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Chapter 8 Thank You, Michael!

After ending the call, Joshua couldn't wait to summon his parents and uncle and aunt to his office.

"Joshua, what's the matter that makes you so happy?"

"Yes, Joshua, share it with us."


Do you have some good news?"

Seeing Joshua happily rocking his chair, his parents and his younger uncle and aunt all wore curious expressions.

"You all must have heard that Charlotte has obtained a Citibank gold card for a major client, right?" Joshua asked with a smile.

"We've heard. That girl indeed has some skills. To even get hold of a Citibank gold card for a major client. I wonder which tycoon lent it to her," said his aunt.

Joshua's father, Richard, said with dissatisfaction, "What a worthless thing. How can you be so happy about this? Even if she resolves the crisis of the Wright Group, what does it have to do with your position as the president?"

"Dad, it's a misunderstanding. I'm not happy because of that," Joshua said innocently.

"Then why are you happy?" asked his mother, Penelope.

Joshua smirked, "Because the major client gold card was forged by that loser, Michael."



Everyone was shocked.

"Yes, it's forged," Joshua laughed and said, "Daniel said, the back of the major client gold cards always has the cardholder's signature, but Charlotte's gold card only has a few dragons on the back, clearly indicating it's a forgery. However, that idiot Charlotte believed it. So damn amusing."

Everyone burst into laughter as well.

At this moment, his uncle suggested, "Why not tell Charlotte? If she finds out it's fake, she will rage at that loser. In that case, she might divorce him and marry Daniel. With Daniel's help, the crisis of the Carter family can also be resolved, and you can succeed as the president."

"No, uncle," Joshua shook his head and said, "Charlotte will soon use the gold card to apply for a loan. Then, the only thing awaiting her will be a jail sentence."

"And if she gets caught for fraud, Grandfather will surely be furious. He might even cut off her family's dividend. In the future, the money the company earns will be divided between the two families. We will earn a lot of money."


Joshua's parents and his younger uncle and aunt were overjoyed.

Then they reached a consensus and waited for the outcome in silence.


Around three o'clock in the afternoon, Michael drove and escorted Charlotte to Citibank.

with a stack of loan documents, Charlotte was feeling particularly nervous and anxious, seeming deep in thought, hesitating to get out of the car.

Sensing her unease, Michael spoke up, "Give me the loan documents and credit card, I'll help you with the process."

"No, it's alright. Wait here, I'll handle it myself," Charlotte regained her composure and pushed open the car door, stepping out.

Since the news about the gold card had been revealed in the morning, she had heard many employees secretly discussing its authenticity, causing her to doubt whether she could trust Michael.

For the past three years, Michael had been idle, never giving her any reason to trust him. Suddenly, he did something so significant that she couldn't help but suspect it was fake.

But in the end, she chose to believe.

Not for anything else, but simply because Michael had never crossed the line. She believed he would never deceive her.

"Hello, Miss. May I ask what business you are here for?"

As soon as Charlotte entered the bank, the branch manager politely approached her.

"I... I’m here to see Mr. Hughes for a loan," Charlotte forced out a smile. Taking this step made her extremely anxious, as it meant there was no turning back.

"Are you Miss Charlotte?" the branch manager politely asked.

Charlotte hesitated for a moment before nodding, "Yes, I am Charlotte."

"President Harris, hello," the branch manager bowed and smiled, "Mr. Hughes knows you're coming to apply for a loan today, but he's currently attending a meeting in the province. He specifically instructed me to wait here for you. Luckily, I finally caught you."


Charlotte was taken aback and quickly bowed, "I'm so sorry, truly sorry. Preparing the documents took much longer than expected, and I made you wait."

"It's alright," the branch manager smiled and gestured, "Please follow me. Mr. Hughes has instructed to take President Harris through the green channel. He will rush back tomorrow morning for approval, and the loan will be disbursed on the same day."

Charlotte couldn't believe her ears and covered her mouth in astonishment.

Mr. Hughes not only knew she was coming, but also instructed her to go through the green channel and promised approval and disbursal the next day.

Goodness! This treatment was incredible!

Michael's classmate is truly remarkable!

If love for someone is rated out of a hundred, then at this moment, Charlotte's feelings for Michael soared from thirty to fifty.

Those thirty points were earned by Michael's years of dedicated care for her father, deeply moving her, and the reason why she didn't want to divorce him.


