4 - Elvis
Make sure that your hunka hunk of burning love doesn’t need a shot of penicillin. – Dan
Molly and Rebecca arrived at the hotel that the Saints were staying at around three in the afternoon. He had called Sinner and the president had rounded up all the brothers and old ladies in the hotel bar. When Molly walked in holding Rebecca’s hand there was a round of cheers and money changed hands.
“I called it!” Pops, the oldest member and Molly’s grandfather, yelled. He then stood up and walked over to hug the woman. “Congratulations, baby girl. Keep your man on a short leash.”
“Thank you.” She whispered as he kissed her on the cheek.
“I asked this lovely pretty to marry me-.”
“Actually, you asked if Elvis could marry us. I don’t remember you ever asking me.” Rebecca smiled at him.
He smiled back down at her. “In the shower. And I believe you even screamed yes.”
“Asking during sex doesn’t count.” Alana said looking at her own husband. “Neither does being on your knees for traction.”
Reaching over, she rubbed the top of her husband’s bald head. Grinning at the man she loved, she rand her hand along the side of his head, feeling the light ripples in his skin left from burns when he was still in the army. With a gentle tug on his golden halo in his ear, she leaned in for a kiss.
Pulling away from his wife, Coon made a V with his fingers around his mouth and wiggled his tongue between them. “What about to put me at right height?”
“That always counts!” Alana laughed as their oldest son, Werewolf, groaned in disgust.
Laughing at her sister-in-law, Molly’s mother Jaye approached her own oldest son and handed him her wedding band. “This is supposed to be yours someday. It was my mom’s ring before it was mine and it should go to your oldest next.”
She opened her arms to Rebecca. “Welcome to the family. Now I finally have a daughter.”
Rebecca accepted the hug and the warm embrace hit her harder than she had expected. A small sob escaped her as she clung to the older woman. Jaye held her close and whispered soothing words.
“I promise, it’s not as bad as you think.” Jaye told her.
“No, it’s…” Rebecca sighed as she stepped back and wiped at her eyes. “My mom died when I was little, and I was bounced between group homes and foster families and… and all I ever wanted was a family.”
“You’ve got family now.” Molly said pulling her back to him. “And an appointment at seven with Elvis.”
“Seven!” all the women screeched.
"Damn it, Molly!" Sinner's wife, Lily, screached at him before muttering aboutstupid men.
“She needs a dress!” Jaye said pulling Becks away from Molly. “And flowers and-“ she grunted in frustration, “leave it to a damned man to only give us four,” she looked at her watch, “three hours and forty-seven minutes get a wedding put together.”
Molly watched as the women all rushed out. Reaching out, he grabbed Siobhan, handing over his credit card and telling her which chapel to be at. Then he sat down with his brothers, those by blood and leather, to celebrate, as his father phrased it, his impending doom.
At six forty-five, thelarge group of half drunk bikers stumbled through the chapel doors. Another wedding was currently taking place and they were told to be quiet. The room was filled with several loud shushing sounds and laughter as they settled into the pews.
The wedding finished and the chapel emptied except for the Saints and staff, who were changing the decorations. The old ladies wandered in as the group moved to the front of the rows, and Alana went to her dad. She spoke softly to him.
“Hell, yeah, I will!” Pops said as he stood up and rushed out of the room. His wife, Grandy, shook her head at him as she sat down next to two of her younger grandchildren.
Alana laughed as Coon pulled her into his lap. There was a moment of tension when a few Mongrels walked in. Molly stood up and walked over to greet Mary.
“I wanted to make sure you knew I wasn’t joking.” She said with a smile.
“Trust me, if I do wrong by Becks, they will be at the end of a very long line.”
“Becks?” Mary asked.
“Rebecca seems too formal for her. She’s definitely not a Becky. So, Becks.” Molly shrugged. “It fits her.”
A Mongrel threw his arm around Mary. “It does. Hammer.”
“Molly.” He offered his hand to the other man.
“Molly? There a story?”
As they shook hands the Saints burst into laughter.
“That stupid sonofabitch,” Stitches, the Saints’ medic, said, “watched a man slip a Molly in a drink and then swapped the drinks.”
“Then dropped him off at a gay bar!” Deuce added.
Molly shrugged with a grin. “I thought he needed a taste of his own medicine.”
“And the other night,” Spider added, “he slipped one to some bastard.”
“You did that to the fucker?” Mary laughed.
“After knocking his ass out, and before beating his buddies.” Spider grinned at his friend who merely shrugged his large shoulders.
“Lowery?” the Elvis impersonator officiant asked.
“Yes.” Molly said turning around.
“We’re ready.” Elvis said as Molly stepped up to where the man pointed. Mary and the Mongrels sat down on the bride’s side.
The door burst open and a woman with a full showgirl outfit walked in. After several oh shits and a few damns there was a well, fuck it, before she went and sat by Mary. Lottie blushed slightly before smiling at Hammer.
“Damn it, Lottie.” Allison hissed following her friend.
“Now, are we ready?” Elvis asked.
“Shut up, Dan.” Both friends told him as Lottie flipped him off. He rolled his eyes and motioned for the ceremony to begin.
The music started to play, and the door opened again. Pops began walking down the aisle in his boots, jeans, t-shirt and cut. His wavy white hair was pulled back into a low ponytail. He no longer had the Lowery black hair, but his sharp eyes were still a bright blue.
As if realizing that everyone was looking at him, he unconsciously raised a hand to his short beard. Assured that nothing was in his beard, he let his hand fall back to his side as they continued down the aisle.
Next to him, Becks held his arm as they made their way to the altar. She wore an ivory off the shoulder A-line dress with pale pink beading and lace. There was no veil, and Molly was thankful, but fresh pink roses were entwined in her curly hair. The pale pink petals emphasized the brassy red highlights in her dark brown hair.
Molly saw a flash of fear in her light green eyes. It didn’t last long and was quickly replaced by excitement and hope.
Once they were in front of each other, any fears that they had felt disappeared. Elvis, who was Lottie’s brother, Dan, performed the marriage and they were soon Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Lowery.
Both the Saints and the Mongrels celebrated long into the night. At some point, after feeding each other cupcakes, and receiving more toasts than either could count, Molly took his new wife up to his room.
The plan was to leave tomorrow morning to go back home. This meant that they only had one night together before getting on the road and possibly having to share a hotel room. Molly planned to take full advantage of their room tonight.