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♥ Chapter 2 ♥

Aurora Evans.

''How could you not know? The whole school knows.'' She looked at me with very surprise.

I rolled my eyes, ''I don't care, Laura. I don't like interfering in other people's lives either.''

Now, it was her turn to roll her eyes.

''You're so straight, Aurora. Anyway, there are two hot new people here, the first is Alex Miller and he's an Alpha.''

I looked at her in surprise.

An Alpha joining the school? I've never seen an Alpha in my life.

''Wow, this will be my first time.''

She nodded, ''That's right, and it's not just the alpha, dear.''

I looked at her uncertainly.

''He has a brother, who is also an Alpha.''

''Brother? How do you know that?''

''His name is Thomas Miller, and he's said to be the older one.''

I was shocked.

''We're detectives.'' She joked.

We walked into the classroom, and I quickly smelled the two scents that filled the air. I hurriedly looked around for the owners of the scents, and that was when my eyes met them.

Oh dear!

The first Alpha was tall, with a dark complexion and platinum blonde hair, and looked very sexy. I also noticed that he had piercings on his lips, nose and ears. His face was square, and he looked like a bad boy.

I moved my eyes to the second Alpha. He also had a dark complexion and dark gray hair that looked very sexy. His other feature was his dark blue eyes that were very deep. I noticed that he had a tattoo on his neck, a piercing on his lip, and a triangular-shaped face.

Holy shit! These two were the most beautiful people I had ever seen in my life.

I couldn't take my eyes off them, and I realized they were the same, making me nervously bite my lip.

''My friend, your face is turning red.'' Laura smiled at me.

"Shut up." I hurriedly averted my gaze.

We walked towards our seats, but I could feel their eyes on me. I was so nervous that I couldn't even walk and felt like I hadn't learned how to walk yet.

I took a seat near the teacher's desk, and Laura sat behind me as usual. I put my book bag on the table, took out my textbook, and put it on the table.

''Hey, can I borrow a pen? I forgot to bring it.'' Laura said to me.

''As usual. You've been forgetting pens for two years. You still won't return my pen.''

She just smiled.

I sighed , ''You're useless.''

''But you love me.''

I took out a blue fountain pen and handed it to her.'' Take it, keep it, because I already know you won't even give it back to me.''

''What a smart friend I have.'' She messed up my hair.

I was angry because it took me a long time to straighten my hair and she still came and messed it up.

I heard a growl that made my blood run. I hurriedly turned my face to find the two of them looking at me. I was shocked to find that their eyes had turned a golden color.

Why did they turn like that?

''Wow, did you conquer the newcomer?'' I noticed Laura's naughty smile.

I felt my cheeks heat up with embarrassment.

''Are you crazy?'' I spoke a little too loudly because I was nervous.

''I know... I was kidding.''

''Laura. Don't say it.'' I said rather awkwardly, making her laugh.

I turned away, my heart beating fast. This year was going to be very interesting.

It was the history teacher who opened the door.

The teacher was a forty-five-year-old man, not very tall, with a white beard, dark brown eyes, and a bald head. I liked him, he was a very kind man and always helped us.

He was a Beta and married to his science teacher, who was also a Beta.

''Take your books and turn to page 50, I want you to read this text and write down your understanding, it's worth 1 point'' he said just as he put something on the table.

Many students started to complain.

''I don't care about your complaints, I'm doing this to help you. Because when you get a bad grade on a test, these points will save your life.''

That was why I liked this teacher.

I tried to focus on the text but couldn't because of those two alphas. I had a strong sixth sense, and now I felt like both of them were staring at me, making me uncomfortable and unable to concentrate on the lesson.

I didn't know why they were so interested in me, it wasn't like I was anyone special. Are they staring at me because I'm an Omega? Have they never seen an Omega before? I couldn't figure out why, my back was burning as they stared at me.

Laura nudged me, ''Is something wrong?'' She asked in a small voice.

''What? Nothing.'' I whispered back to her.

''Nothing? You need to focus on the book. Tell me, what's bothering you?''

It's those new guys, they're the ones that bother me. Their stares make it impossible for me to concentrate, l don't even dare to look back at them.

''It's fine, you don't have to worry, I'm fine. '' I smiled gently at her.

She looked at me suspiciously.

''It's fine, trust me.''

I sighed in relief when she turned her attention back to her book.

I swallowed and turned my head to see the two of them still staring at me, and I quickly felt my face turn red.

Holy shit! My heart almost popped out of my mouth. Why didn't they stop staring at me? This was too embarrassing. I had to concentrate on the lesson, if I could.

Today's class went so fast that I actually changed in the locker room to get ready for fucking gym class.

I hated gym class because every time we played a game, I was always beaten up by everyone. Especially the arrogant ones, the bosses, who took no pity on me at all and always threw the ball as hard as they could at me. Luckily, I could dodge it or have been in the hospital.

''Come on, Aurora, everyone is ready.'' Laura pulled me and said.

''You go, Laura, I don't want to play.'' I tried to get rid of her, but it was impossible.

''Come on, Aurora, we make a good couple.'' I rolled my eyes at her whining.

But unfortunately, she was right. I wasn't bragging, in fact, both of us were a good partner in the game.

''That's good.'' She smiled and pulled me onto the court.

At that moment, I wanted to find a hole to bury myself in because everyone on the court turned to look at us.

''If you don't want to be embarrassed like that, you should have come in when everyone else did.''

I didn't say anything because I might have shut her up.

''Anyway, let's decide the teams with rock-paper-scissors because today's game is going to be a scorcher.'' Professor Carlos said.

Professor Carlos was thirty-five years old, quite tall, with a dark complexion, dark green eyes and light brown hair.

I observed a newcomer making his way over to Taylor, the idiot captain of the soccer team. I didn't even know his name yet, didn't know if he was Alex Miller or Thomas Miller.

''Rock, Paper, Scissors...''

''Thomas, you choose.'' The teacher said.

Ah, so this was Thomas, he was really cool with his tattoos.

Thomas looked in the direction of his brother, who was quickly coming towards him.

''Your turn, Taylor.''

''I'll take Laura.'' He smiled in her direction.

I could tell Laura was pissed at the choice.

''Son of a bitch, you asshole.'' She cursed and walked towards him, which made me hold my tongue.

That was what I liked about this woman, she could make me laugh at simple things.

I noticed that all the girls here had started straightening their necklines, exposing their breasts almost.

I was a little nervous when he looked in my direction.

''I'll pick her.'' He laughed.

Oh my god, was that sound? His voice was so low it made my legs shiver a little, and I could feel the wolf inside me getting a little excited too.

I took a deep breath and walked towards him, ending up next to his brother Alex.

It smelled so good! His scent intoxicated me and I wanted nothing more than to bury my face in his neck right now, smelling his scent, I needed to calm down.

A few minutes passed, and Thomas chose more guys for his team, and Taylor chose more girls.

This was a disaster, because all the girls glared at me angrily.

I was screwed.

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