Taming a savage

"Revean , the nearest place is Las Vegas, and the Snow family owns the police there. Hop on the bed and let Carol give you a makeover. This place isn't so bad. Eliot is a good man, even if he is a little bossy. He's not going to hurt you. He saved me. He just likes to do things his way. Do what he tells you and you'll be treated like a queen. In fact, you'll be his queen," Mery explains to me, letting go of my arm.

"I have no choice," I reply, my spirits and determination to escape broken by the reality of my situation. "I have no choice," I repeat.

Why did I get on that plane?

What drove me to leave with a man I had just met?

I know. I know exactly what made me do it.

The prospect of something different from the miserable existence I was living.

I've made my bed, so now I just have to lie in it.


"Where is he?" I announce as I enter the main office of Empire , my family's casino, accompanied by Andrew , my bodyguard and best friend.

I run Empire for my father while he takes care of other aspects of the Snow empire . The casino is the largest and most popular on the Strip. The curved white brick building dominates the Las Vegas skyline and sits in the center of the other casinos that surround it. On the side of the road, there is a huge lake that offers regular water and light shows. Inside, the ceilings are lined with stunning flower showcases, which add a touch of opulence.

I took over management of the casino from my father when I turned eighteen, and have completely redesigned it over the years, strengthening the business.

"In the basement," says casino manager Dave .

He's worked for me since I took over, and I trust him implicitly. He's proven his worth on more than one occasion. Besides, he knows what I'm capable of if he messes with me.

"I'm on my way there now."

The basement is the place we take anyone who likes to think they can play with the casino at their own game.

"How much did he steal in the end?" Andrew asks Dave .

"Just under a million," Dave replies .

I twist my neck to the side. I didn't want to leave Revean alone today . I wanted to watch while Carol and Mery did her makeup . I wanted to hear her scream as they waxed her pussy, and I was looking forward to hearing her moans of pleasure when she saw how pretty she can be when she's not covered in grease and smells like potato chips. But instead, I've been called in to deal with someone who has dared to try to steal a million dollars from me. In the grand scheme of my business, that's not much. I can lose a million dollars a day and not care less, but no one steals from me. I need to send a message.

"How do we play this?" Andrew walks beside me, his long legs keeping pace with me.

He's been with me for as long as I can remember. His father was my father's bodyguard, and it seemed natural for Andrew to become mine, especially since we grew up learning the business together.

"He picked the wrong day to rob me. I don't want to be here. We sent the strongest message." I pause at the entrance to the warehouse and turn to look at Andrew . "With Revean here now, we have to be careful. When people find out who she is, everyone will want a piece of her. I want her protected and guarded around the clock."

"Don't worry. Mery is taking care of her. I taught her everything she knows."

I smile seeing the pride in my friend's tone. Andrew saved Mery , they fell in love and are now married. The affection he feels for his wife is very strong. She is the only one who can bring out his softer side.

"I don't doubt Mery's abilities . I'm more concerned about Shelby's ability to follow the rules. She's going to need a lot of instruction."

Andrew pats me on the back. "And I'm going to enjoy watching you train her. She's a tough kid. I think your father would have done better hiding her in Vegas than in a city with so much poverty. He's given her an inner strength none of us will ever understand."

I rub my forehead. "Tell me about it. Let's get this over with. Hopefully, I'll be back before they finish waxing her pussy. I need to hear the tongue coming out of her mouth."

Without another word, Andrew and I put on our game faces and head into the room. Two security guards stand on either side of what can only be described as a computer nerd who has been chained to a chair in the middle of the room.

Our captive wears thick-rimmed glasses on his nose. He wears his dark, unwashed hair combed sideways. The shirt and pants he wears look like they're from the 1970s, probably the decade he was born. That makes him quite old, compared to the modern computer geeks who usually try to raid my business.

"Mr. Labefot , it's nice to finally meet you." He looks at me as I speak. His eyes widen. "You've been a problem for a couple of weeks now, but not enough to worry me. Only a million dollars, that's a pitiful amount to steal from me. You should have asked for a billion at least. It would make whatever happens next worth it."

"P-Please, M-Mr. Snow," she stammers from nerves and jumps in her seat as Andrew slams the door to the room. "It wasn't me. You've got the wrong person."

"That's what everyone says, but you were caught red-handed, accessing my servers, and you have my money in your personal bank account. I'm afraid there's no question of your guilt." I walk around as I speak, circling the chair he's chained to.

"You can have the money back. Please, Mr. Snow . I won't do it again. I didn't realize who I was stealing from. I beg you. I promise."

I laugh. It's an evil sound and it fills the room. "You've already paid me back, Mr. Labefot , plus interest for lost profits. I think the good life you've been trying to lead, using other people's money, will be difficult for you with nothing in your savings account. Thank you for the generous interest."

Andrew leans against the door, feet crossed at the ankles. He knows I like to get my hands dirty, so he steps back unless he's needed. The two security guards have also moved to the corners of the room. One of them stands next to a wall containing a display case full of antique knives, axes and swords. A perfect wall decoration for a place called a wine cellar.

"Please. You've already gotten your money back. Your men have already taken my computer. Let me go back to my family. You're a respectable man, Mr. Snow . I made a terrible mistake. I won't do it again."

"I know you won't," I reply as I slap my hand on the arm of the chair he is tied to.

In one swift motion, I pull the pistol from the holster I wear under my jacket and aim it directly at the center of his forehead. I press hard against the thin layer of flesh covering his skull.

"Nobody steals from me, Mr. Labefot , and gets away with it," I continue. "I may have gotten my money back, but there have to be consequences for your actions." I pull back the hammer and cock the gun. "You should have realized when you robbed me. You put yourself and your family in danger. Goodbye."

My finger hovers over the trigger. The man cowers before me. He's even pissed himself. I burst out laughing.

"Shooting you would be too easy." Out of the corner of my eye, I see Andrew move across the room toward the wall cabinet. He pulls out one of the axes, already sharpened and ready for me to use. I pull the weapon away from the thief's head and put it safely away before putting it back in my holster. "But, letting you live with the consequences of what you have done will send a much stronger message. It will be a warning to anyone who might be tempted in the future to take what is mine."

This is the part of the punishment I like, the sick and twisted part. My sadistic side takes over. Andrew hands me the axe as one of the security guards unlocks the chains holding our captive to the chair. Andrew grabs one of Mr. Labefot's arms and holds it out to the side as he re-grips the other arm.

I lift the axe and Mr. Labefot realizes what is about to happen to him. His pleas grow louder and more intense, but fall on deaf ears as I bring the axe blade down on his wrist, separating his hand from his arm.

"An old-fashioned punishment for a thief, but one that sends an effective message, don't you agree, Mr. Labefot?". I hand the axe to Andrew while ignoring our captive's cries of pain. Then, turning my attention to the security guards, I order, "Clean this mess up and sort it out before sending it back to its family. Make sure he never has a computer again. As for the hand." I kick it across the floor towards them. "Make sure it's used to send the right message."

They both nod.

"Andrew , let's go. I have another form of torture I'd rather be watching."

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