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Chapter 2: Meeting the Don

POV: Beatrice

When he did his work masterfully on the top, Stefano ran his tongue down to my pussy, his eyes met mine as he perfectly touched my sensitive spot, slid and sucked every inch of it, while my uncontrolled moans reached his ear. When my hands tried to touch his wires, Stefano grabbed them and turned me against the bed, leaving my ass facing him, pulling my whole body up until my ass was glued to his hard cock under my clothes.

"Don't you dare touch me," he said into my ear, nibbling my earlobe, while I closed my eyes and gasped with pleasure, and Stefano pinned me down with just one hand, used the other to touch my pussy this time. Stefano circled his fingers around my clitoris, slipped between the extension and then pressed on my sensitive spot, increased the speed with every second, until I could no longer keep my body on my knees, intoxicated with pleasure.

Stefano released my body again, let me fall onto the bed. He analyzed me for a few seconds, and then began to spread my legs, his palms punishing me relentlessly for having tried to touch him, until the buttocks of my ass were red and burning, even though it turned me on and I arched my body. When he saw that I was sufficiently marked, Stefano squeezed my waist and leaned my body towards him, letting the sound of his zipper mix with my grunts. When his member came out and slid into my pussy, his hands returned to my waist, squeezing my skin as he penetrated me all at once, without delicacy. A scream burst from my lips, and Stefano grabbed the middle of the fabric that was over my waist, pulled it towards himself as he thrust hard inside me. He didn't let any sound come out of his mouth, but the way he touched me made it clear how thirsty he was for me.

"Ah... Stefano," I let the sound escape my lips as his hands tangled in my hair, pulled it and tilted me towards him, while his other hand went back to smoothing mine, and then pushed my whole ass against the mattress, without taking his cock out of me, buried his hands in the back of my head.

That man pressed deeper and deeper inside me, felt how tight I was to him, forced his thick and rather large member to fit completely inside me, while my thighs rubbed against his hard member, until he was tired enough to open them and leave me totally open to him.

Stefano exuded power, control, danger and pure desire as he fucked every inch of my pussy from behind, dictated the entire rhythm and position, gave me no chance to think about anything other than how much he wanted me to cum. And lo and behold, I was hit by an orgasm as his hands released my neck and scratched my back, just as, minutes later, his hot liquid gushed inside me. My legs were still shaking when he pulled out of me, zipped up his pants again.

Stefano came to my side as I calmed down. He opened the drawer and, after making sure I was okay, took out some medication and put it on the table.

"Take this before you go home, you'll need it," I remembered your words, a slightly concerned tone but devoid of kindness, handed me a bottle of water that was there on top, leaned against the dresser, hands in your pockets and feet crossed.

"Thank you," I said, taking the morning-after pill.

"I have to go," that's all he said, once you realized there was nothing more to be done there, while I only realized at that moment that he was accustomed to this, to having sex and leaving, not even leaving a phone number to maybe meet again.

"Hey, Bea, are you listening? What is going on? Thinking of a way to get the handsome guy into bed and double the rate for the night?" Chiara raised her voice a bit, sounding more hysterical, interrupted my erotic memory and brought me back to reality, seconds before the doors opened again for me, my panties wet once more just from the memory.

"Oh my God, Chi, of course not! You know what I'm going to say," I replied as firmly as possible, still breathless from the memory of him, the only man capable of disturbing me even after years. "We'll just do what he wants, regardless of what's at stake. Just being his companion is enough money to support me for months." I took a deep breath as I heard the metal open again.

"Okay, but between us, it's hard for anyone to resist you."

"That's what we'll find out. I have to go. See you later, Chi." I extended my wrist to the event host, allowed him to inspect the bracelet with the initials SL in gold material and the small code next to it, granting access to the space.

"Don is waiting for you," he declared, getting out of the way, so I could get in. "Capo, accompany her."

I hadn't realized until that moment where I was and who I would be meeting. All I knew for sure was that he who always liked to be with lots of women, which is why I had never set foot there before; he preferred prostitutes to an escort, until that night. Now, I bitterly regretted not reading the contract thoroughly and letting myself be influenced by the high nightly rate, although I doubted it would specify that the owner of the Cosa Nostra would be waiting for me right there, as his name was not even mentioned.

As I followed the man and the sounds of voices and music faded in the background, leaving only the sound of my heels on the floor, my body shivered, perhaps from the size of the gun in his hands or from the anxiety of what awaited me in that place. I was still struggling to erase the image of that man from my mind when the well-lit, seemingly endless hallway finally led me to a door, guarded by two security personnel. But only now did I notice the jewelry on their bodies, bearing the same initials as my bracelet.

"You guys are so rich, but you have no idea how to handle a woman... Money definitely doesn't buy everything," I said confidently, watching them continue to frisk me without subtlety on my chest, knowing how much my words negatively provoked them.

"That stays with us, capisce?" one of them warned, taking the bag from my hands, looking at my face with a stern expression, pondering whether to kill me, even though the Don was waiting for me.

"Seems like I have no choice," I declared as the door opened, the man deciding that I could pass.

I took a few long but elegant steps towards the door. He was by the window, hands crossed behind his back, broad and straight shoulders, with his chin slightly raised. His impeccably tailored dark suit emphasized his imposing figure. I glanced at the gun on the table, prepared for any situation, as my father had taught me.

"No one challenged my men and got away with it, especially newcomers like you, ragazza," his masculine voice echoed with a dark and menacing tone, sent a shiver down my spine and turned my gaze toward him, mesmerized. That voice... I would recognize it even in hell.

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