CHAPTER 06. Body, heart, and soul
It’s been a week since I’m in this terrible place, and I learned that it’s not because you’re in hell that it can’t get worse. It can always get worse.
I suffered it on my skin — literally.
Seven whole days trapped in a space so small I could barely sit upright showed me how free my spirit is and how grateful I should be for every step I’ve taken.
The one meal I had a day, so tasteless, a loaf of bread without any love, showed me that I never really valued the delicious food I was fed, just as I never thanked the cooks for every bite or their commitment, their care, their seasoning.
My honor and dignity were completely shattered, just as Derek promised he would do. I couldn’t sleep, and I had to put all my needs in a bucket that they wouldn’t remove. The smell of pee stayed with me day after day.
Honestly, I don’t know how I was able to keep my sanity up to this point... But somehow, I get some hope that Derek would realize his mistake and would come back to me.
I should know better. When the door opened, showing a uniformed guard along with three inmates who looked at me with amusement, I knew that I wasn't getting any rescue, especially that they seem hungry for blood and chaos.
The guard finally approaches my tiny cell, and opens the heavy padlock, which falls to the ground. The door of the cage I’ve been locked in for a week opens, not to give me the freedom I’ve longed for but to begin another part of the sadistic plan of revenge for something I didn’t do.
I don’t drag myself out; I remain in the safety of these bars, but it doesn’t last long because the guard pulls me out. I don’t show any resistance; I barely have the strength to stand... I’m dehydrated, tired, hungry.
“They say we’ll get some perks if we show the bitch what her life will be like in Wolf Jail.” The woman with the big buzz cut, the scariest of the inmates, says with a sarcastic laugh. “Is that right, girls? Should we give her a little taste of what's to come?”
My eyes widen when the women to approach with wicked smiles. I shudder and pull away from the guard’s hand, taking a few steps back, fear spreading inside me. I look around, looking for a way out, an escape... But as soon as I try to turn away, the leader of the inmates grabs me by the hair, pulling so hard that I lose balance; my legs wobble, and I go down again, scraping and cutting my knees.
“Where do you think you’re going?” The leader says with a louder, more sarcastic laugh. “No one escapes the Big-Head!” She pulls my hair again, dragging me along the floor as I try to struggle free, but it’s in vain because the other inmates are getting closer, increasing my despair...
And before I can even understand what’s happening, I feel a strong punch to my face that makes it turn sharply to the side. The taste of blood explodes on my palate, as does the bitterness of injustice.
Once again, I feel another punch straight into my nose, making it sting from the impact and blood drip from it. My eyes are burning, and I try to pull myself free, but one of the inmates kicks me hard in the stomach, completely robbing me of air and making me expel the poorly water in my stomach.
I bend forward, my head down, coughing and trying to breathe deeply amid the burning in my nose and chest. But the leader, Big-Head, reaches for me once again, taking a firm hold of my hair. She lifts my face, forcing me to raise my chin. And yet, I don’t look away from her face, even if I’m hurt and scared… I keep looking straight into their eyes.
“Look at that arrogant girl... I don’t think we need to take it easy.” Big-Head says, and with a low, sarcastic laugh, she holds out her hand for one of the inmates to hand her something.
I catch a glimpse of the metal of the brass knuckles, and my eyes widen slightly, my stomach squirming and aching from being so empty.
“Let’s see how much she can handle before getting into pieces,” Big-Head says, lowering his fist towards me, and I don’t dare close my eyes and wait for the punch...
But when the door opens and I see Derek’s face getting inside this living hell, I expect him to be smiling for seeing me in such a state, all beat-up, but in fact… his eyebrows are furrowed, and his eyes widen…
“What is the meaning of this?” Derek's voice sounds harsh, loud and threatening as he asks, his eyes on the guard and inmates.
“Alpha!” Big-Head starts, releasing me and taking a step back, raising his hand.
I'm so relieved to see him here… so, so much...
Tears are welling up in my eyes and I crawl over to him, but then, I see another person entering the room… Wanda, my stepsister, the one my father is prouder to call his daughter than his own flesh and blood.
“Wow, it stinks in here!” Wanda plugs her nose, and when she looks at me, I notice that her eyes widen slightly, and she rushes over to me, kneeling and taking my hand... “Sis! My Goddess... What have they done to you?”
I swallow hard, too embarrassed to look at her. Wanda’s hair is perfectly combed, her face is lightly made up, and her expensive, elegant clothes are a painful contrast to my appearance. What’s worse is that I can smell her perfume, which makes me too aware of how much I stink.
