Chapter 8


He sat down at the table in the dining hall and his stomach churned at the sight of the plain scrambled eggs and toast that had been set in front of him. He pushed the eggs around on his plate, trying to make it look like he had eaten something. His mother had sent him to the Dragão castle a week ago in the hopes that his adoptive aunt could help shield him from the mate bond pain.

He had fought against it, knowing that he deserved everything that Lucy was doing. He knew he had crushed her when she had caught him balls deep in her best friend. He sighed and let his head drop back. He blamed himself, too. He should have known better. He should have fought harder.

There was no excuse in the world that he could give to anybody to deserve her forgiveness. He had loved her for years. Since he had been three to be specific. He knew how she felt under his hands, how she tasted, how she smelled and how she sounded in the midst of passion. He knew the way her eyes rolled back and the way her bottom lip quivered when she was about to cum.

He knew that she emitted a mating call when she was eager to have him buried deep inside of her and he relished every squeeze of her pussy around his cock. He closed his eyes. And now she was gone. Now she was in someone else’s arms, enjoying his touch over and over again. His hand tightened on his fork and he felt the metal bend as his eyes opened.

Not just anyone. Amerald. That bastard. The one that was more than twice her age. Uncle Lukas had tried to reassure him that she would be safe with him. That he would protect her until she was ready to come home but he didn't have the courage to tell his aunt and uncle that he was probably having sex with his mate and their daughter.

Suddenly, his body tightened as pain exploded in his head. His hand started vibrating first before his entire body started seizing. The fork fell from his hand and someone cursed behind him. Something rolled his face and he already knew it was blood without having to look at it.

Hands pressed against his back and he felt Aunt Kalani enter his mind.

He tried to shove her out, to suffer his punishment alone but the pain crippled him, making him unable to eject her from his mind. He bent forward, panting and drooling while the pain of Lucy letting someone touch her made him a puddle of agony. He dug his talons into the table, howling to try to break up some of his pain. Moments later, the pain left him and he collapsed against the table. Eggs went into his mouth and nose as he breathed. He looked up at her miserably.

“I don’t want your help. I deserve this,” he told her.

She sighed as she sat next to him and put her arms around him. “No, Joshy, you don’t, just like she didn’t deserve what happened either. With that being said, I don’t think accepting this because you feel guilty is right. When she finds out what really happened, she is going to hate herself. There is no one more perfect for each other than you two. Please, just give us a little time and we will help you make this right.”

He hugged her back, clinging to her. “I still love her. I have always loved her. I always will.”

She rubbed his back. “I know, sweetie. I know she loves you, too. She is just hurting. Just like you are.”

He closed his eyes. “What am I going to do?”

She leaned back to hold him at arm’s length, shaking him a little until he opened his eyes again. “You survive so that when she comes home, you’re here to love her for the rest of your lives.”

“And what if she never comes home, Auntie?,” he asked sadly.

She gave him a brilliant smile. “She is just like her mama and you’re her Lukas. She’ll be home. Eventually, anyways, that I can promise you.” She picked up his napkin to clean his face. “Eat and then we will go to Deegan so you can see Marybell. Aja has something special for you to do to her today.”

He perked up a little at the idea that he was going to get to hurt that bitch. He quickly scarfed down the rest of his food and immediately had to reach for his cup to vomit into. Aunt Kalani sighed, rubbing his back.

“Josh, you need to try to eat. You’re losing so much weight.”

“Only like 15 lbs, Auntie,” he argued.

“She’s been gone for two weeks, boy,” Aunt Sasha growled as she sat next to him. “If you don’t start eating, I will hold you down and force you.”

He sighed. “I tried. I can’t help that I vomit it back up.”

She rolled her eyes. “Whatever. Let’s go,” she grumbled.

She got up and Uncle Aiden helped him to his feet while Aunt Sasha opened a portal. Uncle Aiden supported him as he went through, stumbling on the exit. Uncle Aiden stabilized him and Aunt Sasha took his hand to lead him up to where Aunt Lily and Uncle Lukas waited for him on the porch. Uncle Lukas crossed his arms over his chest glaring at him while Aunt Lily immediately pulled him into a hug.

“How’s he doing?,” she asked her sisters.

“Not eating. Have you heard from Lucy?”

“Not in the past few days but Amerald said they are doing well.”

Josh growled, baring his teeth. Aunt Lily set him back a few feet.

“Stop that, now. Everything is going to work out soon.”

He sighed and his head lowered. “I miss her.”

“Don’t you think we all do? You are not special,” Uncle Lukas snapped, earning a light growl from his mate.

“I’m sorry, Uncle Lukas,” he whispered.

Aunt Sasha draped her arm over his shoulder to guide him inside while she shot her brother a furious look.

“You have nothing to apologize for. This was all just a misunderstanding. Come on. Let’s go. I got some mercury.”


“Yep. Vampires are highly allergic to the stuff.”

They were walking down the stairs to the dungeons under the castle when the roar of a motorcycle made him stop. He looked over his shoulder, listening intently for a second before pulling away to run upstairs. He tripped over the top stair and ended up sprawled on the floor. He scrambled up to continue sprinting back outside. He threw the door and his breath caught in his lungs.


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