What do you mean
Logan waited a while in case Terri needed anything, but not so much as a peep came from the bedroom. Cell phone in hand, he slipped into the gym and called his Chicago assistant.
“Hello, Mr. Denton,” AJ answered.
“Hey, AJ.” He took a seat on the weight bench. Even though it was past eight in the evening in Chicago, AJ was available—something Logan didn’t mind, since he paid AJ far more than he would make at any other personal assistant job.
“How’s your time in Ho Chi Minh?” AJ asked.
“It’s decent. Give me an update, will you?”
The young man didn’t need clarification. “Charlie Lane came by the office today asking to speak with you.”
Logan bit back a curse. Though he’d learned from informants weeks ago that Charlie had become interested in him, this visit to the office was the first firm move he’d made.
“What did Denise tell him?” Logan asked, referring to the front desk receptionist.
“Apparently, Mr. Lane wasn’t satisfied with the explanation that you simply weren’t available. Denise called me down and I told him that you were occupied with work and we could take a message. I said nothing about your being out of town.”
“Good, good.” He’d taught his employees well. The vaguer they were about their boss’ comings and goings, the better. “Did he leave a message?”
“No, although I imagine he expected we would let you know about his visit.”
“Of course.” Logan ran his hand over his jaw. Stubble scratched his palm. “I’ll be back in Chicago in a few days. Keep track of everyone who comes to the offices, no matter who they are. Even someone as innocuous as the mailman. You understand?”
“Loud and clear, sir.”
Anyone could be a plant working for Charlie, going undercover and trying to slip into Logan’s offices. Well, not on his watch.
Satisfied for the time being, he ended the call and went to take a shower. Luckily, the apartment had two full bathrooms, so he didn’t have to disturb Terri. After finding a clean T-shirt and jeans in the laundry room, he went into his office and checked the first round of messages for the day.
As always, there were plenty of them. Usually, he was good at focusing. Not today.
He took a deep breath and tried to make do with other thoughts but that didn't do much as he kept thinking of the woman in his house and under his care.
His mind kept going back to the man hot on his heels. And his captivating sister. It took twice as long to get things done, and his lack of sleep certainly didn’t help. About six hours later, when he heard the bedroom door open, he was almost glad for the distraction.
He met Terri in the living room, where she still wore his clothes. Before he could stop himself, he smiled. She looked damn good in his oversized shirt.
“Hey.” She rubbed her ruffled hair. “What are you doing?”
“You don’t have an office here?”
“Yes, but considering things, I thought it best to stay here.”
“Oh.” She fiddled with the hem of her shirt. His shirt.
His shirt that she was wearing, and that he couldn’t get his mind off of.
“What time is it?” she asked.
“About two. How do you feel?”
“Really weird. It’s strange, sleeping all day. Everything feels off.”
“How about we keep that going?”
She narrowed her eyes. “What do you mean?”
“I need to get out of here, and I think I owe you a good time considering your vacation has been cut short.”
A slow smile stretched her face. “I don’t think I should argue with that.”
“Then don’t. Get dressed and I’ll take you to a place that I swear won’t disappoint.”
“Oh, really?” She tilted her head as she laughed. “Is that a bet?”
“Something tells me I’d be an idiot to make any bets with you. You don’t seem to kid around.”
“Yeah. Neither do you, though.”
With that, she turned on her heel and disappeared back into his room. Wearing a giant grin, Logan headed to the laundry room for the second time. If he was lucky, there would be a clean dress shirt in there.
As it turned out, a recently-pressed suit he’d forgotten about hung from the rack. After slipping into it, he rummaged in the second bathroom and found a comb to run through his hair. At the sounds of Terri leaving the bedroom, he cut his grooming short.
He only made it a step into the main area before his stride faltered. The woman standing looking out the windows took his breath away.
She stood with her profile to him, one hand touching the glass as she watched the bustling city. Her short hair had been pinned back from her face, and a red velvet dress hugged her curves before coming to a stop several inches above her knees. A pair of tan heels made her already long legs seem to go on for days.
Logan’s heart skipped a beat. He stayed frozen, soaking in the vision come to life in his penthouse. If he’d ever seen anything half as lovely, he couldn’t remember it.
As if feeling his gaze, she turned to look at him. “Hi.”
He had to swallow before answering. “Hello.”
“You look nice.” She gestured at him.
“Not half as nice as you.”
“Thanks.” Her voice held an air of confidence, but she bit her lip and looked down.
Logan fought the impulse to curse. He really needed to watch himself.
“Shall we?” He gestured at the door.
“Sure. Where to?”
“You hungry?”
“I think so.” She shrugged. “It’s kind of hard to know what I’m feeling right now.”
He could have gone on about the symptoms of shock and how the experience she’d had might impact her in the days to come, but Terri was smart. She knew all that.
Best to keep things succinct and as positive as possible. Tonight would be about fun.