn't sure if that was good or bad, but he now had a new purpose: to see her again and convince her to go out with him. He could be charming when the need arose, and neither of them could deny the instant chemistry between them. One way or another, before the semester was over, he would make Carissa his girlfriend.