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Chapter 4 Leaving You with Nothing!

The next morning, Michael returned to the room after preparing breakfast, just as Charlotte finished washing up and came out of the bathroom.

"Is something the matter?" Charlotte asked calmly as she saw Michael looking at her.

"It's like this," Michael explained. "I used to have a classmate who now works at a bank headquarters. He came to South on a business trip yesterday, and I wanted to go meet him and ask if he could help you with a loan. I might not be back by lunchtime, so I wanted you to let Mom know. She'll definitely scold me."

"Okay," Charlotte replied tersely, picked up her phone, opened Whatsapp, and transferred two thousand yuan to Michael.

"This..." Michael was puzzled when he saw the transfer.

"I don't expect you to be able to help me, but you're a man. Going out to meet a classmate and not being able to afford to treat him to a meal would be embarrassing. Don't tell my mom," Charlotte said, leaving a remark before heading downstairs with her bag.

Michael was stunned for a full minute before finally accepting the payment, feeling a warm sensation in his heart.

He only wanted an excuse for not being able to come back for lunch, but he never expected Charlotte to warm his heart like this.

Although she was a bit cold, she was still kind to him.


Nexus Industries, one of the top five private enterprises, involved in real estate, investment, trade, energy, express delivery, and hotels, with its headquarters located in the capital city. Its subsidiaries are spread across provinces and cities nationwide, even overseas. The major shareholder of Nexus Industries is the Anderson family, holding a whopping seventy percent of the shares.

At this moment, Michael had already entered Crescent Plaza.

"Hello, are you here for an interview?" As soon as he entered the building, a front desk girl approached politely and asked.

"No, I'm looking for the person in charge here," Michael replied with a smile.

"Are you looking for Mr. Mitchell?" The front desk girl furrowed her brows, glanced Michael up and down, and immediately showed a disdainful look, saying, "Mr. Mitchell is very busy and can't see just anyone. Since you're not here for an interview, please leave."

Based on her judging eyes, even if Michael wore his best outfit, it wouldn't match the elegance of the security guards at Nexus Industries. How could someone like him dare to meet the CEO?

"Could you please give Mrs. Mitchell a call and tell her that Michael is here to see Jonathan?" When Michael entered the door, he had already called Jonathan, but they were in the middle of the conversation, so he had to rely on the person in charge here to inform him.

"We don't have anyone named Jonathan here. You've come to the wrong place. Leave now, or I'll call security," the front desk girl impatiently retorted.

Michael was speechless. Can he really have made a mistake by coming to Nexus Industries?

At that moment, a young man carrying a Gucci wallet walked over and greeted the front desk girl, saying, "Chloe, long time no see."

"It's David. Indeed, it's been a while," Chloe, the front desk girl, smiled and immediately treated Michael as if he were air.

"I've been on a business trip out of town recently and just returned a few days ago. I came today to discuss a cooperation project worth several billion with Mrs. Mitchell," David Butler showed off.

"David truly deserves to be an outstanding young talent in Astralopolis!" Chloe suddenly beamed, then glanced at Michael and said, "Unlike some people who wear cheap clothes and still want to see our CEO."

David Butler looked over and couldn't help but chuckle, "With your shabby appearance, do you really think you have what it takes to see Mrs. Mitchell? Are you out of your mind?"

"Why can you see him then? Why can't I?" Michael responded somewhat irritably.

David Butler burst into laughter, "Nexus Industries is the leading private enterprise in our country with assets worth trillions. Mrs. Mitchell, as the head of Nexus Industries's South Branch, controls hundreds of billions in assets. Those with business below one billion aren't even qualified to talk to her, and for business exceeding one billion, you need to make an appointment for a meeting. For instance, I have a project worth 200 million that I wanted to cooperate with Nexus Industries on. I made an appointment three days ago and was only notified to come for a meeting today. Do you have an appointment?"

"No," Michael shook his head.

"If you don't have one, why are you still standing here? A poor guy like you doesn't even have the qualifications to apply to Nexus Industries. Leave now if you know what's good for you," David Butler mocked.

"Get lost, stop embarrassing yourself here." David Butler raised his hand and pointed towards the door.

"Yeah, hurry up and leave, or I'll call security." Chloe said impatiently.

Michael's face turned angry, and he coldly said, "Do you believe I can ruin both of your careers?"

"Haha!" Both David Butler and Chloe couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Who do you think you are? You're just a nobody, a poor loser who wants to ruin my career. My family has assets worth billions, my career is tougher than steel, can you even ruin it?" David Butler angrily laughed.

"That's right!" Chloe chimed in, "Forget about ruining David's career, if you have the guts, try ruining mine first. If you don't have the guts, then stop pretending to be someone you're not. This is not the place for you to show off!"

However, before she finished speaking, a light scolding sound followed.

"He's not pretending to be someone he's not. Forget about ruining your careers, even if he tried to ruin mine, he has the capability!"

With these words, everyone turned their heads towards the direction of the voice, only to see an exquisitely dressed woman in office attire, walking towards them in high heels, showcasing her long, slender legs.

She stood over 1.7 meters tall, with wavy brown hair framing her delicate oval face. Her skin was as fair as jade, with a touch of makeup, and her perfect figure was showcased flawlessly in her office outfit.

She could be described as a beauty!

Natalie Mitchell!

