Chapter 1
Susan’s POV
I was free. The forest was mine and I was hers. My howls echoed like chains breaking through the earth. Nothing could stop me. Nothing could hold me back but myself.
I could feel the threads that bound me to the pack breaking. I could feel everything around me perfectly. The smells, the tastes, the noises, everything was connected like nerves in my body. The sensations of fear, and adrenaline, I could feel it all in the air. I was free. And I felt as if everything was in my control. No fixed plan and, no rules to follow. On the run from the laws that haunted and tormented me.
After running practically all night, I ended up at the border of another pack's territory. My muscles vibrated and my paws had never felt so much pain. But the pain was pleasurable and made me more euphoric.
I had nothing. Absolutely nothing. No clothes, no belongings, and nothing that could help me. The nearest town was much bigger than mine. But before I got there, I had to change and find some clothes to wear. I was doing the riskiest thing of my life. It was completely forbidden to enter such a territory without first informing the local Alpha. And if any member of the pack here caught me, it would be the end of me.
In the countryside, after going further into the new territory, I came across a house. A farm, I think. I could hear the noise of a few cars passing by. It must have been near the road.
I snuck into the forest and made sure the place was safe. I made sure there were no dogs that might start barking if they saw a wolf in their yard. There was no house and no pot on the porch that would indicate an animal. I noticed that at the back there was a clothesline with some clothes hanging on it. The house was unlit and the residents were probably asleep. I approached carefully and sniffed around. Everything seemed safe. And when I got close to the clothesline, I transformed behind a large, long sheet. The transformation was all the more painful because my muscles were already tired from running. I walked past the clothesline and looked for some clothes that might fit. I grabbed the first ones I saw. A pair of jeans, a red blouse, and further on I spotted a pair of sneakers on the balcony steps. I was only a few meters away, but I didn't want to get too close to the house. I took a good look and noticed that they probably wouldn't fit me, but I had to. I couldn't go into town barefoot.
I sneaked everything out and got dressed before the owners heard anything strange and came to look. The shoes, just as I'd imagined, were a bit wide, but I didn't care. I just wanted to get out of here. Preferably with clothes.
Silently, I returned to the forest and headed towards the road.
It would take me a while to get to town if I walked. So I decided to try hitchhiking, even though I'd never done it before. I don't know if they'd be brave enough to help someone at 5 a.m. in the middle of the road. But it couldn't hurt to try.
I kept walking, tidying up my tangled hair and waiting for the first car to pass. It took several minutes before the first light appeared. But when I waved, he didn't even slow down as he drove straight through.
This would take much longer than I thought. But on the bright side, at least the clothes I was wearing were clean and smelled good.
After a few failed attempts, I saw the next vehicle coming. I waved with both arms this time. To attract more attention or show enough urgency. I noticed when the car slowed down and stopped on the other side of the road. It was a small truck. The driver rolled down his window and motioned for me to get in. It was a woman who was driving.
I crossed the road and got into the truck. The woman was wearing a denim jacket and dark pants, her dark blonde hair was tied up in a ponytail and she looked no older than 35.
"What are you doing on the road at a time like this?" She looked at me carefully and drove off again.
"Oh, I live nearby, I have appointments in the city first thing in the morning but I couldn't make it."
"You're lucky I was passing by then." He laughed.
"Yes, I was. And thank you." I faced the road.
From the smell of the woman, I could tell she was human. She had just had coffee and also smelled a little of tobacco. It was a relief that she was human, though. It would be my bad luck to bump into a wolf first thing in the morning.
"Have you lived here long?" I asked into the silence.
"I've been at it for two years." She smoothed her thumb over the steering wheel. "And you?"
"I've just moved." I avoided giving too much information.
I glanced over and saw a bottle of perfume in the glove compartment in front of me. It would be great to spray some on to disguise my smell. Especially after a makeover.
Would it be weird if I asked her to do that?
"Look lady, I smell like an animal, would it be too much to ask for a few sprays of your perfume?" Stop being an idiot Susan, of course, it would be weird.
"Miss..." She looked at me. "You know, I rushed out of the house for a job interview and I forgot to put on perfume." I scratched the back of my head. I scratched the back of my neck. "I read once that smell counts for a lot on days like this." What the fuck, Susan? "Could you come to my rescue and let me spray some of yours?" I pointed to the glove compartment and laughed. At least she was surprised, but she didn't care, because the blonde started laughing at me and nodded positively.
"Of course." She said and went back to paying attention to the road." Job interview, huh? I think they're pretty easy to get around here. They always need more people." I took the perfume and sprayed it on myself.
What a horrible smell!