Chapter 4- Kidnapped
Missing person?
what the hell is Eli talking about? He's the one who sent me here
Warren joins me in the room instantly, wary of the expression on my face
what's going on?!
it seems like Eli decided to be a guest last night with Tess Meyers
The gossip show?
Warren stares at the screen for a moment before silently taking a seat beside me
he looks so.....emotional
I know. what a fraud
We focus on the talk show
I can't imagine what you're going through, Mr. Nelson
Eli shakes his head
This is all my fault. The reflection has put me in the spotlight, and my wife was targeted as a consequence. She shouldn't have to pay for the choice I selfishly made
Mr. Nelson, there's nothing selfish about putting your life on hold for our country. No one can fault you for something like that
but I blame myself! I thought I was doing everything I could to protect her. I took every measure possible and spent so much money to ensure her safety. Obviously, it wasn't enough
Enough? Mr. Nelson, I think we can all agree that your wife is one lucky woman. I'm sure she'd run straight into your arms if she was watching this right now
Tess leans forward and gives Eli's hand a gentle squeeze, and in return, he gifts her a sly predatory smile. when she remembers where they are, Tess clears her throat
Now, our time is almost up. Do you have any final words for Kiara's kidnappers?
I do
Eli faces the camera and squares his shoulders
please, whoever you are, I'm begging you to give her back to me. for her safe return, I am offering an award of three million dollars! Two hundred thousand dollars dollars to anyone with valuable information on my wife's whereabouts! Help me bring her home safely!
Eli's voice breaks as he dips his head down into his hands
I just want her back
You heard the man! If you know anything at all, please don't hesitate to call the number located at the bottom of the screen! Thank you, and have a good night
As soon as the show goes to commercial, my mouth drops open
Did Eli just offer my inheritance as a reward?
I shake my head, completely dumbfounded by what I'd just seen
but if he's telling the world I've been kidnapped, then...
I inch away from Warren as inconspicuously as possible
What if Warren is not who I think he is? What if -
Don't what?
I know what you're thinking, and don't even go there. Your husband knows exactly where we are. I've been updating him every four hours
can you prove that you've been reaching out to him?
Warren nods and pulls out his cell phone. He dials Eli's number and presses the speaker button. it rings four times before going to voicemail. Warren shrugs
He rarely answers my calls. he usually sends me a text at some point during the day, saying he got the message
That doesn't sound like Eli
I'm not a kidnapper. For Christ's sake. Do you think I'd let you watch TV if I was holding you hostage?
I purse my lips. Warren sighs
He never mentioned that he'd hired a bodyguard for you in that interview. I'm pretty sure I'd be his number-one suspect if he thought you'd been kidnapped
But why would he lie about it? what does he have to gain from that
it's mostly likely a poly to confuse whoever's behind the threats. if they think you've been kidnapped, then maybe they won't be looking as hard
I guess that makes sense
still.....something doesn't feel right
My phone suddenly pings several times, startling us both. I fish it out of my pocket, but Warren snatches it out of my hand before I can read the messages
Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing?!
why do you have this here?
A phone? What century do you live in?
Do you not understand what's going on here? someone I'd trying to kill you, Kiara! No one can know your whereabouts!
and how would they? I haven't told anyone!
have you been in contact with anyone since we got here?
I feel my face pale
My best friend texted me, asking if I was okay, I couldn't just ignore her
Look, I'm sorry, but Hannah is important to me
important enough for you to act so recklessly? Anyone could've tracked your phone if they had a means to do it
how was o supposed to know that? I'm not an FBI agent
I open my mouth to make another comment, but his hand suddenly covers it. I push his hand away and glare at him
Excuse me?! You can't just shut me up when I'm talking to you
he ignores me, and it's only then I realise he's been scrolling through my texts with Hannah. My eyes widen when I remember the conversation we had about him yesterday
Warren, stop! seriously, give it back!
he didn't respond. I reach for the phone and somehow end up with my arms pinned behind my back
How did he do that so quickly? And with one hand? Am I that easy to detain?
Let go of me!
She says she's worried about you and wants to know if your "gorgeous bodyguard" is the one who kidnapped you.
He looks at me briefly with a curious glance
You think I'm gorgeous
Yes, I think you're gorgeous, so what?
