A thousand thoughts were streaming through my mind, but which one would be the most ideal? I was not the scheming type, but I felt that I needed a strategy to make this man not want to have anything to do with me, but where we could also be civil about it.
I looked at my best friend who was goading at me. “I will most definitely try but I need to plan ahead of time for when we next have our encounter.”
Hailey glanced at her watch. “I have to go now but we will text each other.” She hurriedly kissed me with a frown and headed out. She had to go shopping with her Mom for her dress for the ceremony. I understood as I watched her leave, got into the car, and drove away.
As time went by slowly, I scrolled online to do some schoolwork. I visited my social media page and checked my messages.
I sent my Mom and Dad a funny video that Curtis had sent me this morning. My Dad loved watching people be silly while Mom was polar opposite and didn’t get the humor most times. She thought that people should always be productive.
A customer came in and read her book while having the sandwich which she ordered. Was it coincidental that the title of her book was “Backlash: Denying the Fates.” Was that to badger my conscience? I wondered what the book was about, so I asked, “Is there any truth to that?”
“I’m sorry but I noticed the title of your book and I wondered if there are consequences for those who reject their mate?”
“Oh,” She remarked in realization. “My grandma always said that anything that is naturally ordained would already have its place and function in the world. To go against your destiny changes the outcome of your life.”
“An outcome could be good too, right?”
“Most times the one who does the blunder or the rejection will have some consequence to face.” She explained, “But you are not marked as yet.”
“No.” I stood with the hand cloth in my hand that I use to wipe the table tops. I noticed her mate’s mark on her neck.
“He will find you. Don’t give up. The mate bond is a blessing and no one could love you more.”
“Thank you. Sorry to disturb your reading. I enjoyed talking to you.”
“You are so pleasant and friendly. This is my favorite café so it’s alright.”
“Enjoy the rest of your day.” I walked back around the counter. Her two friends joined her shortly and they ordered juices, then they all left. Tara, my boss had gone to her accountant to submit last month’s inventory files. I counted down the minutes before it was five o’clock.
Curtis would be picking me up from work today. I got up and went to get my purse from the back office. I heard the beeping of the horn within five minutes. I rushed to open the doors and ran into his open arms. Curtis hugged me tightly and I was so excited to see him.
Heaven knows that I needed some tender loving care tonight. He kissed me long and passionately. He bit my lower lip and I opened my mouth and gasped as he inserted his tongue and played with mine.
“That was an exceptional kiss.” He joked lovingly.
“Only because you are just coming back from your best friend’s pack.” I pecked his lips. “It’s been three weeks since I last saw you. Please tell me that you are home for good now.”
He sighed and release me from the embrace. “I should be spending more time with you here.”
In the alliances between packs, there are times when warriors are sent to aid with rogue issues, or are training with other warriors that needed a special skillset. Curtis was trying to become an elite warrior which would have him under the third branch in the warrior structure.
So there was the Gamma or Head Warrior which was third in command to the Alpha. Then, the Gamma would have his elites under him and they all have a set of warriors to supervise. With our pack being so large, a lot of supervision was required. The Alpha ensured that even the omegas, which were of the lowest rank would get training for survival means.
We got into the car and he headed to my house. My parents left a note to say that they went into town for dinner so we were all alone. We made it to my room and as soon as we got in we started a long kissing session as Curtis slammed the door shut.
He tasted so good, and he was a great kisser. He had me on the bed in the dominating position of being on top. I immediately cupped his face and kissed him. He smiled while kissing me. He kissed my ears and made his way down to my neck. I ran my fingers through his tousled silk-blond hair and searched for his lips to return to mine.
His hands roamed until he found the opening of my blouse and rip it apart. Then he squeezed my right breast and lowered his head to pull out my left breast to suck it. God, I had missed him so much and so did he. I hoped we could spend a long steamy night today.
His phone started to ring and he tried to break away to get it. It was so annoying.
I mumbled for him to ignore it as I held on to him tightly. “Just leave it. I miss you.”
He used his strength to tear himself away as his face went pale and answered before I could get another word in.
I couldn’t hear the conversation and I frowned.
The only thing that he said from his end was, “Ok” “Yes” “I understand” and “I will take care of it.”