Michael waited for a full two hours. It was almost 5 o'clock in the afternoon when he finally saw Charlotte walk out, her face beaming with happiness.

Seeing her, he couldn't help but feel relieved and happy as well.

In this way, Michael was relieved.

This indicates that things are progressing very smoothly.

Before long, Charlotte didn't sit in the back seat as usual but took the passenger seat, looking relaxed against the seat.

"Carrying a stack of loan documents out and coming back empty-handed, it seems everything went smoothly," Michael said with a smile.

"Not just smoothly, but very smoothly," Charlotte smiled. "The head of the credit department was incredibly helpful. He said he specifically paid attention to our Wright Group today, knowing that we are currently in a difficult situation. He helped me expedite the loan process. Mr. Hughes will come back tomorrow morning to approve it, and I can complete the final procedure tomorrow at nine o'clock. The loan for one billion will be in our account by ten."

"That's good," Michael didn't say much, happy for Charlotte's success.

"It seems your classmate is quite remarkable," Charlotte sighed.

"He is indeed remarkable and holds a high position. Compared to him, I am far behind," Michael self-deprecatingly said.

"Don't say that. You are already great," Charlotte consoled.

"Really?" This was the first time in three years that Charlotte praised him, and it made him feel pleasantly surprised.

"Yes," Charlotte nodded firmly and said, "During this time, the Wright Group was in crisis, facing various debts from banks and suppliers. It almost drove me crazy."

"I tried everything, approached at least fifty banks for a loan. Even if I offered goods as collateral, no one would lend me a hand."

"Watching the Wright Group come closer to collapse while feeling powerless, no one can understand the pressure and inner pain I endured. I even though... if the Wright Group goes bankrupt, then I..."

"You saved the Wright Group, and you saved me."

"Thank you, Michael."

At this point, Charlotte's voice had become choked, and she turned her head, covering her mouth.

"I'll go buy cigarettes." Michael turned off the car. He knew Charlotte was strong, but at this moment, she needed some personal space.

"Take the wallet, buy a pack of Newport, don't smoke those seven-dollar cigarettes anymore."

Without looking back, she grabbed the wallet and handed it to Michael.


Michael took the wallet and got out of the car, walking towards the tobacco shop across the road.

As for Charlotte, she finally let out all the pressure, pain, grievances, helplessness she experienced during this period, all turning into tears and releasing.

"Boss, give me a pack of Newport."

Michael said with a smile as he entered the tobacco shop.

"Sure thing, young man. Just a while ago, you were buying Lucky Strike for seven dollars, and now it's Newport. Quite something, just one pack, impressive."

"Ah? Is the long-legged beauty who just came out of the bank your wife?" the boss asked, even more surprised.

"Yes, she's my wife with a license," Michael proudly replied.

"I thought you were a driver. I didn't expect you to have such a beautiful and considerate wife. Young man, you're amazing. I envy you," the boss commended, giving him a thumbs up.

"My wife is indeed amazing. I envy myself too," Michael scratched his head and laughed foolishly.

The boss was also happy for Michael and said, "Choosing the right wife brings a lifetime of happiness, but marrying the wrong one brings endless pain. Treasure your wife well, unlike me. I used to drink and gamble when I was young, and I often hit my wife. I accumulated hundreds of thousands of debts. My wife worked tirelessly to help me pay off the debts and ended up dying on the construction site. When I regretted it, it was already too late."

"Now my current wife is lazy, playing mahjong all day and always asking me for money. If I don't give it, she throws pots and pans. Perhaps this is the retribution for the sins I committed in the first half of my life and the repayment I'm getting in the second half."

After finishing his story, the boss wiped away a bitter tear and handed a Newport cigarette to Michael.

"I will remember your advice and cherish my wife. I won't let her down," Michael said firmly.

The two of them smoked and chatted for a while.

About ten minutes later, Charlotte's voice came through.

"Michael, let's go back!"

"Yes, dear!" Michael responded and said to the boss, "In another hundred days, it will be our third wedding anniversary. Because we were poor when we got married, we didn't have a wedding. I will make up for it by organizing a wedding ceremony for her that day. I'll need a thousand packs of 95 cigarettes from you."

"A thousand packs of 95 cigarettes?" The boss widened his eyes. That would cost over nine hundred thousand.

"Yes, I will come to you half a month in advance to pay a deposit. You can rest assured and prepare the goods then," Michael said.

After that, Michael left.

"Alright, I'll wait for that day. Don't forget it!" the boss called after him.

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