Chapter Eight
Sabrina landed at the Villafranca Airport in Verona and was picked up by Montgomery's head chauffeur, who had been given a description of Sabrina by Scarlet. While Scarlet was waiting for her, she decided to find out something that had been bothering her. For the past week, everyone has left her alone, giving her time to come to terms with the news of her engagement. She remained in her wing of the mansion, pondering over things. She had also absolutely refused to talk to anyone, especially her father. She was hurt.
She padded barefoot to Mario's part of the mansion, which was close to her. Reaching the door to his apartment, she knocked, and the door opened almost immediately, as if Mario had been waiting for her. Mario grabbed his sister and hugged her tightly. He knew exactly what she was going through. Papa had told him about her engagement a few years ago and sworn him to secrecy. They were all in this together, but the only difference was that he knew who he would be married to, while Scarlet did not.
"I am sorry, sis, for your pain". He comforted his sister, still hugging her.
He could not bear to see her in pain. They had only each other and had always depended on themselves.
"Wait, Mario, are you trying to say you already knew what was going on and you never said a thing?" Scarlet said, trying to gauge the expression on her brother's face. Mario fidgety. looked at Scarlet with a forlorn expression.
"I knew, sis, but I couldn't tell you. You had to find out for yourself". Scarlet looked at her brother aghast. "So I am the only one in the dark in this house. How could you, Mario? I tell you everything—my darkest secrets. I even told you about Alless!" Scarlet continued pouring out her hurt while Mario stood silently listening to her feel all her hurt. They were that connected. He tried taking her inside, but Scarlet resisted. "Do you have anything to tell me about the so-called engagement and about this new being I feel inside?"
"Sorry, I can't, sis; you have to find out for yourself because you are the chosen one." Mario said it with a hint of steel in his voice, mirroring Leonard's expression.
This is not the little brother I know. He has grown up, and there is something unfamiliar about him now. Scarlet mused and continued looking silently at Mario. "In that case, I will see you later. Sabrina should be here by now. I will see you downstairs". Scarlet left her brother standing by his door with a wave of her hand. This was Mario; she could not stand being angry with him. She masked her expression and left.
Mario remained standing by the door after Scarlet left with a strange expression on his face. Oh, my sister,I wish I could take away this pain. But you have to bear it alone. This is the only way. Mario went back inside his rooms to prepare for dinner.
Meanwhile, Sabrina had just been driven into Montgomery's mansion gates. With her was one other person whom the chauffeur had no idea of. A very handsome, distinguished young man whom Miss Sabrina had asked him to bring along
Looking around the grounds of the mansion, Sabrina grinned. What a picture! It was exactly as Scarlet had described. She felt as if she had been here before.
She came out of the car and bent to whisper something to the man inside. The man nodded and remained seated in the car.
Scarlet and Nana were the only ones present to welcome Sabrina to the porch. On sighting Sabrina, Scarlet ran down, and I met her halfway and gave her a bear hug.
"Oh, babe, you made it. I am so happy."
"Baby, I am here right now; everything will be ok." Sabrina hugged Scarlet emotionally.
She loved this girl and could not bear to see her sad. Moving away from each other, Scarlet introduced Nana to Sabrina. "Dr. Sabrina Fox, I know who you are. My scarlet cannot stop talking about you. Come here." Sabrina went into Nana's welcoming embrace. "A friend of Scarlet's is also my daughter. Welcome to the family".
"Thanks, Nana. I am glad to finally meet you."
"Babe, let's go inside; everyone is waiting!" "Nana, could you give us a few minutes? I have something to show Scarlet in the car". "Go ahead and come in quickly". Nana waved them on and helped the chauffeur with the luggage.
"Babe, what do you have to show me?" Scarlet laughingly asked Sabrina, who was leading her by the hand to the waiting car. "You didn't have to bring anything". "Just follow me." They continued until they reached the open car. The man in the vehicle stepped out of the car, buttoning his jacket with a hand in his pocket. Scarlet stood still, seeing the man. "Alless!" "Scarlet!" They both exclaimed together. The weeks of not seeing each other were washing away. The pure joy on their faces convinced Sabrina that she had done the right thing.