He opens his mouth to say something...... but then his eyes flicker back to my phone
she's also wondering if you've "tapped that ass" yet
He shoots me a strange look
she must've texted the wrong number. I have no idea why she'd even ask something like that. I haven't told her anything about you, so if you could just give the phone back to me
I squirm and try to get out of his hold
The more you move, the tighter I'll hold you
Well, that doesn't sound too bad .....
she also says...
you can stop reading those now!
Warren squints at the phone as if he misread the text. Dread fills my stomach
why, Hannah? why are you doing this to me?
she says it's more economical to shower together because it saves water
please, no more
What does "pics or it didn't happen" mean?
You can't just read my messages, Warren!
Yes, I can. I have to make sure you don't reveal any crucial information about this....friend of yours
I would never tell anyone where we are. Do you think I'm stupid
You can never be too careful. Even the smallest piece of information could lead to someone discovering your whereabouts
This is ridiculous. why can't you just take my word for it and trust me?
Warren scrolls further up, ignoring my comment. I watch with horror as his face goes from confusion to shock
oh, no
okay, okay, you can stop now! No information has been shared! if you'd give me my phone back -
You've been discussing my "python"....... with your best friend?
He raises an eyebrow
Wait, have you seen my Python
No, I haven't seen your py- - Why are we still using that word?!
Warren eyes me suspiciously then releases my arms from his hold
Are you spying on me when I shower?
of course not! I wasn't even the one to bring it up. Hannah was just playing a dumb hoke, nothing more
A joke?
Yes, a joke? There's no need to get all worked up about it
The laugh I cough out sounds like a dying lawnmower, and it's clear he doesn't believe me one bit
Do I need to start barricading the door when I'm showering?
I feel like you're just mocking me now
Well, at least your location hasn't been compromised. so thank you for not telling her anything
see, I told you. You should've just trusted me instead of invading my privacy
Well.. you did tell her that you have a bodyguard. But as long as she can stay quiet about it ...
She won't say anything. she's been my best friend for years, and I trust her with my life
I don't like this, but we don't have much of a choice
I'm sorry I got you into this mess
it's nothing that I can't handle
He stands up and walks towards the door.... with my phone still in his hand
wait!! what about my phone??
I have to get rid of it
what? No, you don't
Yes, I do. someone could be tracking you
But I need to tell Hannah that I'm okay!
Warren's already disassembling it before the words leave my lips. I watch helplessly as he pulls out the SIM card and snaps it in half
I struggle in vain to grab the phone, but he easily prevents me from reaching it. He pulls a lighter out of his pocket, and soon enough, the pieces of the SIM card start to melt from the flame. He drops the mutilated pieces into the trash and then breaks the phone in two like It was a piece of cardboard. I don't say a word; instead, I turn my back on him
This is for the best. I'm not doing this to hurt you
I ignore him and walk away without looking back
How could Warren do this to me? he has no idea what could've been on my phone! what if I didn't have anything backed up to the cloud? call me crazy, but being completely detached from the outside world is way out of my comfort zone.
Suddenly, my stomach growls with hunger. even when I glance at the clock, I see that it's past noon. I open up the cupboard and eye the cereal boxes with disdain
I can make us lunch
I jump, my heart pounding against my chest
What's wrong with you? Don't sneak up on me when I'm mad at you
when you're mad at me?
Yes. I'm not happy with you, so go away
so....you don't want me to make you lunch
My stomach growls again
I never said that. I simply told you to go away
He chuckles
How does honey chicken stir fry sound?
I've never heard of that before
it's one of my specialities
is it now?
My eyes unwillingly flicker over to him, and I see him grinning
my heart nearly stutters at the sight
He is incredibly handsome. Especially when he smiles
still mad at me?
what you did wasn't okay. You do know that, right?
He sighs and rubs the back of his neck
Maybe I reacted a little bit strongly. I'm only trying to keep you safe
I get that, but there are better ways to go about it. You didn't have to destroy my phone and burn the pieces in front of me
That was a bit harsh, I know. Let me make it up to you, okay? I'll whip you up my honey chicken stir fry, then you can tell me if you're still mad at me
it's not that simple, Warren
I can't let anything bad happen to you. Hearing that I missed such a crucial detail threw me off guard. I honestly wasn't trying to hurt you, Kiara. I do understand why you're mad at me... I just wish I knew how to fix this
Sorry, but your apology isn't good enough
You heard me. Do you think cooking me lunch is going to make me forgive you?
