Chapter 5
I never really always asked my fellow werewolves for help but here I was going to ask Dolphus. Well, he was a pretty nice guy too.
Get a mate He said to me
I dont have one, I havent found one at least for now
“What about
I interrupted at that instance, No I replied sharply, because I knew he was about to suggest Lark or Zephyr.
Lark would be a good match though, I like his vibes He said his voice filled with mockery.
“Are you trying to piss me off or something? I asked
No, but you really do need one. An Alpha always has a mate, he always have a Luna, Its necessary. Rory might use that against you, you cant be there without a mate, your age is already questioned here. Youre a lady Alaya and you really have to make this work. Break this record.
I thought for a while, and then I decided to talk to Skai. Dolphus didnt like the idea because Skai was human.
Skai might be human but she means the world to me. She one of the reason Im a better person today. Dont fret, shes good I said to him, the I dialed Skais number.
Hey babes, you always know Im just a call away, whatsup? Skai started talking from the other side of the phone.
I smiled then explained everything to her.
Cruel people, a fight to death? Alaya, promise me you wont die and when you get to the finals, dont kill Rory, please
Thats pretty trash, Ill show him red. Now what do you think about the mate? I put the speaker on at that point
“Well, theres just one option and I want you to come back as an alpha. So, Pick Dolphus she said
What??? he exclaimed
Okay babes, thanks and I hung up.
Yes Dolphus, you put me into this, so well have to fight this together
That.. Thats. i wait He kept stuttering
Relax I treid to calm him down
What do I get from this? he asked
Yeah, youll leave the life of a Luna, I promise
Hmmmm.. Let me think about it he said
His wanting to think about it got me pissed, Look, this is an opportunity so many guys in this pack would want, Dolphus, so you better stop play around
Okay, youll really let me be your Luna and act on it, right?
Well, youre the only person I can trust right now and you better not mess me up
Okay, good. I am your mate now he said.
Those words made me feel Goosebumps all over my body, the feeling of having a mate. A fake one, I tried reminding myself so I could feel better. I had always believed that I deserved more in a relationship if I got into one. I just kept hoping it would all work out, but Ill have to live with Dolphus as a fake mate until I found my own soul mate. And hold up! Damnnn! If I finally have a soul mate, how would I work it out with Dolphus then because he wont have to step down as my Luna and what would the whole pack think, they will finally know that the mating was not by the moon goddess.
Damn!!! I was already thinking too far, I was moving faster than my shadow
I guess you should relax, and yes you can trust me. Dont worry about the future, we are not bad people at all, well sort everything out He said as if reading my thoughts.
Trust you huh? I asked scornfully
Alaya, Ive got you.
See you in the moonlit, I said as I walked away. I was still battling with my thoughts as I was walking off when I got a call from Skai.
Oh Skai, my baby girl. I smiled and picked up and she told me her car was right in front of the packs gate. I went there and hopped in. we didnt say anything to each other until she reached our destination. To be Candid, I wasnt even sure of where I was being taken to.
“Where the heck is this, Skai? I asked as I looked around. She honked and the gate was opened, she still didnt respond to me. when she got the car in the parking lot, I looked around and realized that it was a law firm. What?? Yes, What? My brain kept asking that question.
Come out She said to me
What? I finally asked, as my mouth was able to work for me again.
Come out, girl Skai said again
Skai and I had the same personality and we understood each other so well. At that point, my girl was so serious and I decided to follow her lead, I got off the car and followed her into the firm. She had told me once that her elder cousin was an attorney but I had never gotten to meet that cousin of hers.
When we got to her cousins office, Skai was about to knock the door when her cousin came out.
Skai, I was just on my way to get the contract from the registrar, it is ready
What? A contract? I asked with my mouth wide open and my eyes so bulgy out of the shock
Skai immediately hushed me and said to her cousin Yeah, okay thanks. I sent the money to your account. I could get the contract from her to ease you the stress, thanks.
She smiled and we left to the registrar get the contract. When we got out of the building, I grabbed the contract from skai's hand to find out what kind of contract it was. I scanned through it got Into the car and slouched on my seat when I realized what it was.
"A love contract?" I asked my tone all questioning
"Something like that, girl. Don't freak out, take a deep breath" Skai replied to me as she put the car to a start.
"Skai, you know Dolphus and I don't love each other, why...."
She cut me short by saying "I know that babe, that's the reason for the contract. Can you read the whole details before getting on me. Well, it's getting late and we need to be heading back so that you could prepare for your big night"
"Listen Skai....."
She cut me shut again by saying "Read it carefully, then you'll understand what I'm saying"
I kept quiet and got into the car, and she zoomed off. Whilst I was enjoying the ride back home, I started reading the contract word after word. Wow, it was not what I thought it was. Skai just wanted the best for me, why would I not love this girl, I kept on saying to myself. The contract was sealing the agreement I had with Dolphus, so we are not in love and we are permitted to find our own mate.
"I love you so much , Skai" I said beaming a smile of thanks and happiness
"You owe me a teddy bear hug for all the stress you've caused me" she said without looking at me. I nugded her shoulder and she gave me a stern look that was like saying, girl you better behave to avoid an accidentz I'm on the wheels and I took it immediately.
She took a deep breath and said "Laya, I love you and I wat the best for you. I really want this to work out for you. It would all work if you believe" she said
She called me Laya or Lay when she wanted to act like a mother to me, anytime she wanted to give me one of those her moetherly advices. Well, I was happy for it but I was more worried about Dolphus because there was a big probability he wouldn't want to sign it.
Just as if she read my mind, she said "Dolphus can't reject this, if he's agreed verbally all he has to so is sign. The contract is favouring the both of you so there is no one left out. Dolphus know that this position is something alot of people are looking for so he'll surely take it and. He actually did,I didn't have to convince him.
Skai last words to me before she left that night was "You are Alaya, you're fierce but kind, your a star and you would be exalted. Please Lay, don't die. I love you. Promise me that you would be here tomorrow for your birthday, I'll bake a beautiful cake for you and you will walk into the gates of college with me and we'll be best friends forever"
I knew I didn't want to die there but I was a little scared of the whole situation. Whilst on my silence, she yelled "Promise me, promise me that you'll not kill Rory"
Tears welled down my cheeks. This was supposed to be a fight to the death, how was i supposed to let her understand that this promises were scary to make. I want to survive badly and beat Rory but a fight to death might have to end one person's life and she was here making me promise that nobody would be dead. We both cried profusely while Dolphus kept mute letting us reminisce the moment.