Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 6

A pack of over a hundred wolves stood before the castle, their Alpha's voice ringing out above them. As he approached, one of the male werewolves transformed back into his human form and spoke up. "Dear Alpha Ashton, we wish to join the Bloody Scar pack. We are the last remaining members of the Silver Moon pack and refuse to be ruled by the ruthless Alpha Damon. We pledge our allegiance to you," he declared. Alpha Ashton welcomed them with open arms, granting them a peaceful life within the castle walls.

As I watched from the window, I couldn't help but wonder why so many would willingly follow him. But before I could ponder further, the man's attention turned to me. "Impressive! The blood of a powerful Beta is on her," he exclaimed. The wolves all bowed before me once again, and Alpha Ashton introduced me as his future Luna. But he was mistaken if he thought I would accept that role.

Alonzo, the man who had spoken earlier, warned Alpha Ashton to protect me from Alpha Damon. He promised to do so, even willing to die for me. The wolves were invited into the castle, but I couldn't shake the feeling of discomfort as they looked at me.

The man graciously thanked Alpha Ashton for his warm welcome, bowing in respect. As I observed the exchange, I noticed a hint of sorrow on Alpha Ashton's face. Sensing his distress, I gently inquired about his troubles. He confided in me, expressing his sympathy for the Silver Moon pack's loss of their Alpha Kaisen. Though I knew Alpha Ashton had his own ambitions, I chose to focus on his compassion for the pack. Taking his hand, I reassured him that his kindness would not go unnoticed. As we joined in prayer for the victims, I felt a sense of unity and empathy with the pack.

A few minutes remained before the ceremony concluded and everyone gathered for a meal. The taste of animal blood lingered on their tongues, a stark reminder of their primal nature. Despite my reluctance, I found myself drawn to the crimson liquid, unable to resist taking a sip from the glass.

"Today marks the beginning of your journey as a member of the esteemed Bloody Scar pack. May the Wound Woods be a sanctuary of peace and safety for all," he declared, his words met with resounding applause. Raising his hands, he symbolized unity and tranquility for the entire pack. Once the crowd settled, he approached me with a warm smile.

"Will you, this time, accept me as your mate?" he asked, his voice gentle and sincere.

I struggled to find an answer, repeatedly expressing my unreadiness. The creature who had taken my parents' lives could never be my chosen partner. His wish would forever remain unfulfilled.

"I'm sorry, Alpha," I managed to utter, my voice filled with regret.

Understanding washed over his features, and he responded with a smile. "I comprehend, Ana. I am willing to wait."

"What matters most is that you grant me the opportunity to prove myself to you," he added.

"You're mistaken if you believe that. I am giving you a chance to meet your demise at my hands," my mind retorted.

"I told you that you are free to pursue and love me, but I cannot guarantee that I will accept you as my Alpha. It all depends on whether I change my mind. If you can change my mind," I whispered seductively.

"I will do everything in my power to sway your decision. It is never too late, for as long as I breathe, I will wait for you,Ana," he replied, his sincerity shining through.

I was completely captivated by his words, and I couldn't understand why they had such a profound impact on me. Despite that, I managed to maintain a smile in front of him, hoping that he wouldn't notice the effect he had on me.

As the other wolves became intoxicated, the atmosphere grew livelier with everyone dancing in the center. Meanwhile, I sat on a chair at the side, observing the dancers while sipping on my wine. It was then that I noticed him making his way towards me.

"I apologize if I left you alone for a while. There was something important I needed to attend to," he said apologetically.

"No need to explain, Alpha. Why don't you join me for a drink?" I invited him.

"Alright," he replied, a smile gracing his lips.

I couldn't help but smile mischievously, wondering if his true nature would reveal itself when he was under the influence. I handed him a series of glasses, which he eagerly consumed. His face flushed with the effects of the alcohol, and to my surprise, he headed towards the center and began cheering.

His actions were so amusing that I burst into laughter, and the crowd joined in. It was as if they had never seen him dance before. I laughed so much that he pulled me closer to him.

"Come with me," he said, his smile infectious.

Under the influence of alcohol, I danced in front of him, trying to entice him. His smiles were enchanting as he gazed at me. Why couldn't I see him as the arrogant man he usually was? It disgusted me to realize that I was slowly starting to believe in the goodness he displayed.

Eventually, the dancing came to an end, and I helped him to his room. He was heavily intoxicated, struggling to walk straight. In my mind, I was consumed by dark thoughts of harming him.

Once we entered his room, I gently laid him down on his plush bed. As I glanced around the beautifully decorated space, my eyes fell upon a sword hanging on the wall. Taking a deep breath, I mustered the courage to pick it up. With trembling hands, I held the sword just a centimeter away from his body. But before I could act, he suddenly spoke...

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