Chapter 9: Marking Territories

Isla turned to the source of the much-welcomed voice. Just who she wanted to see.

George glared hotly at Jake. His glare was met with equal heat from him. He had overheard part of the exchange from his room upon waking. They hadn't noticed him unlock his door and step out until he had spoken.

He passed a quick once over at Isla, checking if she was hurt, and secretly checking her out. Her choice of clothing today pleased him. It left a lot to be imagined, but at least the suit pants hugged her curves a bit from the waist to somewhere mid-thigh, flowing down the rest of the way.

Isla felt naked under his searching gaze. Her hands on the briefcase tightened. Yet she couldn't stop the excited smile that lit her face when he left his position at the door and walked up to them.

"You okay, babe?" He put a hand gently on her cheek, his honey-brown eyes searching hers. She could only nod. It was strange how the same babe coming from George made her all tingly in a good way, yet it was the same word that made her want to slap Jake. She surmised though, that George had dug into her heart deep enough to get away with most things she couldn't tolerate in anyone else.

When George turned his attention towards Jake again, it was in time to catch the fist flying towards his face. He caught it and wrung the offending arm backwards at a very painful angle.

"Stop!" Isla screamed at them, shocked by the sudden violence.

Jake yelled, bringing his knee up to hit George's groin but George bent his arm further and he abruptly stopped, any further pressure, Jake feared would pop his arm away from his socket. Right now, it felt like it was set on fire. George watched him for a few minutes, gauging if he was calm enough to be released.

"Let him go please--" her voice betrayed the fear she felt, George felt for her, this wasn’t a good way to start the day. He released his hold on Jake as she requested, silently praying that he stayed put. He didn't want to fight.

Panting, Jake cradled his abused arm. "Why didn't you tell me? Just four days ago I told you how I felt about her. Why didn't you say something?" His voice was low, defeated, the shameful disgrace he just incurred for himself catching up to him.

For a moment, George almost felt pity for him. Four days ago Isla was barely aware of his existence. Everything that had happened between two of them since then was so unexpected and so fast --how was he to know he would be bagging Isla as his girlfriend two days later.

Finally, in a low voice. "You didn't ask."

Jake shook his head in disapointment, spared Isla a glance, then turned on his feet and walked back to his apartment --the first from the hallway’s entrance..

The door closed with a resounding bang.

It was just the two of them in the hallway, or so they thought until they heard faint whispers from the other end of the staircase.

There at the base of the stairs, the gossipy lady that cohabited with the old woman on the first floor stood exchanging whispers with Eva, the landlords daughter. They quickly straightened and flashed them knowing grins.

"Congratulations," the gossipy lady -- in Isla's opinion -- said." When is the wedding?" She asked, her voice laced with excitement. Eva said nothing, her eyes fixed on whatever she found interesting on the wall.

George linked his hands together with Isla, sent a cheery thanks and good morning to the women over his shoulder while Isla nodded her greetings, then pivoting on their heels. They proceeded to walk away from the hallway toward the exit door.

The weather was a beautiful one, George and Isla simultaneously looked up to the sky when they got outside. The clouds were a beautiful bright blue, the sun already up but not harsh. A perfect spring.

"I am sorry for making you uncomfortable in there," George admitted, breaking the silence.

Isla snorted, far from being upset, she was almost hot with how George had swooped in like a knight in a shiny t-shirt and pajamas pants, ready to fight for her. It was like a movie.

"The guy was asking for it though," she replied.

George couldn't agree more. Looking at her face now, he realized that he had never seen her out in the sun so close up, it seemed like Isla was thinking the same thing with how she looked at him now. The brightness of the sun made her shine, making her almost blindingly beautiful.

They had reached her car when she remarked, "Your eyes, they are actually light brown in the sun."

"Yes, I--" his phone’s ringing cut him short. The ringtone was different from the usual, set for highly important calls, and not something he wanted to be around Isla to answer. He ignored it, dismayed when she gave him a somewhat suspicious look for not even getting the phone out. He hoped she wasn't jumping to conclusions.

She turned away from him to open the door to the driver's side of her car, he moved out of the way before the swinging door could hit him. She hadn't bothered to warn him about it.

"Hey_" he protested, but Isla didn't even look at him, gracefully snapping her seatbelt over her body.

Belatedly, he realized that she was mad, she probably thought it was a woman calling, hence the reason he let it ring. It pained him that he couldn't explain it, at least not now.

He leaned into the window she lowered, the proximity instantly warming him up. Isla ignored him, slid her key into the ignition and turned it with a graceful flick of her wrist. Her Ferrari 2022 model purred to life.

"Hey, how about that date?" He asked, thrusting his hand in to catch hers which was about to touch the gear lever.

She paused and finally turned her head to look at him, "Still valid. Thanks for washing my dishes too. Now can you please let go? I am late for work."

George shook his head in both relief and amusement. "You have one heck of a temper." It didn't stop him though, from leaning in and planting a firm kiss on her lips, glad he had brushed his teeth right before he left his room albeit hurriedly.

She kissed back eagerly, anger instantly forgotten.

Right there in the parking lot, they shared their first kiss. No decorative flowers, no love song in the background. Just the enchanting magic of their connection.

He pulled back from the window, grinning when she momentarily leaned back for another kiss before she caught herself, glared at him again like it was his fault.

He laughed merrily at the drama she regularly delivered before stepping back well enough to watch her reverse the car like a pro and drive out through the already wide open gate, her black tinted windows rolling up as she drove. Ensuring no one was looking, George licked his lips taking it whatever leftover taste of Isla he could get.

Amaka could hardly believe her ears and eyes. Her boss and friend had come in to work an hour late than usual, but that wasn't what had her jaw-dropping to the floor. It was the fact that she was humming. Now that wasn't a big deal for any other person but Isla wasn't any ordinary person.

She was almost antisocial, hardly smiled at work, always typing, writing, reading, or barking out orders to her junior colleagues and employees.

It was a miracle she warmed up to Amaka, likely because she was the only one that could dare to tell her things the way she saw them regardless of the consequences. Yet there she sat at her desk, humming a song that Amaka had never heard of, obviously in a very good mood.

Amaka knew it wasn't as a result of the book she had finally finished --she had achieved greater things without so much as a celebratory fist in the air-- this was a mood that must be brought about from being laid. Yes, Amaka concluded, finally tearing her eyes away from her boss to face her computer.

Her boss must have gotten laid.

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