Michael recognized her immediately.

Every president of the subsidiaries of Nine Tripod Group had been carefully nurtured by the Anderson family since childhood. Natalie Mitchell was chosen by the Anderson family when she was six years old and sent abroad for further education when she turned 18. He hadn't seen her since then, and he hadn't expected to encounter her in the South's subsidiary.


Chloe's face turned pale in an instant. She hadn't expected the president to suddenly appear.

"Don't be afraid." David Butler whispered to comfort her, then pointed at Michael and asked with a smile, "Mrs. Mitchell, do you know this poor loser?"

As soon as Natalie Mitchell heard this, her expression turned cold. "Do you know what kind of person your so-called poor loser is?"

David Butler's smile froze. "What kind of person?"

"Someone who can make your family's resort go bankrupt with just a single sentence."

"What!" David Butler trembled suddenly. "Mrs. Mitchell, are you... kidding me?"

"Who's kidding? Listen carefully, he is the grandson of our Nine Tripod Group's chairman, the third young master of the Anderson family, and the heir of the Nine Tripod Group!"

As soon as she finished speaking, silence filled the air. The crowd was stunned by this revelation.

Exploding eyeballs all around.

This poor guy, whose entire outfit costs less than 300 bucks, is actually the young master of the Jinding Group, with trillions in assets. This is just too low-key, isn't it?


Chloe couldn't handle the pressure and sat down on the ground.

"Young... Master... Davis..."

David Butler trembled, unable to stand any longer. His legs gave way, and he fell to his knees, crying out, "Young Master Davis, I was wrong! I underestimated you! Please spare me! Don't ruin my family's resort! My father will kill me..."

He had no doubt about the power of the Jinding Group, which could easily destroy his family's resort.

"I'm just a poor nobody, don't beg me."

Michael bypassed him and headed to the elevator.

Natalie Mitchell sneered, "Due to your insult towards the heir of our Jinding Group, from today onwards, all cooperation projects between the Jinding Group and your family's resort are terminated. This order takes immediate effect. Now, get lost."

"No! Mrs. Mitchell, please! If you do this, my family's resort will go bankrupt!"

David Butler cried out desperately.

Natalie Mitchell ignored him and looked at Chloe. "Go to the finance department and collect your salary. Now scram."

Then she briskly followed Michael.

"I must be blind! How could I mistake the heir of the Anderson family, with billions in assets, as a poor guy! Now I've lost my job that paid eight thousand a month. Waaah..."

Chloe regretfully burst into tears.

"A mere eight thousand a month is nothing! My family's resort will lose billions. When I go back, my father will probably disown me!"


On the top floor of Crescent Plaza, inside a luxurious office, Michael stood by the floor-to-ceiling window, gazing at the bustling scene of Nexus City. He calmly said, "Since I've become a son-in-law, I won't inherit the Anderson family's business anymore. Help my wife secure a loan of one billion. I can let go of my hatred towards the Anderson family."

"Third Young Master, when the Patriarch sent me, he said it would be best if you agreed to a divorce. But if you don't want to, it's fine. Just sign away the inheritance document. We can discuss other matters later," Jonathan, standing behind Michael, said.

"I definitely won't divorce. I am a son-in-law now. In the future, if we have children, they will bear my wife's surname. Aren't you afraid that I might turn the Anderson family's business into the Carter family's business?" Michael turned around, smirked, and asked Jonathan.

"The Patriarch said to leave that for later. First, sign the inheritance document. If Third Young Master doesn't sign, even if you ask for one million, the Jinding Group won't help," Jonathan replied.

Michael clenched his fists tightly and shouted angrily, "Is he trying to test my patience?"

Jonathan shook his head, "How could Master possibly calculate against you? As for the crisis in your wife's company, it's someone else's doing. If you don't sign the inheritance agreement, I'm afraid that in just a few days, your wife will become someone else's wife."

Michael fell into silence.

Recalling Charlotte's words last night, "I can give you the next three days." It still hurt him deep inside.

How desperate must she be to say something like that?

He knew that he was nothing more than a waste of space in her eyes. She would rather give herself to him first than to Daniel. It showed just how unwilling she was to marry Daniel.

In the end, he clenched his teeth and decided:

"I'll sign."

"Great!" Jonathan rejoiced and immediately gestured for him to sign. "Go ahead, Third Young Master."

Michael walked to the desk and picked up a pen to write down his troubles.

"Congratulations to the Third Young Master for inheriting the billions from the Anderson family!"

Jonathan's old face smiled like a chrysanthemum as he opened the medicine box and took out a syringe, chuckling, "Third Young Master, let me draw some blood. This is crucial to the life or death of the Anderson family."

Michael rolled up his sleeves and extended his hand.

He didn't know who his grandfather was, to make the Anderson family so afraid.

"Alright, take care, Third Young Master!"

Jonathan drew half a syringe of blood, injecting it into a glass container, and left with the container and the inheritance agreement, fearing that Michael would change his mind.

Outside the office, he instructed Natalie Mitchell, "The Third Young Master has already signed the inheritance agreement. Whatever he orders you to do, you must obey. You must serve him well, or else I won't spare you."

"Yes, Butler Liu."

Natalie Mitchell obeyed without question.

"I'm going back to the capital city, don't disappoint the Master."

With a final remark, Jonathan left with large strides.

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