5 - Short Honeymoon

At least we don’t have to listen to them tonight. – Mary

There was a pounding on the hotel room door. Or it was in Molly’s head. After the night of drinking and fucking, it might have been both. He wasn’t sure. With the night behind him and his life with a beautiful woman ahead of him, he really didn’t care where the pounding noises were coming from.

The warm body that was pressed against him moved away and he groaned. Opening his eyes, he saw the glorious sight of his bride bent over the edge of the bed, looking for something on the floor.

If he got to wake up to that view every morning, he was going to enjoy marriage. Closing his eyes, he rolled to his back.

The pounding started again, and she huffed as she stood up and walked away. Molly turned his head to watch his Becks walk across the room. A moment later, the door opened, and he heard several male voices apologizing. He was pretty sure that at least one of them was his cousin Werewolf. The other two, he wasn’t sure about.

But the one that whistled and called out “You lucky fucker!” was definitely Spider.

“If you’ll give me a fucking minute, I’ll get him. But stop with all that knocking shit.” Becks informed them before attempting to slam the door.

The automatic closure on the door slowed it down. But there was no doubt. She slammed the door in their faces.

Molly couldn’t help but laugh so hard he closed his eyes. When he opened his eyes again, he saw that she was still completely naked as she approached the large bed. The evidence of how they had spent the night was dried on her thighs.

“My pretty wife, you are going to keep me on my toes.”

“Possibly.” She agreed as she crawled back into the bed. “Your friends want to know if you can come out and play.”

Chuckling, he looked at his watch. “That’s because we should have been up an hour ago.”

“We were up an hour ago.” She reminded him with a grin as she straddled his hips. “You were up in me. I was up against the wall.”

He rolled over and pinned her beneath him. “I remember.”

Giving a soft moan, she lifted her hips and rubbed against him.

There was another knock, slightly less urgent but even more annoying. Growling, he got out of bed and stormed to the door. He yanked it open in all his glory expecting to see some of his brothers once again. Instead, Allison, Mary and Lottie stood there.

“Holy fuck!” Allison declared.

“Yeah, I’d marry that too.” Mary said.

“Damn… can I touch it?” Lottie asked. The two friends in the doorway with her looked at her while Becks lay on the bed and laughed. “Don’t tell me that you don’t want to.”

“He’s married!” Mary screeched.

“To Rebecca!” Allison added.

“Ugh, fine, fine! But he’s got to get dressed. Or I’m declaring a free for all!” Lottie pushed her way into the room.

“Fair enough.” Mary agreed, giving him another long look up and down.

Becks lay in the center of the large bed laughing. And as one of the old ladies walked past the open doorway, Becks laughed even harder when she heard Siobhan give a low whistle.

“Damn it, woman!” Toad barked.

“If ‘e doesn’a want me a lookin' ‘e shouldn’ ‘ave it oot.” She replied with her thick Scottish accent. “Girl, do ‘e know what ta do wit it?”

Molly rolled his eyes and bit back his laughter as Toad dragged his wife to the elevator. The whole time, Siobhan was trying to keep Molly in view.

“Yes!” Becks replied between bursts of laughter.

“Boy, get your ass dressed and downstairs.” Pops ordered as he and his wife, Grandy, walked down the hall.

“Yes, sir.” Molly replied as he stepped back into the room. “Babe, we’ve got to get going.”

As the door closed behind him, he heard another whistle. Molly decided it was best not to see who was behind him.

“OK.” She sighed as she got up. Her friends came the rest of the way into the room to say goodbye.

Molly got dressed in his standard biker fare and gave them some time alone. As he left the room, the four women were huddled together sharing hugs and tears. About twenty minutes later, they carried the bags down with Mary promising to ship the rest of Rebecca’s belongings to her.

“We got you something.” Lottie declared and Allison handed over a large shopping bag.

“You didn’t have to.” Becks murmured as she accepted the bag.

“Consider it a wedding present and a new life gift.” Mary hugged her young friend and handed her a boot box.

Becks quickly dressed in thick jeans, pink Las Vegas bike rally shirt and thick soled motorcycle boots. Using her small camera, Mary took several pictures of them and promised to mail copies. After a few more hugs and tears, Becks pulled on her new leather jacket, a little too big, and the four friends left the room.

Molly was downstairs with the other brothers and old ladies when Becks came down with a rolling suitcase and garment bag with her wedding dress. Alana took both and put them in the back of the same old 1950s suburban that had taken the girls home a few nights ago.

After another round of goodbyes with her closest, and only, friends, Becks went over to where her new husband stood. He gave her a light kiss and then put a helmet on her head.

It had been picked up yesterday and was a soft pink. His brother, Dino, offered to airbrush a design on it when they got back to Ridgeview. He and their cousins, Rocky and Gremlin, had a newly opened tattoo shop there.

Dino also did small airbrush designs on helmets and a few gas tanks. Occasionally, he got talked into larger jobs. Most notably was the mural inside Wilson’s Garage of the classic cars wrapped around the service desk counter.

“It’s a long ride. If you need a break or want to ride in the cage for a while, tap my leg.” Molly told her as he adjusted the straps on her helmet.

"The cage?" She asked confused and he gave a little smile as he pointed to the line of cars with them. "Oh."

A hundred or so bikes roared to life around them. Becks gave an involuntary jump and then laughed at her reaction. She was now married to a biker. That reaction had to go.

She nodded and he smiled at her before getting on his bike. Then he held her hand and helped her to get on. She slid up tight against him, just as he had told her the first time, and slipped her arms around him.

The engine roared to life beneath them, and they were off. He was returning to his regular life. She was starting a new life.

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