it was worth a shot. But I'm truly sorry for upsetting you
I sigh dramatically
Well, I wish you were wrong, but somehow, you figured it out. Food is the way to my heart
The relief on his face is evident. He turns on his heels and starts pulling ingredients out of the refrigerator
oh, and Warren
I walk over and place a soft kiss on his cheek
Thank you for looking out for me
His cheeks turn red as he looks at me pensively, lost for words
Feeling bold; I decide to repeat the kiss, This time, I aim for the centre, and I lean in slowly, giving him plenty of time to move away. He doesn't. When our lips meet, our eyes close on command, and I can hear him dropping the bag of carrots he was holding. His hands, now free, gently cup my face instead; the kiss is enticing, intoxicating. My whole body starts tingling when his tongue separates my lips, finding my own. As our mouths become busy caressing one another, I wrap my arms around his torso and bring him in closer. we stand there, our bodies aligned, suddenly lost in desire and longing. Our kisses are no longer slow and sweet but rushed and brimming with passion. When my knees almost buckle, my hands clutch and fabric on the back of his shirt. Warren picks me up and places me on the kitchen counter, pushing my legs apart to gain better access. My heartbeat speeds up as my thighs separate, and I feel a rush of blood pumping through my veins. He teasingly bites my lower lip, and I can't hold in a moan. The need I have for this man surpasses every other, and it sends my head spinning. Reeling. I can't get enough. I wriggle on the counter, the ache in my belly almost unbearable. When my knee brushes against his hard bulge, I hear him curse under his breath. The next moment, he pulls away, and we try to catch our breath at a safe distance from each other.
I jump back down from the counter, still feeling a bit lightheaded. I picked up the bag of carrots that was lying carelessly on the floor and handed it to him. he blinked several times as I smiled at him
I'll get out of your way, Chef Warren. Just let me know when lunch is ready
I brush past him, walking towards the sitting room
This kind of speechless Warren is one I'd love to see more often
One hour later.....
where did you learn to make this? it tastes incredible
When you live alone for as long as u have, you have to learn to cook
I almost envy you. when I was growing up, my family had chefs preparing our meals, or we'd dine out at exclusive restaurants. The food was great, but all I've ever learned was how to make basic stuff like pancakes. Sadly, I don't think I've ever even used the stove in my kitchen
Is that such a bad life, though
it has its perks. I used to love my life... but now I see it's not the best for me
what changed your mind?
Honestly, coming here did. Something is charming about asleep with a fire crackling in the other room...having to prepare our meals instead of ordering from a menu. I think I'd quite like living this kind of life
with me?
Sure. what's worst that can happen? We accidentally see each other naked from time to time. I can live with that
Warren's eyes pierce mine....and it's obvious we're both remembering the shower incident. He abruptly stands up from the table
I forgot that I was planning on fixing my motorcycle today
Right now? But you said it wasn't broken?
it can be improved
Warren heads out the door and slams it closed behind him
why would he react like this? I was just teasing him!
As I sit, there stumped over his bizarre reaction, a thought suddenly occurs to me
He used to live alone for quite some time. Could it be that he's just as sexually frustrated as I am? Maybe he got an erection and went away so I wouldn't notice. if that's the case, maybe he just needs a small push to cross the boundaries he's set between us...
I remember my college days and legendary lap dance skills. As the plan begins to form in my mind, a smile breaks out of my face
oh, this is going to be so much fun
One hour later, while Warren is showering, I find and change into my sexiest, most provocative outfit
it's skin, slim....and more skin. There's so little fabric that he'd be a fool to turn me away. No, what was I thinking? This is a terrible idea
I change into my baggy pyjamas and get in my bed. Warren comes into the room a few minutes later, wearing only a pair of boxers. Water glistens off the surface of his skin as he runs a hand through his damp hair. He notices me curled up under the covers
Kaira? Are you already in bed?
I yawn and nod, so he lets me be. Soon after, I fall into a fitful sleep
A few hours later, I'm still unable to sleep through the night. I've woken up countless times, tossing and turning, trying to find a comfortable position, but to no avail. I glance down at Warren to find him sleeping peacefully. His lips are parted slightly, his face relaxed. Suddenly, I hear something.....
."Kiara....." I freeze, wondering if I'd spoken out loud. peering down, I see Warren with his eyes closed, still fast asleep
Did you say something, Warren?
I heart it again. "Kiara...."
I watch him curiously, trying to figure out what he's saying.....when it suddenly becomes abundantly clear. "Kiara....Kiara......Kiara..."
He's....moaning my name?!