Being pampered
"The Strip." That's the main street in Las Vegas, isn't it?" I ask. Trying to clarify what I know in my head.
"It is."
"Well, it'll be that it's probably richer than I thought. I saw a movie once where a bunch of people stole a hundred and sixty million, I think it was, from a casino. I wasn't born when they originally released the movie, but I managed to sneak into the theater during a special anniversary showing. Someone had shown me a picture of Brad Pitt acting in it, and I wanted to see if he was just as good on the big screen." I chuckle.
"I know the movie." Mery sucks her lower lip. "He's hot in that movie. But millions are of little importance to Eliot . He deals in billions, Revean . That's why no one messes with him."
I can't even contemplate a billion dollars. I would find it hard to imagine the value of ten thousand. I'm lucky if I make a hundred a day. All that money doesn't give Eliot the right to buy me and my obedience, though. I'll make sure of it.
We all turn our heads toward the door as Eliot enters the room unannounced.
"Did I miss the waxing?" he asks bluntly.
"I'm sorry, Mr. Snow . We've already done it."
"Damn. I was looking forward to it."
"Pervert," I mutter and instantly regret it.
Eliot's nostrils flare. His eyes darken.
"Everyone out, except Revean."
Luckily, Carol has just finished with my fingernails. She and Mery head for the door.
On the way out, Mery says to me. "He won't hurt you. Trust him."
I nod back at her, hoping Eliot didn't see me.
"Sorry." I stand up. "I didn't mean it in a bad way. It's just a little weird that you want to watch me get waxed."
Eliot walks over to me and pushes me against the wall. His large frame covers me so I can't move.
"You don't understand, Revean . I want to see everything you do or are done to you. Many of them are firsts for you, and they all belong to me. Now get on the bed."
"Please, what are you going to do to me?" I whimper.
"Get on the bed and you'll find out."
"What are you going to do to me?" asks Revean as I pull back.
"On the bed." I repeat to him.
Reluctantly, he crosses the room and sits on the edge of the bed.
"Lie down," I order him.
I am still angry that Mr. Labefot has pulled me away from one of the first times Revean has been with me. I know I should get out of the room. I should go to the gym and take out my frustration on some exercise equipment or the heavy punching bag. Maybe I could even get in the ring with Andrew . He's probably as frustrated as I am about having to deal with that idiot this morning. But I can't walk away. I need to do this. Not just for me, but for her. She needs to start learning that she's worthy of being somebody.
"Are you going to hurt me?" she asks as she lies down.
I see her tremble as she clutches the sheets tightly, trying to stop the telltale sign of her nerves.
"What did Mery say to you as you left the room?" I answer with a question.
I'm still wearing my suit jacket, and as I wait for her response, I take it off and place it neatly on the back of her dressing table chair. I no longer have the beretta on me. I took it off along with the holster before I came. I don't need to carry it in my house. It's the safest place in the world, safer than my casino and even the White House. Besides, Andrew will be out of the room with his own gun. I kick off my shoes and leave them next to the chair where my jacket now hangs.
"You told me you wouldn't hurt me, but the fact that you're taking off your clothes is scaring the hell out of me. You promised me, Eliot . You said you wouldn't touch me." I can hear the fear in Revean's voice as he cracks at the end of the sentence.
"I'm not going to touch you." I sit on the end of the bed. "But you're going to do something for me."
"You want me to suck you off?" Revean starts shaking again. He pulls away from me and curls into a ball on the bed. With her knees pulled up to her chest and her arms around me. "I'm not a whore. Just because my mother is doesn't mean I am. You can't make me do it. I won't. I won't. Please. If you have to punish me, do it another way. Hit me. But don't make me do that."
I have no intention of forcing Revean to do that. I was just going to inspect the result of Carol's ministrations , currently hidden under the robe Revean is wearing. I have no intention of touching her, and I don't want her to touch me either.
She has blown me away with her fear and the way she talks about oral sex. She'd rather be beaten than get a blowjob. My fingers instantly cover the ring that once belonged to my mother. I stroke it to comfort myself and temper the migraine that threatens to erupt. I know the problems Mery had with sex as a result of what her father did to her. I never expected Revean to have developed similar fears from living with a prostitute. After all, my father put her in the right situation to keep her pure.
"Have you ever touched yourself?" I ask, softening my expression this time.
She shakes her head, informing me that she hasn't.
"Why would I want to? Sex is about the man's pleasure, not the woman's."
"Revean , give me your hand." I hold out my hand and she hesitantly puts hers in mine. "I want you to get comfortable on the bed. Keep yourself covered. Then I want you to take this hand, and placing your fingers in your pussy, I want you to caress your sex. Run your fingers between the lips, and find the place that feels good."
She shakes her head.
"Yes. Do that. what else did Mery tell you about me?"