Confusion and fear
"You told me I had no choice in the matter. I thought you'd kill me or my mother if I refused. But if you're going to keep being an asshole , I'm going back to Pharr." I go to push him away, but he grabs me by my ponytail and drags me back into the room. It hurts like hell.
"Get off me," I yell, trying to kick him, but he's much stronger and throws me on the bed.
I try to get up again to run, but he is on top of me, pinning me down with the weight of his body. His legs stop mine from kicking, so I do the next thing and scream in his face.
He grunts, annoyed, before gluing his lips to mine.
He leaves me silent.
My first kiss.
It's not gentle. The stubble on his chin brushes against my soft flesh and heightens the experience. I should be disgusted that he's doing this, but I find myself warming to the core. Seriously, I can't believe this is turning me on. Something is happening to me.
Eliot pulls away from me. He has a wicked look on his face.
"Are you going to shut up now, or do I have to do it again?"
For a split second, I open my mouth to yell at him, not because I want to get the attention of someone who might be able to help me, but because I want him to keep kissing me. I think better of it and close my lips tightly.
"It's been a hard decision for you, hasn't it?" he says as he lifts the hand holding mine to the bed. I'm thankful I'm still wearing the clothes he gave me when he caresses my chest and reaches down between my legs. "Warm, and I suspect wet. Just as I thought." He smiles.
I squirm under him, not wanting him to touch me. My anger rises again, igniting my nostrils. But before I can tell the idiot what I think of him, he gets off me and, pulling his phone out of his pocket, makes a call.
"You can come in now," he informs the person who answers and then hangs up.
I turn my head nervously toward the door, fearing who is about to enter.
Eliot laughs at me again, "I don't know which smell I prefer from you: fear or sexual arousal." I turn my head to look at him and see that he is gently running his fingers across his lips, the lips he just kissed me with.
I bring my hand to my lips and rub them furiously.
"Asshole," I whisper under my breath.
A commotion on the other side of the bedroom door draws my attention back to who Eliot just called into the room.
However, it's nothing like I feared. Two well-groomed women enter with a cart full of what appear to be beauty products.
"Mr. Snow." Both bow their heads to him in greeting.
One of the ladies steps forward and, standing at the foot of the bed, comments, "I see what you mean. It's beautiful, but it takes a little work."
The other woman comes to her side and says, "We'll keep everything natural. It doesn't need a lot of touching up." She lifts my hand and examines it closely. I don't take care of my nails. Most of them are broken, and the few that aren't have grease embedded underneath. He turns up his nose in disgust. "Do you want me to keep them short and clean, or should we put extensions on them to make them a little nicer until you can grow them out naturally?" she asks.
"I leave it up to your discretion, Carol," Eliot replies, and I withdraw my hand.
Carol looks like the older of the two women. Her blonde hair is in an elaborate braid and her face is made up, but she looks completely natural, so I can't tell how old she really is. She's in uniform: a black tunic with a pink orchid logo on the chest and matching black pants.
The other woman wears her brown hair in a simple ponytail. She is wearing dark blue jeans that fit her body like a second skin. On top she wears a plain white T-shirt that highlights her nice tan. I'm envious because, even though I'm of Mexican descent, I'm always pale because I never sunbathe.
"Mery will stay and help you with whatever you need. I have some meetings to attend, so you have a couple of hours," Eliot addresses Carol before turning his attention to the other woman. "Mery , you have my permission to discipline her if necessary, although I'd like to think that Revean and I have come to a bit of an understanding, and that I might even enjoy being pampered for a few hours."
I'm frozen in bed, unsure of what's going on - pampered? I thought he was about to strangle me a few minutes ago. I swear this man is bipolar.
"Any problems call me or Andrew," Eliot concludes.
Mery tilts her head, acknowledging his instructions.
She leans over me again, "Behave yourself, my little butterfly. You are about to come out of your cocoon. Enjoy yourself and relax. If you behave yourself, I will return your books to you tonight."
My books. I suddenly realize they are not in the room with me. I had forgotten about them with all that was going on.
"I give you my word. I won't misbehave. But don't close the door, please."
Eliot looks at Mery and she nods.
"I'll leave it open for now."
Eliot leaves the room without a word or a glance at me, and I let out the breath I've been holding for some time.
"Please, you have to help me. I need to get out of here." I get up from the bed, but the woman named Mery stops me.
"And where do you want to go?" she asks me. "Do you even know where you are? Look out the window. It's nothing but desert out there."
"You can help me. You could take me to the nearest town and I'll find a bus." I pause at that thought. I have no money on me. Not a penny. "Or I could go to the police."