At Villafranca Airport, Sabrina bumped into Allessandro. "Hey, watch your step!" "You watch your step". Alless was just watching his US partner board the plane when he saw a very pretty girl, a foreigner, pump into him. "Allessandro Rossi!" He was surprised when the girl exclaimed his name. “Do we know each other?" Alless asked defensively. Though he was popular in international business circles, he liked being anonymous when in Verona. He hated the publicity and the adoring looks of women who knew how rich he was. So here in Verona, he dressed moderately and most times went out without his entourage. But this girl? How did he recognize him?
"Of course I would recognize you anywhere! You are exactly what she said you were!" "She?" “Yes, my best friend, Scarlet Montgomery!" On hearing Scarlet's name from this stranger, Alless felt a dull ache in his heart. "You know Scarlet? Where is she? I have been looking for her for weeks."Alless had begged to follow her to catch even a glimpse of her, and Sabrina, who has heard the many stories of Allessandro from her friend, thought bringing Alless was the best gift she could offer her friend right now. She was correct. Seeing the look of adoration on their faces
"Hmmmm", Sabrina coughed. "Sorry to break the trance; I think you both should take it from here. I have done my part. Baby, see you later."
Scarlet took her eyes away from Alless and looked at her friend sheepishly. "Thanks, babe; I will see you later."
As Sabrina left them, Alless and Scarlet continued to stare at each other. Alless made the first move. He grabbed Scarlet into the car and took the wheel, even though it was not his car. He didn't care. He drove with speed out of the mansion's gates. The chauffeur, who saw what was happening, moved to stop the car, but Sabrina intercepted him. "Let them be". "Okay, Miss Sabrina,if you say so".
When they left Montgomery's walls, Alless slowed down but continued driving. After driving for ten minutes, he stopped the car under a shade of trees. Putting off the ignition, he turned and looked at Scarlet, who had been silent throughout the drive. "I have missed you. Why couldn't I find you? Where were you?" Alless, while talking, was running his hands through Scarlet's face, touching her lips, her hair, and her eyes. Scarlet looked at the blue eyes she had seen so often in her dreams and gave a cry! Putting her dainty hands around Alless, she hugged him tightly and began to cry. "I missed you so much; I dreamt of you every day. Please hold me; don't ever let me go".
She continued crying. Alless held onto her and let her pour out her heart. "Let me look at you", Alless untangled her arms from around his neck and saw that her face was a mess, but instead of feeling repulsed, his heart turned over at the sight of her green eyes, which were beginning to emit a yellow tinge. My God, this is the woman I have been looking for! He could not help himself; he bent down and gave her a deep kiss on the mouth. With a groan, he deepened the kiss, and Scarlet opened her mouth and responded. The kiss went on forever. While still kissing, Alless' blue eyes began to glow while the amber in Scarlet's greens began to grow deeper. They didn't feel the changes because they were far too lost in each other.
Still clinging to each other, they both exclaimed! "I love you!" They broke apart and looked at each other. Alless, looking at her lovely face, said, "I love you, Scarlet. I have since the first time I saw you. I have dreamed of you so often that it feels as if we have been together all our lives". Scarlet looked at Alless incredulously. "That's exactly how I feel. I have also dreamt of you. If I tell you what I dream of, you won't believe me". Scarlet said it shyly. "Do you dream of us in each other's arms? Making love and doing other incredible things?" “How did you know that? Don't tell me you had the exact same dreams." Alless laughed at her expression. "You don't need to look like that, my darling; it was real; I was in every dream you had. Everything we did in our dreams was true, and I was there! I know exactly how you look and everything, and I believe you also know everything about me. Though we have not been physically intimate, this relationship has been consummated. I don't know how, but I feel it in every fiber of my being. With tacit agreement. They went back into each other's arms. Holding each other tightly. And they stayed like that, breathing in each other's scents. "But Alless", Scarlet started, "what are we going to do? I am engaged to be married!" At that, Alless looked at Scarlet with trepidation. "You too? I am also engaged to be married."
They looked at each other with fear. "What are we going to do?" They exclaimed in unison.