I look at Derek resentfully, unable to say a single word, and Wanda does the same, turning her face away and saying in a desperate voice, “Don’t tell me you cut out her tongue! I’ve heard that this is torture used in prisons when someone commits the heinous crime of murder, and many other tortures take place as a form of punishment, but... You didn’t do that to my sister, right?”
Her casual tone with Derek surprises me, especially his answer, calm and serene, “I did no such thing, don’t worry.”
She breathes a sigh of relief and looks at me again, “Sister, I convinced Derek to show mercy... He said he’ll forgive everything if you admit what you did... you can do a few weeks in Wolf Jail, and you’ll be banned from the country...”
“You just need to confess...”
“Confess to something I didn’t do?” I say slowly, and Wanda turns her face away, disgusted by the smell coming from my mouth. “I didn’t kill Alice, and I’ll never admit anything like that... I loved her, and I’d never hurt her.”
She grimaces and pulls away, hugging her own body as she returns to Derek’s side... “Derek, please… Don’t do her any harm, she’s just…”
I lower my eyes and scratch the floor, chipping my nails even more; this pain is so thin that I barely feel it. I really don’t have the strength in my body... not even to keep my bravery.
"Why are you doing this?" Derek asks them, without paying me a look.
"They said to do it." Big-Head says with a withered voice, head bowed.
"They who?" He insists, his voice getting even harsher.
"I don't know, it was orders from above, Alpha."
“Derek...” Wanda says slowly. “Is this really necessary? I mean, I know she deserves punishment for what she did to Alice, but don’t you think you’re being too cruel?”
I look at Wanda, and my eyes are probably empty and cold because she shudders and hides behind Derek’s body.
“Shadow.” Suddenly, someone stops next to Derek with their head down. It was so fast that I didn’t even notice him approaching. His long black cloak doesn’t allow me to see any glimpse of his body, and even his face is hidden behind the hood. “Send word that Vita Virginia’s trial will take place today. I want her ready to meet the jury.”
“Derek?” Wanda asks slowly, confused... “Are you really going to take Vita to trial?”
“That’s what I said.” He replies, crossing his arms, then looks at me... And his slow, soft voice makes me raise my face to meet his eyes. “This is the last kindness you’ll get from me, Vita... But don’t get me wrong, I’m not doing this for you — but for my sister who loved you. I want everyone to know what you did to Alice... I want justice to be done properly... And only then will I kill you.”
I shake my head in despair, feeling my throat tighten...
“No...” My voice comes out thin, high. “Derek, you can’t do this...”
“I can’t? I’m the Alpha. All the matters of the werewolf race are under my jurisdiction.” He lifts his chin slightly. “How dare you tell me what I can and cannot do?”
I shake my head even faster, “It’s not that...”
If you judge me for Alice’s death, the real culprit will go unpunished... Her death will never really be solved.
But I can’t say any of this... I can’t, even if I try to crawl across the floor and reach his feet. I’m humiliated, yes. Completely destroyed, and all I have is my pride... However, if it’s to ensure that Alice’s death wasn’t in vain and that she finds justice, I don’t mind shattering what little pride I have left.
“Derek, if you do this-”
“Spare my sister, Derek!” Wanda interrupts me with a desperate cry, falling to her knees as well, clinging to Alpha’s legs, pleading, “If you put her on trial... she’ll spend years in prison! Her reputation will be scarred forever... Her honor! I know what she did was cruel, that Alice lost her life in such a terrible way, but...”
“Enough, Wanda.” Derek interrupts her, and my stepsister flinches as if she’s been slapped in the face. However, she keeps hugging his legs, her knees resting on the floor, soiling her elegant white socks. “Don’t kneel, that’s not dignified.”
She nods slowly and stands up, dusting off her skirt and looking at me with pity.
That’s not dignified...? And it’s okay that I’m hungry, thirsty, with a bruised face, no strength, cold, and completely humiliated?
I slowly pull my hands away from his feet and rest on my heart, which beats slowly, almost wearily, like it wants to give in to this great sadness.
“Do as I say, Shadow.” With a silent nod, the henchman disappears completely as dust in the air. I almost can’t believe my own eyes, perhaps because my mind is too slow... “Your sentence may be softened by being a Virginia, but it doesn’t matter if you spend one, two, five years in Wolf Jail... I want you to pay with your body, heart, and soul, Vita.”
I see… It’s completely in vain to fight or insist.
Nobody believes me...
But it doesn’t matter anymore. If they don’t believe me, I won’t beg for a tiny faith... I’ll prove my innocence with my own hands.
I don’t need anyone’s pity or their denied help.
I’ll do it for myself — for Alice.
I swear by the Moon Goddess I will find the real culprit and find justice with my own hands... I will bring the real culprit to light, even if I am alone in this world.
For as long as it takes...
I promise, Alice... I’ll do justice for us both.