Chapter 3 - The bandits
what if they're back to finish the job?!
stay down and be quiet!
something sla.s against the ground outside of the cabin. startled, I jump and wrap my arms around Warren's waist
what if they- -
Realising that I was now hugging him, I quickly pulled away
Warren! I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to -
shh, shhh. it's okay
His hand reaches out and gently takes hold of mine, giving it a reassuring squeeze
Stay here and don't move. if I'm not back in ten minutes, call the police
He lets go of my hand before I can even protest and silently slips out the front door
Warren's capable, but....what if he doesn't come back?
I pull out my cell phone. I dial the number and hover a thumb over the call button
How long has he been gone now? Seconds, minutes, hours? should I call the police? It's too early
Just as I'm about to put my phone away, the door swings open, causing me to scream
A hand clamps over my mouth
Kiara! it's me! calm down!
My heart is hammering in my chest, but I feel my body relax at the sound of his voice. he carefully pulls his hand away from my mouth
Warren! Did you get them? Are they tied up?
A smile plays on his lips, and I can't for the life of me figure out why
Shouldn't he be more jittery than this?
why don't you come take a look for yourself?
is that wise? what if they try to attack me?
Trust me, I can handle these guys
I peek my head out the door and look around
I don't understand......where are they,
he points at two upturned trash bins by the side of the cabin. A raccoon pops its head out of one of the bins while another two peers out at us from behind the other. My mouth pops open in shock
Raccoons? it was just raccoons?
he chuckles
Don't let your guard down too much. Those things can get vicious
Now you're just making fun of me
That doesn't sound like something I'd do
I scoff and pull the door closed with more force than necessary
You have quite the temper for someone so tiny
I do not!
sorry, did the wind just slam the door shut?
You were just as scared as I was!
I don't get scared, Kiara
Everyone gets scared
He walks towards the couch, and I see him put a gun into its holster
you have a gun?
I'm your bodyguard. how else am I supposed to protect you?
but why would you need one here? Nobody knows about this place, right?
Well, I'd rather be safe than sorry
When he sees I'm still not convinced, he raises my chin with his fingers
I know what I'm doing, Kiara. Do I look like a man who doesn't know how to use my weapon
Warren is dangerously close! I smile at him confidently
Mr. Garcia.....I don't doubt for a second that you're capable of using your weapon
There's a flicker of surprise in his eyes, but it's gone just as quickly
Do you want to make my job harder for me, Mrs. Nelson? All I'm trying to do is to keep you safe. But you.....
Almost unconsciously, he starts to lean in
You seem to think this is all a game
I understand perfectly how serious this situation is. I don't play games
Don't you? Because I swear you're trying to drive me crazy here
My mouth parts lightly, his lips now only an inch away... I feel my heart in my chest beating like a marching band
Well, correct me if I'm wrong...But you're the one who keeps moving closer to me the longer we talk. if I'm driving you crazy, I'm pretty sure it's your fault.
As soon as Warren realises he's still holding my chin, he lets it go and takes a step back. he avoids my eyes when he speaks to me
forgive me, Mrs. Nelson
Do I make him this flustered? Then again.....I can't deny the effect he has on me, either......After a moment, he looks at me again
His glare is intense, and I swallow the lump in my throat.
I'll go deal with the raccoons
My phone vibrates in my pocket, and I quickly pull it out
it's a message from Hannah!
WHAT IS GOING ON?! you're all over the news! something about a shooting?! Are you okay?
Physically, yes. But it's been a stressful few days
why haven't you told me anything?
I would've, but nobody's telling me anything, either :/
Jesus. Are you home? can I come over
Actually.......Eli sent me to some secret location with a Bodyguard. some ex- SEAL, apparently
whoa! I'm jealous
what? why would you be jealous?!
He's hot, right? All SEALS are hot. There are so many crazy fantasies running through my mind right now :D
what the hell are you talking about?
Don't you see? This is your chance! You haven't had sex in YEARS, girl! Get on that! Bow chicka wow wow!
There's one problem with your idea...I'm married!
LOL, you and I both know what a "great" marriage you have, Kiara. Your husband cheats on you every time you blink
which is why I'm leaving him as soon as his campaign is over
see? So why don't you stop worrying about that asshole and focus on someone else?
It's not that simple
why? Does sex with him entail a marriage proposal?
then stop making up excuses. if you're into him, just go for it!
I guess you have a point
Damn right I do
But it's still impossible. he's too professional and would never cross that line to begin with
No man can resist a body like yours. you have curves that are to die for! I think you should show him exactly what he's missing. Did you pack any sexy lingerie? Any lace bras or panties?
That's my girl;) Wear something like that in front of him, and he'll be putty in your hands!
You're such a bad influence on me
You love me
I do
I've gotta get ready for a meeting, but let me know how it goes! And how good his pythons are :D
Well, she's right about one thing. I do deserve better than what my so-called husband has been giving me
I think back to the way Warren watches me after I get out of the shower. The images of what could've happened start shooting through my head. if he'd just walked over to me and ripped the towel off my body.....if he'd just pushed me back against the wall and brought his hands up to my - -
No, no, no! Jesus, where did those thoughts come from? Damn it, Hannah
I walk into the bedroom and close the door behind me. At the base of the bed is Warren lying on his sleeping mat
So, you're still sleeping in the same room with me?
