Chapter Three
This week seems to be going by quickly, I've managed to stay under the radar from Jackie and her clique, I have heard snarky comments and whatnot but nothing to serious yet, but I have a feeling something is going to happen soon. James and his group have found ways to mess with me and I wish they would just leave me alone, but James always manages to find some way to poke fun or trip me in the hall on my way to class.
But today has been going rather smoothly so far. I’m on my way to the fourth period which is just before lunch, as I’m walking into class, I notice Jackie in her usual seat with her little groupies, I look over and there she is laughing and making jokes with her friends, but then again, what else is new?
Goddess just get me through this week. I just want to make it through this week so I can spend time with my mom and find a nice dress for the ball next weekend. I’m sitting here trying to focus on the teacher’s lesson and trying to think of ideas of what I want my dress to look like. I pull out my sketch pad and I get out my drawing material so. I can try to come up with ideas, but I can’t narrow it down to anything I want for sure. I have so many different ideas.
As I start to sketch some idea of what I want my dress to look like, something light blue with a sheer sleeve while the dress sits off my shoulders and it would drape clear to the ground and flow nicely behind me as I walk along through the main entrance to the ball, but before I can get too far into my sketch I become distracted by giggles again, I hear some whispers and without my wolf sense I wouldn’t be able to make out what they’re saying, but it’s no surprise that those said whispers come from Jackie and her group.
I look over and she scowls at me for whatever reason. I just wish this year was over. As class comes to an end, I make my way out into the hall towards my locker and not looking where I’m going because I’m busy texting Annie again, I smash right into a brick wall. But when I look up it ends up not being a brick wall at all instead it ends up being James with his group of friends.
“Watch where you're going freak! Can’t you see I’m walking here?”
James and his friends think he’s so clever. He needs to come up with something better if he really wants to get under my skin. When I look around at his friends, all of them are laughing right along with him. I simply roll my eyes and step around him to finish my trek to my locker.
By the time lunch comes around I am ready just head home and crawl into bed. This day has been too much. By the time I make it to the lunchroom Annie already has her lunch and waiting for me to join her.
“Hey Annie, how was your morning? I wish we had more classes together.”
“Hey! Yea, I know what you mean, I wish we did too. My morning was okay, you know same boring teachers and boring classes.”
“OH! Did you hear? Supposedly James finally found his mate?”
She is always looking for the latest gossip. I am not too interested in listening to all the gossip but because Annie is my best friend, I try to humor her as much as I can handle.
“What? Who is it?”
Annie is quick to respond.
“Not Jackie, ha-ha!”
She seems a little too happy about that little bit of info.
“Well, who is she? Is she from our pack?”
“She is but he won't tell anyone, all he says is he found her, but he is waiting until the right time to announce her to the rest of the pack.”
I wonder why James would even say anything to anyone about it, but more than likely it’s just rumors floating around the school. I wonder if Jackie knows, and I wonder how she feels about it if she does know.
Of course, all this talk does make me a bit curious as to who she could be, but I would also feel bad for her if she is James’ mate, he is such an ass. I wonder if this girl knows that she is his mate too.
“Does Jackie know she isn’t his mate? What about this girl? I wonder if SHE knows she is James’ mate.”
Annie takes a minute to think about it.
“I don’t think so, I think if she did know then there would be a lot more commotion about it, she isn’t even eighteen yet, you know mates have to both be eighteen to know your mates, and being that James is already eighteen he knows who she is, but since there isn’t all that much talk about it, she must not be eighteen yet.”
“Yea, I kind of feel bad for this girl if she has to be the mate to James, she is going to be miserable, James is the worst.”
I am just finishing up my lunch by the time the bell rings to go to our next class, I’m hoping the rest of the day will go by in peace. At least Annie is in my next class with me.
“Let’s get going to class. I need to go by my locker and get my book.”
We make our way to our lockers to grab our books and out of the corner of my eye, I notice James standing by his locker staring at me.
“What is his deal today?”
Annie must have thought I was talking to her because she responds with, “Who? James? What do you mean?”
“Yea James, I bumped into him earlier and he was just staring at me like I spilled something all over him before he regained his composure and yelled at me for bumping into him.”
“Who knows. It’s James. There is a lot wrong with him. Just ignore him and let's get to class.”
After gathering our books, we manage to make it to class in time for the last bell and make our way to our seats, and as usual one minute after the bell rings James comes strolling in like he owns the place....figures, he thinks just because he is next in line to be Alpha of our pack, he thinks he can get away with anything.
When I look over to him, he is yet again staring at me.
What is his deal? He takes a deep breath and I notice his eyes turn black, his jaw tenses, and his nostrils flare. He looks like he is about to shift.