Rebellious but frustrating


I manage to catch Revean in my arms before he falls to the floor of the plane.

Women are so temperamental.

I pick her up and carry her to the bedroom at the back of the plane. I lay her down on the bed, go back to the main cabin and get her a glass of water.

When I return to the bedroom, she is sitting up in bed, terrified.

"I..." She stammers. "I... please."

"Stop giving free rein to your mind, Revean . You may be in a bed, but I'm not going to touch you. I will only do so when you ask me to. I brought you here because you smell like fritanga, which I assure you is not remotely attractive. I want you to shower and change your clothes." I open a drawer and pull out leggings, underwear and a T-shirt. All the clothes have been bought especially for Revean in his exact size. "Take off your dirty clothes."

I stand impatiently tapping my foot when she doesn't move.

"Get undressed. Here. Now." She slides forward on the bed, legs dangling. The plane begins to turn to the right. Her eyes widen. "The plane is maneuvering again. Now do as I ask."

"Do you want to turn around?"

I let out a frustrated sigh.

"I've already told you, Revean , you're mine. Strip now." My tone is stiff. "If you delay any longer, I will remove your clothes myself. The smell of greasy food is not pleasant," I threaten and cross my arms over my chest, to show him that I mean business.

"But will I be naked?" She waves her hands down her body.

"¿Y? I've seen a naked woman before. I've seen many. I've fucked many. I'm sure you have nothing to send me into a sexual frenzy. Now do as I command. I'm in charge here, Revean , so get used to it."

I can feel the migraine growing again in my temples. I am one of the most powerful men in Las Vegas. I'm not used to people telling me no, or trying to argue with me. Many who have tried have ended up with a bullet in them.

Revean snorts in frustration.

"I'm starting to regret coming with you," he huffs and starts to take off the tight shirt and long pants of his work uniform.

"We both know you had no choice in that decision," I remind him.

I open the bathroom door and turn on the shower, making sure the temperature is neither too cold nor too hot. In the small room are several bottles of shower gel and shampoo.

I turn to Revean and see that she is standing by the bed with her panties on. Her hands cover her small breasts and I shudder at how thin she is. Her ribs stick out and she has very little fat. She looks as if a gust of wind could split her in two.

"How often do you eat?" I frown.

"I eat when I can. Depends on what leftovers I get at work."

"We'll change that. I'll ask a nutritionist to put you on a diet that will help you get stronger. I don't want to feel like you're going to break in half every time I come near you. Now take off your underwear and get in the shower."

She winces again, and then I notice the hair on her legs. I close my eyes and rub my forehead in frustration.

"Is the hair on your legs an indication of what's underneath your panties?"

"I don't have the money to take care of myself. You'll have to make do," she growls, insulted by my comment.

"I'll take care of it tomorrow. Now take off your underwear and take a shower."

She glares at me again. I love her defiance, even if it causes me a lot of trouble.

I point him to the shower, leaving him in no doubt about what's going to happen next. She lets her hands move away from her breasts and removes her underwear. Then she grabs the change of clothes in my hand, pushes me away, gets in the shower and slams the door in my face before I can realize what's happening. She's energetic. I like her, and she'll make the next few weeks even more fun.

I pick up her dirty clothes and throw them in a basket in the corner of the room. I'll wash it and return it to her, but she'll never have to work in that restaurant again.

I remember the day I was first told about Revean . It was my twelfth birthday.

"Eliot , there's something you need to know."

My father is sitting on the other side of his study, in his comfortable armchair, smoking a cigar. I don't like the smell of them and I've already made sure I'll never smoke one. They smell old, but my father is far from old. He is powerful and strong.

I am lying on the floor with a book. It's a manual of arms that I have to study for an exam I've been told I have to pass in a few weeks.

"Yes, sir." I look up at him.

"It's important, Eliot . Close the book. I want your full attention."

I nod and quickly do as he instructs.

"What's this about?" I drop to my knees to sit across from him.

He puts the cigar down in the ashtray on the table and reaches into his jacket pocket. He pulls out what looks like a piece of paper. When he turns it over, I see it's a picture of a baby. I've seen a few babies in my life; most are ugly, and don't get me started on the noise they make, but this one is pretty cute. I'm guessing it's a girl because she's wearing a pink outfit. She has a tuft of dark, curly hair, but what strikes me most are her sad, brown eyes. It's as if she's looking directly at me, drawing me in.

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