That was the agreement
Hannah's words rub through my mind again, and I can't help but feel like maybe she's right
But can I seduce him? Will he even go for it?
I sense his eyes on me as I saunter over the bed
is it hot in here
Well, I feel hot
I can't sleep like this
I gesture down to the outfit I'm wearing. he gives me a confused look
Then, just change into something else?
that's a good idea. do you maybe have a shirt I can borrow?
he sits up and regards me suspiciously
Don't you have your clothes?
They're all very tight
I'm sure you can find a solution to that
Here goes nothing
I look away from him and pull my top over my head, slowly and teasingly, revealing the black lace bra I'd changed into earlier. My bottoms are the next to go, putting my satin thong on display. I stretch and give him the front-row view
Ahm, much better. But it still feels kind of hot, don't you think?
I hear his sharp intake of breath. I glance back at him, but his eyes are focused on the ground
Can you help me unclasp my bra, please? it seems to be stuck
Warren ignores me, but the red blush creeping up his cheeks tells me he heard me loud and clear. I let my bra fall onto the floor, and my panties joined them very soon. Warren's eyes remain glued to the wall, but he pulls the covers up over his shoulders and turns his back to me. His breathing is far from calm. I fall asleep smiling
The next morning, my mind is made up. operation seduce Warren is underway
Teasing is run, but I need to take it up a notch. I need to pick an outfit that's going to help me.....one without a bra
Perfect. It's time to put my plan into motion
When Warren comes into the kitchen, I'm almost finished making our breakfast
Good morning, Warren! I've got eggs and pancakes ready to go, but the bacon isn't done yet. There are also some bananas if you prefer your breakfast light. Have a seat
He eyes me suspiciously
What's all this for?
oh, this? I just wanted to do something nice for you since you've been such an amazing bodyguard
Have I?
I lean over to hand him a plate, and his eyes dip from my face to my chest. He immediately looks away. I frown
Okay, not the reaction. I was hoping for
Do you want anything to drink?
No, thank you
Are you sure?
Yes, Mrs. Nelson
Why is he being so polite and formal all of a sudden?
he walks over to the table and sits down. I turn off the stove and join him
Did you sleep well?
I slept fine, thank you
Even on that horrible mat?
He nods and takes a bite of a pancake
Warren has amazing self-control. I should suggest he sleep with me
You know...
I place my hand on his arm
I'm sure you would've slept a lot better in the bed with me or maybe not at all
He gently takes my hand off his arm and resumes eating
What's going on? He's not reacting to anything I do
The rest of the breakfast is uncomfortably quiet, though not for my lack of trying. Whatever I attempt to start a conversation, he politely ends it with his one-word answers. When he starts to watch the dishes, I make a last-ditch effort when the bulge of his gum catches my eye
Oh, wow. is that a gun in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?
I quickly snatch the gun and jump out of his reach when he spins around to grab me. His body is rigid as he regards me angrily
That's a shame. I guess it was only a gun
Warren lunges at me before I have a chance to react. He slams me against the wall and pins my arms above my head
Drop it
What - -
Drop the gun. Right now, Kiara
I do as he asks, and the gun clatters to the girl. I do as he asks, and the gun clatters to the floor
Don't ever touch my weapon again
His breathing is heavy, and I can barely move with the way he's holding me
He's so close....so close I could kiss him
I unconsciously bite my lip, and his eyes flicker down to follow the movement. The tension between us intensifies as the hunger in his eyes nearly burns my skin. He leans forward.... but then he stops himself. His mouth is hovering just an inch away from mine. I see the look of indecision in his eyes, feel his breath mingling with mine
He's not going to make the first move... but it's obvious he wants me to. Should I kiss Warren? Now would be the perfect chance...
I don't kiss him. instead, I gently push him away and look downward
I can't make the first move. He'll have to do it
But he doesn't
This can't happen
He gestures between the two of us
I know you feel it, too
it doesn't matter what I feel. You're not only married, but you're also my client
My marriage is a sham. You know that as well as I do
Regardless. if we were to ever blur the lines between us, it could put you in danger. I can't lose focus like that, especially when your life is on the line
I trust you to keep me safe, though. I know you won't let anything happen to me
He sighs and runs a hand through his hair
I need some air
I watch as he turns and. walks out the front door, slamming it shut behind him
Do I feel guilty about this? No! After so many miserable years of doing whatever was expected of me, I refuse to feel guilty about this. I deserve better, and right now, Warren's it. I just wish he would see it that way, too
I decided to try and clear my head by watching some television. As I'm flipping through the channels, I see news that makes my blood run cold. Underneath the picture of me that's plastered across the screen, the words "MISSING PERSON" are flashing before my eyes
Missing person?