Chapter 2 - The cabin
I'm sending you away with Warren
Where are you sending me? I hope it's somewhere nice.....like Hawaii
What? No! Are you crazy? Why would I send you to Hawaii with your bodyguard?
Figured you might want to do something nice for me for a chance
For God's sake, Kiara, your life is in danger!
Please, you're just using this as an excuse to finally get rid of me!
From the corner of my eye, I see Warren discreetly leave the room, closing the door behind him
There you go with the dramatics again
Dramatics? You're the one who's being ridiculous right now. What about increasing the security? What about using the security footage around the building to track down the shooter?
He rolls his eyes and starts typing on his phone
Why don't you leave the investigating to men? I'm handling this, and it'll be over before you know it
But you're not staying here, and that's final. End of discussion
Just admit it, Eli, You want me gone because you want to screw your assistant! And if I'm out of the way, well, there's nothing to stop you, is there?
Don't be ridiculous. Hotels exist for a reason
See! you didn't even try to deny it!
He smirks but still says nothing
Eli, please don't do this to me
it's already done. I've just confirmed it with my security team on my phone
My shoulders slump forward in defeat
Can't you at least tell me where you're shipping me?
with a mouth like yours, there aren't many secrets I'd trust with you. Warren and I will be the only ones who know your location. You will have no contact with anyone besides your bodyguard while you're there
I can't even tell Hannah or my family. But ---
I expect you to be packed and ready to go first thing tomorrow morning
one look at his face tells me everything. He's not going to change his mind
The next morning.....
As I pack up the last of my things, I can't help but glance once more at the room I've to leave behind
I have no idea how long I'll be gone. it could be days or even weeks. At least I won't be completely alone wherever I'm going
I glimpse the bulky shadow behind the glass door, and I blush
After Warren saved my life last night, I can't help but feel thankful to have him tagging along. And Warren Garcia isn't just a capable bodyguard, but also incredibly...Good looking....it's going to be hard pretending that I don't find him attractive. I thought beautiful muscles like his existed only on the covers of romance novels
I try to get Warren out of my mind without much success and start thinking about what to wear.
I don't want to look bland. I want to look desirable....and I want to get a reaction out of him
I picked a V-line see-through white short gown. A knock suddenly sounds on my door
come in
Mrs Nelson, are you ready to
he clears his throat as his eyes travel down the length of my body
He likes it
Are you ready to leave?
He avoids eye contact with me
quite. For some reason, I'm having a difficult time choosing an outfit. Eli won't tell me where we're going, so I have no idea if this is appropriate attire
He stays silent with his eyes on the ground. I take a step closer and do a small twirl
what do you think of it, Mr Garcia?
he clears his throat again
oh, come on now, you can do better than that
His eyes finally meet mine, and the look he's giving makes my heart skip a beat
You look.....lovely, Mrs Nelson
He gives me a curt nod
I suppose that's better than appropriate
He coughs out a laugh before turning around to face the door
I'll bring your suitcase downstairs for you
Thank you. Oh, and Warren?
You look.....Appropriate as well.
I'm glad you approve, ma'am
After ten hours of car ride and hiking, we arrive at a small cabin surrounded by trees
This.. this is where we're staying?
it doesn't look very comfortable
I'm sorry if it's not up to your standards, Mrs Nelson
At least he sounds genuinely sorry and not sacaratic
So, you and I are going to be all alone here the entire time?
Yes, Mr. Nelson didn't want to risk the possibility that this threat was an inside job
Alone in a secluded cabin, completely cut off from the outside world
Is it strange that I find this situation......romantic?
it would probably be for the best if we go in. After you, Mrs Nelson
the cabin gives off a rustic, homey vibe that emanates from the simple decor. it isn't anything extravagant, so it's almost a startling contrast to the luxurious layout of my own home
Yet strangely... I like it
I'm going to start a fire. why don't you head upstairs and unpack? I'm sure you're tired
Where are the bedrooms?
Warren gives me an apologetic look
what is it?
There's just the master bedroom
Well, where are you supposed to sleep?
I eye the couch in the middle of the living room directly across from the fireplace. Warren doesn't answer.....Instead, he walks over to a closet and pulls out what looks like a thin sleeping mat. Wordlessly, he heads into the master bedroom, and I follow him in confusion
As he places the mat on the floor, understanding finally hits me
Absolutely not
I'm going to be staying in the bedroom with you
I might as well have some fun with this
so, you're going to protect me from all the big bad wolves who try to climb through the window?
That's my job
Are you sure there isn't one in the room right now?
Was this your plan all along?
of course not
Now that you've got me where you want me, what are you planning on doing to me?
Mrs Nelson -
You know you can call me Kiara, and I'm merely teasing you
I swear, getting you in a room alone with me was not my intention
I wave him off and ignore the pang of disappointment
Like I said earlier, I need to get some rest. Maybe we should just go to sleep
Very well
I am having trouble sleeping
I wonder if Warren is having the same trouble.
I whisper his name as quietly as possible
Are you still awake?
when he answers, I hear humour in his voice
you're an Ex-SEAL, right? what mission were you on?
that's classified
Right. Are all of your answers going to be so cryptic?
it seems like anytime I ask you something personal, you either stop talking or shut me down. we're going to be spending a lot of time together. I figured we should get to know each other better
You know everything you need to know about me
Not at all. how old are you
where are you from?
what's your favourite colour?
Black. what's yours?
Oh, that's classified.
he chuckles, and the sound makes me blush
he has such a nice laugh. Still, this conversation isn't helping. I'll never fall asleep like this, I'll ask Warren to sleep beside me
would you come up here and lie with me?
Mrs. Nelson, I don't think that's.....
please. only for tonight. I'm just so used to sleeping next to someone. And this place is so unfamiliar to me
I don't think that's the best idea
even if it's only for tonight? I can't sleep
After a few moments without getting any respiration, I hear rustling on the floor below me. Warren stands up and climbs into the bed, putting as much space as possible between us. I sigh happily
Thank you
He's quiet for a few moments before I hear his whispered reply
Good night, Kiara
The sound of his breath has a calming effect on me, and it isn't long before I finally fall asleep
When I woke up in the morning, Warren was gone from the room. The mat on the floor had been picked up, and I could smell bacon from the kitchen. I took the opportunity to hop in the shower and revelled in the warm water for what seemed like hours. Now, as I pull aside the curtain to step out of the shower, I realize that I had forgotten my underwear. I run into the bedroom to retrieve it... and see a very shocked, very naked Warren standing in front of me!
I immediately shut my eyes and squeaked in surprise
Shit-- forgive me, Mrs. Nelson. I didn't realize you were showering.
Could you, um, could you please pass me my towel?
Here. I, ah....put on my boxers back on
I peeked my head out from behind the curtain and saw him with one hand over his eyes and another outstretched towards me with a towel. I quickly take it from him, dry my body, and then put on a bathrobe
You may open your eyes again
Warren carefully pulls his hand away from his face as if he doesn't quite believe me. When he notices I'm wearing a bathrobe, his body relaxes a bit
it is only then I notice he's not wearing a shirt. his muscles are impossibly defined like he's just done a thousand crunches
You didn't see....?
oh. um, good
He looks uncomfortable
I heard a strange noise, and I came to make sure everything was okay
A noise? I didn't hear any noise
there was a noise
I notice his eyes covertly taking me in, and I grin at him
see something you like?
Well, now that you've thoroughly investigated the promises, I think it's safe for you to shower
When he didn't move, I gave him a small smile
You might as well have a little fun with this
if you insist on standing here and staring all day, then perhaps you should just take a picture. it'll last longer
with that, I sashay out of the bedroom, knowing full well Warren is watching my every move. While Warren is showering, I sit down on the couch and turn on the television. The weather channel is the first thing to appear, so I start flipping through the stations until suddenly.....I see my face on the screen
what the hell?!
images from the shooting scene flash before my eyes, but they fade away as soon as Eli appears on the screen
.....guess is that by targeting my wife, the shooter was trying to eliminate me from the upcoming elections. if anyone has any information on the shooter or shooters involved, please, I beg you to come forward. This brutal attempt at taking an innocent life should not go unpunished. for now, my wife has been sent to a safe house until the threat has been dealt with, but.....
he sniffles and wipes the crocodile tears off his dry, wrinkled face
I just want her home so that we can finally get back to normal and focus on making your lives easier by re-electing me --
I turned off the television and nearly threw the remote across the room
How dare he! How dare he use this situation to help boost his approval ratings! Does he not have a soul? does he even care at all
I try to compose myself when I hear Warren leaving the bathroom... but he heads into the kitchen, not noticing me. I hear cabinets being opened and closed before he comes to the living room.
Looks like there isn't anything edible in here. We'll have to go into town to get groceries and supplies
My mood lightens a bit at the idea of getting to spend some time outside
After seeing the news, I need something to get my mind off everything
of course. we can even grab a bite to eat if you'd like. one of my friends owns a restaurant that serves finger food
do you think it's safe for me to go out in public?
I know this town and trust me when I say no one is going to recognize you
Are you sure?
the people here don't concern themselves with things like politics or kind of drama. The news spins. You'll be safe as long as you stick by me
I know
He gives me a shy smile, and my heart nearly melts
But I'd you want to stay here.....
Warren scratches the back of his head and glances around the room
Even though I'd prefer if you come with me, I'd only be gone a few hours, and this cabin is secluded. As I said, it's up to you
I think I'd rather stay alone in the cabin
if that's what you want
it is, or at least it feels like the right thing to do. I need some time to process everything that has happened
I should be back in a couple of hours then. I wrote down my cell phone number on a sticky note in the kitchen
He gives me a serious look
call me immediately if you feel like you're in danger, and lick yourself in the bedroom. Do you understand?
I nod, and he gives me a curt nod back. with that, he turns and walks 9ut the door, so I decide to turn on the TV and watch the first movie I find. it doesn't take long before Hunger hits me hard, so I head into the kitchen to see if it is as empty as Warren said. I open every cabinet door, but the only thing I find is a stale box of crackers. Leaving the box where it is, I head outside to sit on the porch and wait for him
I notice a sleek, black motorcycle parked alongside the cabin and feel confused about how it got there. Another forty-five minutes go by before I finally hear his footsteps approaching
it's about time!
what are you doing outside?
I got bored
he rolls his eyes as he walks up to the porch, lugging along four bags of groceries
whose motorcycle is that?
what motorcycle?
what do you mean by "what motorcycle"? The one right over there beside the cabin!
oh, that motorcycle
Warren heads into the cabin, and I follow right behind him
it's... Mine
but when did you have time to get it here? Wait, how did you even get it here?
Warren hesitates before reluctantly answering
This is my cabin
oh. why did you bring me to your cabin?
You sure do ask a lot of questions
And you sure do avoid giving me a straight answer
I felt like this was the safest place to take care of you
I guess you were right then
About what?
I do feel safe here
With you
Warren goes to respond, but suddenly, we hear a noise outside
someone's outside!
he grabs me and pushes me behind him
someone is here?! Oh, no...what I'd it's the same person that failed to kill me the other day? what'd they're back to finish the job?!